I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 34 Selling Candle Dragon Portraits in the Front Row

He hurriedly looked back at the painting basket placed at the foot of the wall: "Those are all my family trees??!!"

Then, he looked at his slender body...

what!It turns out that I am really a dragon!

——I have never had such a clear understanding!

: It really is a family tree!

: The ancestor's iron hammer is a genealogy! (Ha ha)

: Anchor!Hand over your family tree!

"When your adoptive father gave you the painting, didn't he tell you?" Zu Long asked.

"No!" Xiaonailong suddenly seemed to recall something, and smacked his hands nervously: "I remembered, when my father gave me the paintings, he told me that no matter how poor I was, I couldn't take these paintings. Sell ​​it, even though they are all antiques, if you sell any of them, it will be enough for me to eat for a lifetime!"

: As a result, you only remembered the second half of the sentence...

: As a result, you only remembered the second half of the sentence...

: As a result, you only remembered the second half of the sentence...

"Also! Don't let others see the portrait, otherwise there will be a disaster!" The little milk dragon nervously clapped his hands: "Grandpa, what kind of disaster will happen?"

: I really only remembered that sentence!

: Damn, we all saw the painting! !

: Actually, I didn't see the portrait clearly, can this avoid disaster? (stick out tongue)

: Is it too late to burn incense and ask for the blessing of the Dragon God?

: What are you afraid of?There are nine dragons sitting in our live broadcast room!

"I don't know." Zulong replied.

Little milk dragon 囧: "Huh?"

"Disasters don't come to me, how can I know what kind of disaster it is?" Zulong said expressionlessly.

Little milk dragon: "..."

It's that accent again!

As the ancestor of the dragon, can you be so awesome?

"Maybe it's because the Dragon Clan is in seclusion now." Zulong speculated:

"As you know, the luck of the dragon clan is exhausted, breeding is becoming more and more difficult, and the number of clan members is getting smaller and smaller, which is not enough to dominate the world. Not only that, but there are also strange people from all walks of life who want to tame a dragon to prove their strength. "

"In order to avoid the downfall of the tribe, the Dragon Clan chose to live in seclusion. The paintings in the genealogy are all pure-blooded dragons. If these portraits are seen by foreigners with ulterior motives, it may bring unpredictable disasters to these pure-blooded dragons! "


Zulong suddenly changed the subject and grabbed the second painting, which showed a dragon with an extremely strange appearance.

It is not like ordinary dragons, it has four claws, it can even be said to be...

A snake with a human face!

Can't tell it's a dragon at all!

Seeing this painting, let alone the little milk dragon, even the 300 million viewers in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but ask——

"Is this a dragon??"

"The old man knows that you are poor, if you really have to sell paintings to make a living, sell this one!" Zu Long said seriously.

:I go? !

: Is it okay to betray your offspring?Grandpa!

: dear ancestors!

: Who is this?

: Is it because it doesn't look like a dragon, so it can be sold casually? ?

: Who the hell is this?

: (Candle Dragon) It's me! ! ! !


: (Ying Long) Touch Jiuyin.

"This one can also be sold, no one would dare to mess with her." Zu Long grabbed another painting, which showed a winged yellow dragon.

: (Ying Long) T Pan T

: (Candle Dragon) Touch Gengchen.

"Others, don't sell them." Zu Long virtuously began to pack the scrolls.

: (Canglong) Thank you ancestors for not selling!

: (Qiulong) Thank you ancestors for not selling them!

: (Fire Dragon) Thank you ancestors for not selling!

: (Black Dragon) Thank you ancestors for not selling them!

: (Yunlong) Thank you ancestors for not selling!

: (Yulong) Thank you ancestors for not selling!

: (Beautiful Dragon) Thank you ancestors for not selling them!

"They are too weak." Zulong said.

: (Canglong)...

: (horn dragon)...

: (Fire Dragon)...

: (Black Dragon)...

: (Yunlong)...

: (Yulong)...

:(coiled dragon)……

: (Ying Long) Haha!It doesn't seem to be any better if it is not sold!

: (Netizen) This ancestral cliff is close!

The little milk dragon grabbed the two paintings that Zulong had carefully selected, looked at them again and again, and was still puzzled: "Yinglong is the ancient god of war, and no one dares to mess with it. I know that. But why can Zhulong be sold? "

"Because he's ugly?"

: (Zhulong) Heartbroken, little ancestor!

While tidying up the portrait, Zu Long said, "Ugly is a bit ugly, even if you fight, you can't fight, but... it's better not to provoke him!"

The little milk dragon asked: "What will happen if you provoke him?"

"Yes..." Zu Long looked at the ceiling, as if he didn't really want to recall anything: "Something bad happened!"

"How bad is it?"


"Is Zulong also afraid of something?"


: Big filial son!

: What a filial father!

: Zulong is afraid of Zhulong? ?

"How could I have anything to be afraid of!" Zu Long said angrily, "That guy can't fight! But if you piss him off, the day will turn into night, and the hot summer will turn into cold winter! It was a joke, but the boy got angry and took a breath, and winter came suddenly. Oh my mother! At that time, the old man was wearing big underpants!"

It's not a very good memory!

: It's very visual...

: Is it so hot that you wear big underpants, and then it suddenly ushers in winter?

: Two heavens of ice and fire? ?

: Candle Dragon, the god of Zhongshan, is regarded as day, dark as night, blown as winter, and called as summer... is the god in charge of day and night and the four seasons.

: You really can't mess with...

: If you mess with it, we mortals will suffer!

: I would like to pay 100 million to buy the portrait of Candle Dragon!

: I pay 101 million!

: I am 102 million!

: 103 million!


: (Zhulong) Are you serious?

: (Zhulong) I'm still here!

: (Zhulong) Are you polite? ? !

"Both these two paintings can be sold, then..." Xiao Nailong held the two paintings in one hand, grabbed the third painting with the other hand, and asked, "Can this one be sold? What I want to sell most is this painting .”

Zu Long glanced back, rushed over immediately, and punched him down!


Dragon Roar!

Not to mention my own door, the opposite door was hit hard twice within one day!

The windows of the entire building were shattered!


The building was overwhelmed and cracked!

The little tits are messy in the dragon wind!

All of this is just because——

The third painting that the little milk dragon picked up was his own father's painting!

: The father is kind and the son is filial!

: The father is kind and the son is filial!

: Please put father, loving son, and filial piety in the barrage area!

: The father is kind and the son is filial...

: This is the real dragon's breath!

: (Ying Long) The ancestors have been very careful!

: The landlord should not have gone far, right?

:loufang: What did I do wrong?

: Do you want to repair the house again?

: Dragon, it really is a dangerous creature!

Zulong flew over, slammed, and closed the door, as if nothing had happened.

He turned around and educated the little milk dragon again: "You can sell any painting, but you must not sell this painting alone!"

The little milk dragon is confident: "Why? Are you not the ancestor dragon? Isn't the ancestor dragon the ancestor of dragons, the strongest of the dragon clan? If you sell you, no one will dare to trouble you, right?"

"You're right, but it's not a question of whether anyone dares to make trouble. Rather," Zu Long took back his own portrait from Xiaonailong's hand, and said solemnly, "This is the portrait of your father. It should be hung high on the wall, burned three sticks of incense every day, and then worshiped, praying for safety!"

: Hanging on the wall, this way seems even more wrong, right?Oops! !

Just when the whole network complained about Zulong's newest way to open the portrait, Xiaonailong tilted his head and asked the question that silenced the audience on the whole network: "My old man?"

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