I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 63 The anchor double crosses the tribulation again!

Ao Xing: "I see. What you mean is that I was born with a full-level account, so I don't need to practice. I just need to learn how to control power, right?"

Tai Ao: "It's not a full level, after all, you still have room for improvement."

: The legendary inherited dad's account? (/funny)

: What is Longzu's account number?

: According to ancient books, he is a quasi-sage.

: I'm envious, I'm envious~ I'm a quasi-saint at birth!

: There are five classes of immortals: ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, and golden immortals.

: Immortal level: Tianxian, Xuanxian, True Immortal, Jinxian, Taiyixian, Daluoxian, Daluojinxian (quasi-sage), Hunyuan Daluojinxian (sage)!

: (Fengfeng sent a congratulatory message) Smile without saying a word.

: (It's ice cream) Smile without saying a word.

"Then what class am I? What class are you?" Ao Xing raised his hand and asked.

"You?" Tai Ao looked at it: "Your blood has just awakened, and you are about the same as an ordinary monk in the world. You have just passed the nine-day calamity, so it can be regarded as a foundation."

Ao Xing vomited blood: "Don't bully me for not reading novels! No matter how stupid I am, I know that Foundation Establishment is the lowest level in cultivation! Besides, who needs to cross the Tribulation when the Foundation Establishment is established? Crossing the Tribulation is not only needed when ascending Is it? I have been struck by lightning, how can I be considered a Sanxian?"

: The lowest level of foundation building...

: What do you say when you train your Qi? (/desperate laugh)

: What did you ask Bigu to say? (/desperate laugh)

: It seems that a lot of cultivators have exploded here...

: Are all fellow Taoists in the water?


"My family's foundation building is to overcome the tribulation." Tai Ao smiled: "There is no way, the heaven and the earth will return your power of chaos, it is to rely on the thunder of the sky to introduce the power of chaos into your body, once you succeed in crossing the catastrophe, you will be promoted Once. When you can’t pass the tribulation, it means that the power of chaos carried by your physical container is full, and if you want to be promoted in the future, you have to practice to achieve it.”

Ao Xing asked: "Then how many levels can I get through the tribulation?"

Tai Ao: "I don't know about that either."

: Don’t worry, the number that daddy left for you will definitely allow you to be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian~

:you still need to ask?It must be a quasi-sage~

: Not necessarily, the Dragon Race is worse from generation to generation.

: No matter how bad it is, you can reach Daluo. (/Ha ha)

: I signed in the dragon egg for 10 years and got the quasi-sacred name! (/clever)

Ao Xing: "You won't fail the tribulation next time, right?"

Tai Ao: "Probably not. But..."

"But what?"

"You have to hurry up and practice, because the catastrophe waits for no one." Tai Ao took a sip of black tea calmly.

"?" Ao Xing was puzzled.


A thunder fell from the sky!

Hit Ao Xing!

Ao Xing: "?!!"

The entire network audience:? ! !

: Come as soon as you say it? !

: Have you crossed the catastrophe again? ? ?

: Catastrophe waits for no one (/ laughing and crying)

: Innate quasi-holy name, Tianlei can't wait to return the host's chaos power!

: It's exciting, and I can see the anchor crossing the catastrophe again.

: Envy, I have practiced Taoism for 72 years, I dream of crossing the catastrophe, but the anchor only crosses it once a day.

: Envy +1

: Envy +999

: What is the next level of foundation building?

: Jindan.

: The strongest golden elixir is here!

: Aren't Nuwa's mending stones used to repair floors?Why can't it stop the thunder?

: The old man bought a fake?

: (figure expert)...

: Lou: I was fucked again!


"How do you say this thunder came? Old man, did you invite it!" Ao Xing still had the energy to shout after resisting two thunders!

He was so angry that he wanted to find the culprit to settle the score, but he found that he couldn't get close to Tai Ao at all. The distance between the two was only five steps, but there seemed to be a whole world between them!

"It's not me, it's the Dao of Heaven looking for you." Tai Ao drank his tea and said leisurely: "Find it once, chop it once."

"What setting, it's so pitiful!"


Another thunderbolt fell from the sky, splitting Ao Xing away from Tai Ao.

But, the house is small, as you know.

And one is too big...

"Don't come here!" The white tiger with four paws glued to the floor yelled.

Ao Xing: "I also want to..."


"But I can't escape!"


"Don't come here! I don't want to cross the tribulation!"

"I really want to..."

Electric flint.


The thunder is deafening!

In fact, no one can see what happened.

After all, who can see and hear the bright lightning and the loud thunder?

When the entire network audience is covering their eyes, there are only a few people who are active in the live broadcast room...

: I haven't crossed the catastrophe for many years, this little twenty-nine-day catastrophe reminds Pindao of the time when he was young...

: It's the first time I saw someone going through a catastrophe, eating melons and melons.

: It turns out that Du Jie is like this, I was not in such a mess when I was in Du Jie before, right? ?

: The scene of crossing the catastrophe is really spectacular!

: After tens of thousands of years of cultivating immortals, this is the first time I have seen others cross the catastrophe.

: Friends of the immortals, come quickly, there are people here who will cross the catastrophe! (/Ha ha)


I don't know how long it took.

After all, the thunder subsided, the glare was no longer dazzling, and the audience could finally watch the live broadcast again...

in the screen.

A white dragon and a black tiger.

Bailong was unharmed.

Black Tiger scalds for free.

The ceiling and floor were already riddled with holes, but at this moment they re-gathered like clouds and quickly returned to their original state.

: Is this the only function of Nuwa's floor? ? !

: Is the Sky-Bending Stone that cannot carry thunder still called the Sky-Bending Stone?

: (figure expert)...

Bai Long turned his head and took a look, startled: "Who are you?"

Heihu coughed, took a puff of smoke, and said, "You go."

: Miss? ? ?

: Congratulations to Xiaobai for getting a new skin for free: Mosha Black Tiger Skin!

: Facts have proved that dragon skin is harder than tiger skin.

: Miss 6, the catastrophe came straight down, and she was not killed or injured. I began to wonder what her cultivation was.

: Can anyone tell me what Xiaobai's cultivation is?

: (working and resting on time) Adult white tigers basically have the cultivation base of celestial beings.

: No wonder it can withstand Jindan's thunder!

: (Working and resting on time) It's not too resistant, isn't it still confusing?

: ! ! !

"So it was you! How did you become like this?" Xiao Bailong covered his mouth and looked at Heihu in disbelief.

"You still have the face to ask?!" Heihu roared, if all four feet were not glued to the ground, she would have eaten this innocent boy! !

Little Bailong was startled, and quickly waved his paws and slipped away.

Such a big tiger is still scary to look at!

He walked quickly towards Tai Ao, and as he walked, he turned into a human form—a 3-year-old child.

: The anchor has grown up? ?

: Chop once, grow a little bit?

: It turns out that in the myths and legends, those children grow up when they see the wind, and it is true that they grow up in seven days.

: Chop and chop, a child will grow up~

: Wait for the anchor to become an adult.

Ao Xing walked up to Tai Ao and asked, "When is my next tribulation?"

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