"Fuck, what happened!" Ao Xing was as shocked as the ordinary audience!

However, before he could react from the shock, everything around him was wiped out like clouds that were blown away, and then healed up again, and the surrounding ancient buildings returned to their original state again.

Tai Ao: "Haha!"

: Awesome!It really deserves to be the original stone for mending the sky!

: Long Zu really deserves to be a house seller, the quality of the house is really guaranteed!

: (figure master) Laughing and crying...

The rapid restoration of the surrounding buildings startled the red-clothed swordsman "my sword is a hundred and eight thousand miles long".

"Heaven-replenishing stone! This place is actually made of Nuwa's sky-replenishing stone?"

With this astonishing effort, the black-clothed swordsman "Sword Master Yyds" had already come in front of him, and with a sweep of his horizontal sword, the blade was about to cut off my neck, which is a thousand miles long.

But he quickly reacted and blocked it with his sword.

The sword qi of Juggernaut Yyds was blocked by him.

Even so, the remaining sword energy still swept across the entire no-man's land, and the building behind my sword, which was [-] miles long, was once again cross-cut and destroyed!

Heavens: Wow!

Ordinary audience:

: The sword master yyds who can make all the great gods "wow" together is absolutely extraordinary!

: Is this the strength of the quasi-sage?With just one move, he can turn everything around him into dust?

: The quasi-sage's strength is so terrifying, isn't the saint's strength...

Heavens: This no man's land is awesome!The quality of the house is really good!

: I pour!

: Is it a house that you "wow"?

: You are so wow, how can you make the two protagonists tonight feel embarrassed?

: They were fighting seriously, but you were looking at the house? ?

: I thought that Longzu's broadcast tonight was a pk commentary for the Xianxia drama, but it turned out that Longzu was here to sell the house!

: Thanks to my swordsman and Juggernaut yyds for their friendly publicity!This room will definitely sell tomorrow! (/laugh and cry)

: Am I the only one who noticed Pangu's kidney stones?Everything around was destroyed, only Pangu's kidney stone was intact!

: More than that?Not even the slightest scratch.

: Longzu, is the lake house for sale?

: (Shui Yumiao?)...

But no one noticed that the lake, which occupies 90% of the uninhabited area, has not had any waves...

The two swordsmen separated again.

My sword is thousands of miles long and I am still shocked by everything around me: "It's really a sky-replenishing stone! Could this be Nuwa's dojo?!"

: (figure expert)...

: (Want to treat you to soup) @手型达人, Sister Wa, should you charge Long Zu a little patent fee?

Juggernaut Yyds snorted, and said in dissatisfaction: "I feel like I've been underestimated. The arrogant guy, facing me, only drew his sword!"

Isn't that right?

My sword is thousands of miles long and I carry two swords on my back, but in the face of Juggernaut Yyds, he only made one sword!

Hearing this, he came back to his senses: "Aren't you rude! How dare you call yourself a sword master in front of me?"

A certain dragon in the distance is already pounding the sofa with laughter!

: Sure enough, it's awkward to see who is weak and who is embarrassed?

: This is the collision setting!

: In the prehistoric world, there is actually a collision setting!

: Let's fight!Tonight's battle will determine who is the real sword master!

"Come on, let's place a bet! Let's bet to see who is the king tonight, the strongest sword master in the wild!"

Following Tai Ao's yelling, a new gamble was opened in the live broadcast room.

[Sword Master yyds]: [My sword is one hundred and eight thousand miles long]!

: Sure enough, the live broadcast is still played by Longzu 6!

: The main reason is that Long Zu can control Wuhu and the live broadcast room, right?After all, the cub's way is too shallow.

: I bet my sword is thousands of miles long to win, because he is so awesome with only one sword, so what if he has two swords?

:I also think so.

In the blink of an eye, the gambling table tilted toward my sword, and the number of people was 5:1!

At the scene, the sword master yyds suddenly stopped, put the sword on his shoulder, and smiled ruffianally: "It seems that you care about this place very much? Why, did the Heaven-replenishing Stone scare you? That's right, this is Xiaowa's place." Dojo, are you scared?"

I thought that saying this would easily scare the other party away, but I didn't expect the other party to dismiss it with a smile.

"Afraid?" My sword was thousands of miles long and I pulled out another sword. The previous concern disappeared, and what emerged from my eyes was a strong fighting spirit!

"Saint? Why not be afraid!"


"The saint never dies, the way of heaven never dies. The way of heaven never dies, how can my way last forever!"


"Kill the sky, kill the earth, kill all beings!"

"From now on in this world, I am the only one who will survive forever!"

"The sky-replenishing stone? I wanted to kill the sky, but the sky-replenishing stone can mend the sky. Then I will break the sky-replenishing stone first, so that there is no possibility of repairing the sky!"

After finishing speaking, my two swords with a length of [-] miles emit blood-red sword energy. The sword energy extends infinitely and has overflowed the screen, but according to Wuhu's statistics, it is displayed as: the sword energy is as long as [-] inside!

In the end, it was gathered and controlled by Longzu: "Don't poke it so long, you can't even see the house. My art can't be destroyed!"

: (I am innocent) Damn, I haven't seen you for so many years, this kid is still so arrogant.

:【"I am Chunliang" bet 5 cents, and bet on "My sword is a thousand miles long" to win! 】

: (Brother) Damn!What kind of gods are here!Didn't I strengthen the defense net?How can anyone still follow the network cable to fight? ? ?

: Your skill is too weak to be worth mentioning in front of a real master.

: (brother burst into tears) Ahhh!My wish is really——peace in the Three Realms!

: Good middle school two, but I like it!

: Cover your face, are all of you people who certify the Tao so secondary?

Gambling board [Sword Master yyds]: [My sword is one hundred and eight thousand miles long] = 1:9!

Tai Ao glanced at it, and said with a smile: "Oh! Friends of Tiandao have all bet on Juggernaut Yyds! Have you already recognized who he is? ^o^"

: (figure master) Ahem!I do not recognize!whatever you want.

: (You are sick, take medicine quickly!) Ouch!Who is this handsome little swordsman?

: (Ai Lian said) This "Juvenile Master yyds" fellow Taoist has a relationship with me in the west at first sight, I just want to invite him to visit the west after the decisive battle.

: (The bunch of grapes) Don't invite him to the West!I'm afraid of him...uh!I must have misunderstood the person, this fellow Taoist is indeed very similar to an old friend of mine...

: (Everything is fate)...

: ["All Laws Are Destiny" bet on an innate treasure "Three Jewels of Ruyi", and bet on "Sword Master Yyds" to win. 】

"Oh! Sanbaoyu Ruyi! Is this the innate treasure, Sanbaoyu Ruyi, transformed from the legendary lotus of the green lotus?" Tai Ao (??????)??, surprised: "This A fellow daoist gambles so big, isn't he afraid that if he loses the bet, he will go back to master and spank his ass?"

: (Every law is fate) If I lose the bet, he will die before me!hehe……

:Wow!Heavenly saints all bet on Juggernaut yyds to win?

: The way of heaven is the truth!

: Follow the way of heaven to bet, win without losing!

There was a big reversal in the gamble, the gamble [Sword Master yyds]: [My sword is one hundred and eight thousand miles long] = 4:6!


*Jiaqun 1976 come to 42 to play 778~

*Longzu: Unexpected, right?I'm really here to sell the house!

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