I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 49: The Ancient Dragon God, a Senior Cat Man~

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun covered the senior management of Miaozhuo.com.

An elegant woman walked towards the luxurious desk by the floor-to-ceiling windows with graceful steps.

She was wearing high heels, but there was no sound of footsteps.

When she approached the desk: "Grandpa, I'm back."

The chair turned around, and sitting on it was a 25-year-old young man, handsome and extraordinary, with a romantic look in his eyes.

"How many times have I said that in the company, you have to call me Boss Bai!" The young man slapped the table angrily!

The woman was expressionless: "Although I don't like dragons very much, that old dragon is indeed right. An old man should look like an old man, so don't become a young man lingering in the flowers!"

The young man slapped the table and roared: "This old man will never accept his old age!"

Woman: "You have a granddaughter, you should be an old man honestly!"

The young man patted the table, then pointed at the woman and shouted: "Do you think I am willing to upgrade to be a grandfather? It was your father who forced me to upgrade and become a grandfather without my consent! I was originally in the prime of life, left and right Hug, you can also sow seeds everywhere, and make a few more uncles for you..."

The woman sighed and took out the contract from her briefcase: "Let's talk about business."

The young man calmed down, and when he accepted the contract, the woman said in a low voice, "It's better to be someone else's grandfather."


Youth: "Are you polite?"

The woman hummed and rolled her eyes.

The young man also stopped this topic, entered the state of doing business, and began to examine the contract.

These two are none other than Bai Zhizhan, the current CEO of Miaozhuo.com, and his granddaughter...ah no, it's Bai Ling, the administrative assistant.

After completing this order, Bai Ling was very proud: "Before you go, you told me that this dragon god is the dragon god among the dragon gods, and the first overlord of heaven and earth after Pangu created the world. Although he disappeared for hundreds of millions of years, But the strength is still not to be underestimated.”

"But in my opinion, it's just an old fool who just woke up after sleeping for many years and couldn't keep up with the times.".Κanδhu5.iá

"Cough, Xiaobai..." Bai Zhizhan coughed.

"Old Bai, don't interrupt me." Bai Ling sat on the luxurious desk, and continued to proudly say to Bai Zhizhan: "Old Bai, have you noticed that those ancient gods with special histories wake up, and they are all stunned like two hundred and five Yes, no one can keep up with the development of the times, being eliminated by history is eliminated by history!"

She pointed at her head contemptuously: "This dragon god is the same! Even more stunned!"

"Cough! Xiaobai..." Bai Zhizhan wanted to say something.

But Bai Ling interrupted him again: "The process of signing the contract was very smooth. I pretended not to recognize his identity and said that I wanted to talk about his son's work, and he really obeyed everything and signed the contract with us in the name of his son." !"

"This is the ancient dragon god?"


"Stupid like a two hundred and five! Anyway, there is this contract, as long as he signs on it, no matter whether it is himself or his son, one of them has already been grasped by our White Tiger Clan! From now on, we have to obediently obey orders us."

Bai Ling was extremely proud.

He didn't realize that his own old Bai had put down the contract, closed his mouth, held his chin, and looked at her sympathetically with the eyes of a silly child...

"He must have never imagined that although all the conditions I promised to him are written in the contract, I also have conditions, requiring Party B to fully obey all the work arrangements of our company—"

"Isn't that asking them to obey me unconditionally?"

"Haha! What kind of Dragon God, you don't even know you sold your son."

She glanced at Bai Zhizhan, full of disdain: "I really don't know what you old people are afraid of him for, I don't think he is anything!"

"Look at the mortal's guns pointed at his head, and he didn't react at all. If it were me, I would have made that mortal kneel down and call him aunt! I wouldn't let a mortal kick his nose in the face!"

"I just said why the dragon clan is so cowardly now, it turns out that this is really hereditary!"

After finishing speaking, she felt a little thirsty, so she picked up the red wine glass on Bai Zhizhan's table, took a sip of the 82 Lafite, and moistened her throat.

At this moment, she finally found that Bai Zhizhan was looking at her lovingly.

"What? Is there something wrong with the contract?"

Bai Zhizhan smiled, and pushed the contract to her: "Let's see for yourself."

Bai Ling opened the contract in confusion.

A full 20 pages of black and white words dissipated like smoke, turning into a line of bold black characters.

Every page has the same content.

[Maomao lick me! 】

[Maomao masturbates me unconditionally! 】

[Maomao masturbates me anytime, anywhere! 】

【Party A: Bai Ling】

[Party B: Ao Xing]

Bai Ling's smile gradually disappeared, and the cup of 82-year-old Lafite in his hand instantly tasted stale.

Bai Zhizhan looked at her sympathetically: "The contract doesn't talk about live broadcast or work. There is only one content, which is to give him a cat. It doesn't matter whether the final performer of this contract is the old dragon or the little dragon, you will be fucked by them anyway." deal."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Ling was so angry that he tore up the contract: "I am not a cat!"

However, the shattered contract fragments were scattered in the air, and a complete contract was synthesized again. Every page is still in that capitalized and bold font——

[Maomao lick me! 】

[Maomao masturbates me unconditionally! 】

[Maomao masturbates me anytime, anywhere! 】

【Party A: Bai Ling】

[Party B: Ao Xing]

Bai Lingqi was shaking coldly!

Bai Zhizhan took out another empty wine glass from the drawer, refilled himself a glass of Lafite, and sighed helplessly: "The gods have made a promise, so the contract you signed with the Dragon God and his son is protected by the Dragon God's divine power, and no one can help you." You cancel it. So, tomorrow you just pack up your things and go live with them."

"Oh, by the way, don't forget to broadcast live when you masturbate to them. After all, our company has already discussed with the official first." Bai Zhizhan urged.

Bai Ling was angry: "I've been slapped, and I still want to do a live broadcast???"

Bai Zhizhan smiled lovingly: "For the sake of the family."

Bai Ling is angry!

"For the country."

Bai Ling gritted his teeth!

"For peace."

Bai Ling: "... Convex(哉盘哉)!"

She snatched the contract angrily, turned around and left.

Seeing the back of the child leaving, Bai Zhizhan sighed, smiled wryly and shook his head: "The child is still young! The contract is not absolute, and there are backlashes. You are not as strong as him, so the contract can only be made by others." It's all right, alas..."

He stood up and went to the window.

On the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is their company's logo: a cat paw print.


The glass resounds!

A white tiger paw pressed against the floor-to-ceiling window!

He took it away again and looked at the two paw prints side by side, one was the company logo and the other was his paw print.

He looked at it, nodded and said: "The company's logo should be changed, my father's paw prints are not as cute as me, hee hee~"

He stretched out his paws, the fluffy white tiger paws, the cuter they look, the more they represent the company's image~

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