As soon as I bought the tickets, I was surrounded by fans.

"Daddy, you are so handsome!"

"If only I could stay like this forever!"

"Dad, can I take a picture with you?"

Although Tai Ao didn't know why there were so many "daughters" suddenly, he still smiled and made an "ok" gesture, fully agreeing to the girls' request.

Ao Xing couldn't believe it: "Why did you agree so easily?"

No matter what he thinks, he feels that with his father's identity, cultivation, and status, he should be the type who is superior, and the world only dares to look at him from a distance and dare not get close to him, right?

But what the hell is this approachable, responsive attitude?

Fans watching the live broadcast, do you still remember that this person still has the title of "Ancestral Dragon Extinguishing World"? ?

At this time, Tai Ao had already posed for a group photo with the fans very politely, and he did not forget to answer his son's question: "Rejecting the request of a beautiful little girl is too unreasonable."

Ao Xing refused to accept: "Why is it so unreasonable?!"

Tai Ao: "If you reject the little girl, you will easily be single for 1 years!"

Ao Xing was angry: "Single for 1 years, so what?!"

Tai Ao: "What if after 1 years, add another 1 years?"

The little dragon cub suddenly fell into deep thinking about the long life...

Tai Ao continued to add up: "After 2 years, add another 2 years?"

Seeing that the little dragon cub didn't say a word, he said, "How about another 5 years?"

The little dragon cub is enlightened!

"It's really scary!"

He doesn't know how long the average dragon's lifespan is now, but if he perfectly inherits his father's lifespan...

It's terrible to be single until you die!

So Ao Xing regained his adult body, gave the fans a thumbs up, and said, "I am your anchor! If you want to shoot, shoot me!"

The fans looked at him, then at Tai Ao, no matter which one they looked at, it was a visual feast, salivating!

"Wow! The most anticipated picture of father and son in the same frame is finally here! What I want the most is that you will become exactly the same and take pictures together!"

Crack clap!

"Although they look exactly the same, why do you feel that Daddy Long looks better? Is this the charm of cultivating immortals? The higher the level, the better-looking??"

Ao Xing couldn't help it: "Are you guys polite? The same face, why do you all look at my father and not me?! Am I just this ugly?"

Tai Ao smiled, and compared a v.

"This may be the charm of a mature man..." The drooling fan noticed Xiaolongzai's anger, and quickly changed his words: "Ah,'s not like this, it's Zai Zai, you are too young, you can fall in love now ?"

"Ah... I'm 18 years old!" Ao Xing said this now, without any confidence...

The 18-year-old of the human race is said to be only 2 days old of the dragon race, is that true?

The dragon cub cried in a storm.

Tai Ao, who looks exactly like him over there, gave a thumbs up with a smile, and turned back into an old man, stroked his beard with a smile and said, "No problem, his body is fully mature."

(It's soaring~)

At this moment, Ao Xing is extremely grateful to his father for abdicating the throne, otherwise, with his father's prosperous beauty, he might be single for 1 years... oh no, he will be single until he dies. tvt

Come on, son!

Tai Ao clenched his fists to cheer him up!

Well, he realized it!

He will work hard!

When Ao Xing was immersed in the gentleness, there was a pair of eyes watching them silently...

That gaze came from afar, separated by ten rows of waiting chairs.

There are a lot of people coming and going in the waiting hall, maybe someone will come over because of the interaction between Ao Xing and the fans, but everyone is in a hurry, so no one pays much attention to them.

But this pair of eyes has been staring at him from afar...

Until, a man walked up to her and handed out two tickets with a cold face.

Only then did the woman look away, took the man's hands, and said something to him with a bright smile.

The man was wearing sunglasses, no one could see his eyes clearly, but after listening to the woman's words, he pursed his mouth in displeasure, and at the same time turned his head, as if looking at the distant and lively group people.

He said something to the woman in displeasure.

The woman said something to him with a smile on her face again, but seeing that he was still unhappy, she took his hand and slowly moved her head closer to the man's arms coquettishly...

However, what they didn't expect was that when they were interacting intimately, a wise gaze also passed through the crowd and landed on them.

When his eyes fell on the woman's high and protruding pregnant belly, Tai Ao closed his eyes and smiled kindly...

9: 30.

The car bound for Dongle Island has arrived.

"It seems that we can only go here with the anchor." The fans had no choice but to bid farewell to Ao Xing reluctantly.

When saying goodbye, they made a request: "Anchor, can you turn on the live broadcast? This way we won't be so boring on the way home."

Ao Xing refused without even thinking about it: "What's so good about driving? You can't do anything in the car. Could it be that I live broadcast and sleep?"

"It's good to sleep in the live broadcast! Even if I look at the sleeping face of the old man, I can watch it all the way!" The fans stared and boldly guessed: "After getting in the car, it must be that Father Long turned into a young man, and Are you turning into a child? Hee hee~"


You are right!

After all, they only have one ID card and only bought one ticket. If they don’t do this (taopiao), what else can they do?

"What's so interesting about him sleeping? What if he snores?" Ao Xing said resistingly.

Fans: "Snore me too!"

He really underestimated the fanaticism of the fans!

"Okay, okay." Unable to bear the fanatical demands of the fans, Ao Xing restarted the immortal Wuhu.

[Didi!The live broadcast room is opening...]

【197 viewers flooded into the live broadcast room. 】

: The anchor is so hardworking, and the broadcast is on again!

: Have you reached your destination yet?

: Where did you escape to this time?

: Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, it is useless, because as soon as the live broadcast starts, the biggest boss in the heaven will already know! (/funny)

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!) Cough cough...

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!) The biggest boss in the heaven is not me, but the Jade Emperor. He didn't watch the live broadcast.

: (work and rest on time) Good morning, brother~

Ao Xing was shocked, there were 19 viewers in the live broadcast room?Are all the current fans so fanatical?

Fans of human beings are fanatical, so it’s okay to wait in the live broadcast room all the time, but why...

'Why are you still there when I turn it on?Are all the gods so idle? ! ! ! 'Ao Xing has always been puzzled by this!

: (working and resting on time) Has no one told you that we connect to the Internet with spiritual consciousness when surfing the Internet?At our level, our spiritual sense is extremely sharp, and we can perceive the information of all things in the world, so it is no problem to perceive your live broadcast when you power on.

: (You are sick and need to take medicine!) Yes, that’s how idle you are.

The former explanation is quite normal, but the latter explanation made Ao Xing spit out a mouthful of salt soda: "Old gentleman! Are you really so idle?"

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!) Alchemy is to fan the flames...

Ao Xing interrupted his input: "Okay, I see, you are really free."

: (You are sick, you need to take medicine!) Also, I am not Laojun!


With this spirit of persistence, as the anchor, he wants to give 32 likes to Taiqing Daodetianzun, also known as Taishang Laojun, who lives in Jiutian Tushita Palace!

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