: (Ai Lian said) In the battle of Mount Sumeru in the past, the heavens formed an allied army to eliminate demons. Zhu Jiuyin avenged his father and was the first to go up the mountain to clear the way for the allied army to eliminate demons.

: (Ai Lian said) After the battle of Mount Sumeru, Hongjun beheaded three corpses and became a saint, and Zhu Jiuyin also became a god in a battle, becoming the irreplaceable second Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan, because of his bravery and decisiveness in killing People's hearts become one of the beautiful stories of the heavens.

: (Ailian said) Comparing the shame of Jilongyuan to the shame of Jinling of the human race, you have completely obliterated Zhu Jiuyin's achievements, right?

: (Ai Lian said) When the vitality of the three clans was seriously injured, he was the only one in the dragon clan who killed Mount Sumeru in the name of his father!

: (Ailian said) Before he went crazy, he thought he was a dragon...


Ao Xing is now facing the first enemy in his life, so he completely blocked the live broadcast room and concentrated on fighting.

He looked at the dragon-slaying sword that Zhu Jiuyin pulled out, and said, "Brother, you have two dragon-slaying and dragon-slaying swords, and now you only have one for me. Does this mean that you want to show mercy to me?"

"...You think too much. If you say you only use one move, then I will only use one sword. It's fair." Zhu Jiuyin said.

"Okay, okay, let's say it first, since it's a move, you can't kill me in this move!" Ao Xing threw the dragon gun, stuck it on the ground, and made a clasping ceremony: " Please advise!"

Ao Yuanjun Σ(っ°Д°;)っ: "Xinger! What do you want to do?!"

It was too late at this time, Ao Xing and Zhu Jiuyin had already left.

The sky was once again clouded with wind and clouds, and thunder and lightning crazily flowed through the clouds!

In an instant, it began to rain heavily!

"This is... Yuan Jun, your 36 Yan Yu Array?" Ao Hun looked at the changes in the sky in surprise, and asked Ao Yuan Jun, "When did you teach him?"

Ao Yuanjun was also surprised: "I didn't teach him!"

Ao Hun was surprised: "Then when did he learn it?"

Ao Yuanjun: "Maybe...just now??"

He did it just now!

Then Ao Xing learned it?

This speed... a genius?

"It's ok, my eldest nephew has learned the most complicated 36 rain formations of our clan after just reading it once. If you're such a genius, do you want to return me to the Yinglong clan to recognize your ancestors?" Ao Yijun slurred his mouth. ask.

Ao Hun roared angrily without even thinking about it: "You don't even think about it! Xing'er belongs to our Panlong clan! Your brother has already married into our Panlong clan, and all the children he gave birth to are also from our Panlong clan!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Ao Yuanjun hurriedly pulled the eldest son in to block the arrows: "Yijun, you called me wrong, this is your eldest nephew, the one above is the younger one."

Ao Jing Σ(っ°Д°;)っ: "I don't know what happened, but I was pulled in suddenly!"

Behind him, murderous intent struck.

The back of Ao Yuanjun's neck felt cold!

He turned his head stiffly: "Father, father..."

Standing behind him, isn't that Yingde holding a broken gun!

"You actually joined the Panlong clan?? The child is still that old??!" Yingde roared, a tenth-level typhoon!

Ao Yuanjun (x_x)!

After the tenth typhoon passed, Ao Hun patted him on the shoulder: "This is...?"

Ao Yuanjun swallowed, but still introduced sincerely: "This is my father, his own..."

Ao Hun⊙.⊙: "The one in the family...?"

Ao Yuanjun said softly, "It's Xing'er's biological father, an old senior who... looks like Ying Long..."

"Mr. Ao Yuan, you fucking cheated on marriage?!" Ao Hun roared angrily, a third-level typhoon!

Ao Yuanjun (x_x)!

Ao Yijun was very relieved: "So, the child's strength has nothing to do with you~"


36 Yanyu array.

Each raindrop has a hidden murderous intent, and different raindrops will form different changes when they fall, and each change is a different killing array!

: Zai Zai is great!My 6 keys can't stop!

:me too! ...


: I learned it just after watching it once, my cub is awesome!

: Use the adoptive father's tricks to defeat the elder brother, and use the adoptive father's tricks to compete for the position of the Dragon King?It's too embarrassing for the adoptive father! ?w?

: Good boy!Defeat Big Brother with adoptive father's tricks!My 666 can't stop!

: Foster father: Good boy! ?w?

: How to use rain?Rain has no effect on the elder brother, not to mention the elder brother has the Dinghai Shenzhu!

: (Ao Xiaoqing? w?) The anchor can still use rain, which means the spell is effective, and Zhulong's Dinghai Shenzhu is invalid.

: (Ao Xiaoqing?w?) He really deserves to be the son of the Zulong!The ability to control water is indeed superior to that of ordinary dragons, above the Dinghai Divine Bead!

: (Little Red Dragon surnamed Ao) The little ancestor is so good! 36 The Rain Array!Even if it is a change every minute, it is enough to delay until the last change until dawn! \(☆o☆)/

: Master Zhulong, before the end of the 36 Yan Yu array, you have to let the little ancestor~?w?

: It really is "Brother, please advise"!

: The son of the ancestral dragon, you should not be underestimated!

The sky, thunder and lightning!

The change of the rain array is coming to an end, Ao Xing is not worried at all, because he has calculated the time very well, even if he finishes evolving the array he just learned in front of his elder brother, he can still wait until his elder brother wakes up.

He has already become interested in playing, maybe this is the nature of the dragon race, fighting, fearless!


"High energy warning!"

Wuhu has been on Didi.

Ao Xing finally couldn't bear it anymore, and while manipulating the formation, he said to Wuhu: "I told you, the countdown timer reminds me that it's dawn, and the alarm clock can't be set like this! It's so noisy! I don't know what time it is now!" Can't you divide your heart?"

Unexpectedly, Wuhu reminded me——

"True Immortal Tribulation is approaching!"

"Please host to evacuate the Panlong as soon as possible! Otherwise, the Panlong on the ground may be wiped out by your promotion to the rank of True Immortal!"

"Countdown: 1:00."

Ao XingΣ(?д?lll): "There is only 1 minute left, so you told me??"

Wuhu: "I've warned you for a long time, and you only talk to me now."

Ao Xing: "..."

: Nani!Sudden catastrophe?

: This is the No.20 variation!

: Not too sudden, right?There was thunder early in the morning, but no one paid attention to it... (/laughing and crying)

:what?Is that the tribulation thunder, the background sound effect that comes with the rain array? ?

: So, when the adoptive father used the rain array, it seemed that there was no thunder...

: Laughing and crying, our anchor really has a physique that can easily overcome calamities...

: Do you need a reason to cross the catastrophe?do you need?No need! (/laugh and cry)

: On, what should I do if I suddenly cross the catastrophe during a fight?

: It happens that the eldest brother is here, let the eldest brother help carry it! nice!

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Poor Panlong Clan, a group of Nascent Soul Golden Pills, but they happen to be within the scope of the True Immortal Crossing Tribulation...

: (Little Red Dragon Surnamed Ao) Beaulieu is about to end!


*Little Red Dragon's tricks may have extended to the South China Sea...

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