I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 191 The monitor has been discovered!

"Father, those two..." Ao Xing just said.

Tai Ao turned his head and looked over.

The woman sitting on the inside poked her head out, and the two of them met their eyes.

Too ^-^.

Woman ^-^.

Little Dragon Cub: "?!!"

This reaction doesn't seem right, does it? ! !

"Father! She said she was going to eat me!" Ao Xing complained!

Tai Ao was taken aback for a moment: "Are her teeth so good?"

Your skin is so hard that she can bite it? ? ——Tai Ao had disbelief written on his face.

The little dragon cub just remembered at this time - yes, his skin is hard, so it's really not something that ordinary little monsters can gnaw on!

So he was relieved.

After finishing speaking, Ao Xing suddenly felt very strange, why dad would be so friendly to this strange couple, could it be...

"Dad, do you know them?"

"I don't know." Tai Ao replied without thinking.

"Then why do you smile at them?"

"She is from the Dragon Clan, didn't you see it?" Tai Ao asked.

"..." Saying that made Ao Xing feel ashamed.

He couldn't even recognize the living Dragon Clan!

He looked at the couple again, and saw that the man pushed the woman back, and he didn't know what the two were talking about, but he could probably know what they were talking about with his toes——

What else can a couple do besides sprinkle dog food?

But he really thought that he would meet the Dragon Clan on the road.

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with meeting the dragons on the way home—according to what Tai Ao said before, the dragons have already migrated to the shore, so the "hometown" he used to think is no longer an ordinary small fishing village. Instead, people and dragons live together, and it is even possible that the entire village is full of dragons...

So this may be the dragon from my hometown~

Knowing the other party's identity, Ao Xing let go of his vigilance, and even couldn't help muttering in his heart: Isn't this Sister Long really bad?They came up to scare him, saying they wanted to eat him!

But that man was also very strange, Sister Long would show them a friendly smile from time to time.

(Forget about shadows before!)

But the man didn't show his kindness to them very much, as if he didn't intend to deal with them. After comforting the woman, he put on the hood and lowered the brim of the hat, as if deliberately hiding his appearance.

But with this ordinary appearance, what's the point of covering it up?

"How did he shield himself so tightly? He's a sneaky one, isn't he a fugitive?" Xiaoying asked in a low voice.

Tai Ao raised his hand and pointed: "He is hiding from that thing."

"Which one?" Xiaoying and Ao Xing looked up together.

In the next second, a pinhole camera appeared in the corner of the carriage, sitting side by side with the bus monitor.

Ao Xing: "!"

Xiaoying: "!"

There is a feeling of being discovered by sneak shots! !

The little dragon cub turned pale with fright, his teeth trembling: "Dad, so, so you know it all!"

It can also make Wuhu show its original shape!

You know, ever since Wuhu became invisible, he didn't know where it was hiding. He can accurately point out where Wuhu is hiding and make it appear. His father is really capable!

Tai Ao stroked his chin and said with a smile: "I don't know what the real function of this little thing is, but there seems to be someone behind it, so that the people behind it can monitor our every move through this little thing."


He said the word "surveillance," didn't he?

Ao Xing broke out in a cold sweat!

Sitting on Tai Ao's lap, not daring to move!


: Zai Zai, danger...

: It seems that although Wuhu is pretending to be an arsenal for rewarding immortal weapons, Longzu still saw through its essence after all...

: It's over, it's over, Longzu found out that we are "monitoring" him!

: You won't be angry and want to destroy the world, will you?

: Cold sweat!

: Waterfall Khan!

: Genghis Khan!

: The collective is sweating!

"...I don't care, just get used to it. But other people don't necessarily like being seen." Tai Ao said.

Crisis averted!

Wait, the crisis was lifted like this? ?

Ao Xing couldn't believe it: "Father, are you not angry?"

Tai Ao: "Why should I be angry?"

: Brother said, over the years, our dad’s temper has improved a lot...

: Brother said, over the years, our dad’s temper has improved a lot...

: Brother said, over the years, our dad’s temper has improved a lot...

This is really good!

He thought that being watched would make people very angry!

Unexpectedly, Tai Ao was not angry at all: "This is your magic weapon, you have already used it, what else can I say? Besides, this magic weapon is quite interesting, listening to her communicate with you, she always gives you magic weapons , and it’s so easy to give away, it’s like giving it for free. However, the reward she gave last time was too detrimental!”

: (brother) cold sweat...

: (Meow Claw) Cold sweat...

: Meow, what about you!The reward you gave to the dragon cub last time was too bad!The whole **** is a magic weapon against the Dragon Clan!What do you want to do?

: (Meow Claw) Not me!It's a sponsorship!If you want to complain, complain to the sponsor!

: Then you confess the sponsor behind you!

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!, Everything is fate, Ailian said) Looking forward to it!

: (Meowclaw.com) Small ones dare not...

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!, Everything is fate, Ailian said) I am extremely disappointed...

Thinking back to the Dragon Slaying Sword and Slaying Dragon Saber last time, Ao Xing was also speechless, that reward was really too bad!

However, Tai Ao actually heard the conversation between him and Wuhu? ?

Then did he hear the conversation he had with the fans in the live broadcast room through Wuhu?

Shouldn't it?

Wuhu is just an intermediary, connecting him with the audience in the live broadcast room. Tai Ao can hear what he and Wuhu said face to face, but he may not be able to hear the stream of consciousness dialogue he has with the audience through her.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to accept that he is watched by hundreds of millions of people, and he can still sit here so calmly

"Just play with her, it's free anyway. Earn some useful fairy artifacts for me to play with." Tai Ao stroked Ao Xing's little head without anger at all: "And it's still the twelfth grade..."

Ao Xing: "What are the twelve grades?"

Unexpectedly, Tai Ao stopped talking, instead he turned his head and greeted the man next door: "Hi, brother, your magic weapon seems to be pretty good!"

Refers to the sunglasses worn by men.

"What? That's a magic weapon?" Ao Xing was surprised.

Are all magic weapons so casual now?

The camera is a magic weapon, even the sunglasses are a magic weapon. Now he kind of misses that "unbeatable Xiaoqiang"——

Are all modern gods swollen?Good heaven, material and earth treasures are not used for making weapons, but for entertainment!What a waste of money!It's heartbreaking!


Tai Ao: "..."

Due to the man's silence, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment...

: This brother Long is a real man, but he didn't talk to Long Zu?

: Unfilial children and grandchildren...

: Awesome, it's been so long since Long Zu debuted, and I'm still the first real guy who doesn't give Long Zu good looks!

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