I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 223 Whole Network: Dong Huang Tai 1 Let's Live Live!

"You're stupid!" Tai Yi's roar came from the Chaos Clock!

"You can't even hold the Chaos Clock firmly, and you still say you are worthy?" Zhulong sneered: "If you give birth to a child, you will be like this, it would be better not to give birth!"

Taichi: "It's better than you not being born."

This sentence seemed to have stepped on Zhulong's pain point, making him press the Chaos Clock in a rage: "Believe it or not, I will blow up your clock!"

: Rivals pinch each other, hahaha!

: Sure enough, the Liches cannot meet each other, or I will blow up your Chaos Clock!

:chaos clock: I am innocent!

: Dragon cub: I am also innocent, obviously I am a true immortal, but I want to help others overcome the golden immortal calamity by leapfrogging?What's the point?

Yes, why?

Even Bailong himself didn't understand the reason!

Even though he is still an ordinary immortal, why does he have to leapfrog to help others overcome the golden immortal calamity?If his rank was above the Eastern Emperor's Cub, he would have nothing to say, but his rank...is much lower than the Eastern Emperor's Cub!

He looked at the red gold flame in his paw, and it became more and more lovely.

(Is he sick? He thinks a ball of fire is cute???)

But his paws really hurt!

All burned into charcoal, there is wood!

"Golden Immortal Tribulation 27, which one is it now?" Bai Long asked tearfully while the magic treasures were blocking it.

: Booming in a trance...

: I don't know hahaha!

: Don't the anchors count themselves?Ha ha!

: (Brother) It’s the 17th road, the anchor, you have actually passed through your own true immortal calamity, and now it’s mainly the baby’s heavenly calamity...

"So, now I'm completely helping this little bastard to cross the catastrophe?" Bai Long was so angry that he threw out the red gold flame in his hand!

But after a while, the red gold flame returned and slammed into his arms again!

Bailong vomited blood.

Almost died.

: (Brother) You are right, now you are helping him overcome the calamity.

: (Brother) From the looks of it now, he already regards you, the anchor, as a safe haven!

Bailong vomited blood and grabbed the red golden flame, and a fire lotus had already burned on his chest: "Are you kidding me? I am a real fairy, helping people to become a golden fairy???"

Look at the Candle Dragon pressing on the Chaos Clock——

Tail wagged.

It turned out to let him cross the tribulation farther away.

Even my own brother hates him, so let him go away!

Bailong burst into tears.

: (Brother) No. 18... Forget it, let Wuhu help you record the number of catastrophes!

Wuhu ∑( ̄□ ̄): "Please don't cue me at this time! I don't want to be thrown out to fight the catastrophe!"

Even though Wuhu wanted to be invisible, she still followed the instructions and started recording. In Bailong's field of vision, a striking recorder appeared——

【Gold Immortal Tribulation: 18! 】

"The recorder is on, don't see me, don't see me..." Wuhu sneaked away.

But in the next second, Bailong caught him!

Wuhu qaq: "I'm really just an ordinary entertainment fairy..."

It's too late.

Bailong has already thrown the little camera out: "Go, Wuhu!"

Wuhu: "Ah!"

: (Brother) Anchor, no!


【Gold Immortal Tribulation: 19! 】

There was a sudden snowflake screen in the live broadcast room!

: (You are sick and need to take medicine!) Why is there no signal?Can not be done!I want to see fellow daoists cross the catastrophe!I haven't seen anyone cross the catastrophe for tens of thousands of years!

:["The male immortals of the wilderness" sent a trace of spiritual power to help overcome the catastrophe. 】

: (figure master) Don't be blurry!I also want to watch the love triangle between Donghuang Taiyi, Gengchen and Zhulong!

:【The "prehistoric female fairies" sent a trace of spiritual power to help overcome the catastrophe. 】

: (Baihua Fairy) Don't!I also want to watch the Holy Patriarch!

: [The "Dragon Clan" collectively sent a sliver of spiritual power to help overcome the catastrophe. 】

: [The "powers of the heavens" are sending spiritual power one after another...]

: [……]

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!)...

: (figure expert)...

: (Fairy Baihua)...

: (All heavens are sweating madly) Wait, why do I feel like I helped someone through a catastrophe?


The sky fire stopped, and the pictures in the live broadcast room gradually returned to normal.

Someone sighed: Wuhu is still alive?Can you still broadcast normally?It really deserves to be a Twelve-Rank Immortal Artifact!It's right to find her in Dujie in the future!

Amidst the sighs of netizens, they saw that the previous ferocious out-of-the-world fires were extinguished in a flash, turned into tiny fire spots, and moved across the night sky gently.

They turned into meteor clusters!

Not only that,

The moon and the rising sun hang on different horizons, and the sky is full of stars in the middle!

The sun and the moon are in the same sky, and the stars come to congratulate!

Such a gorgeous celebration!

Bai Long woke up on top of the Chaos Clock, rubbed his eyes, and suddenly saw a naked baby lying beside him.

And surprisingly-

This little baby has three legs!

"Three legs? It took so much effort to give birth to a deformed baby?" Ao Xing turned into a human, and couldn't help stretching out his hands to pinch the baby's little feet.

But when he pulled the baby's feet away, he couldn't wait to (bi) poke (shang) double (yan) eyes!



"That's the three-legged Golden Crow." Zhu Jiuyin came from the side, her expression full of displeasure: "She really gave birth to a sun!"

: Geng Chen worked hard~

: Geng Chen worked hard~

: Geng Chen worked hard~

: Congratulations on the birth of the little sun~

: Congratulations on the birth of the little sun~

: Congratulations on the birth of the little sun~

: Full screen congratulations!

: It's a girl~

: Little padded jacket~

: Dong Huangtai, let's start the live broadcast!I will definitely follow your baby-raising routine!

:right!New live broadcast theme: Little Sun's Growth Diary! (chased)

: Donghuang Taiyi and Gengchen will broadcast live!

Zhu Jiuyin walked up to them, seeing that Ao Xing was still in a daze, she ignored him.

The coat was taken off, and when it was covered on the baby girl, the baby girl opened her eyes.

Four eyes facing each other.

Golden eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin: "..."

Baby girl Meng: "..."

"These eyes are really annoying." Zhu Jiuyin said with a frown.

: Why are you upset?

: (figure expert wipes sweat) The eyes are exactly the same as those of the rival in love, haha...

: The same eyes?Donghuang Taiyi has black eyes!

: (figure expert) You mortals can wear colored contact lenses, so we can't change our appearance?As you have just seen, Long Zu's normal life and Dharma appearance are two different things!

: (figure expert) Dharma photo is the real appearance.

: Oh oh oh!

He put the jacket on the baby girl carelessly, and after zipping it up, the baby girl looked like she was wearing a dress that was too big, and the skirt dragged to the floor.

The baby girl raised her hand curiously and looked curiously (??.??).

: cute~

: Too cute to break the law!Donghuangtai will start a live broadcast!

: How many years is the sentence for stealing a sun? ?w?

: (Brother) Sentenced to never be exalted!

: ∑( ̄□ ̄)!

"Let's go." After dressing the baby girl, Zhu Jiuyin handed the baby girl to Ao Xing and said.

Ao Xing knew what he meant, the catastrophe was over, and it was time to leave here.

But he could also feel that the "go" that Zhu Jiuyin said was in two directions with him, so he couldn't help but say, "Brother, you're here, you really don't plan to see Dad?"

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