I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 178 Shocked!Someone actually snatched the No. 1 list of the God of Wealth!

"How did you succeed in proving the Tao?" Ao Xing asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, the four at the same table all pricked up their ears.

The audience in the live broadcast room also pricked up their ears.

: (that axe) 0.0...

Tai Ao: "It's very simple."

Tai Ao: "Just die once."

Xiao Bailong lost his mind in an instant: "..."

: Is this fucking simple? ?

:Bro!you can!Because you died once!

: (I am pure and star-eyed) I suddenly feel that I can do it again...

: (Little brother vomits blood) The death that Longzu said is not an ordinary death.My previous death was a physical death, but the primordial spirit was still there.Long Zu's method of death is the destruction of both body and spirit—the death of the physical body and the shattering of the primordial spirit!

: (Brother vomits blood) Who dares to try to prove the Dao by destroying both body and spirit? !

: Why dare not?

: (Brother) Because there is no resurrection coin!

: (Brother) The probability of resurrection after the body and spirit are destroyed is so low that you can't believe that Mieshi Zulong is still alive to preach to you!

: [Figure expert, I am crazy about alchemy, everything is life... Wait for 10000 powerful people to agree +1]

: Khan, so many people can't believe that Zulong is still alive?

: (that axe)...

: (that axe) has been taught.

:【"That Axe" sent out the Supreme Dragon Ball*99! 】

: [System: "That Axe" exited the live broadcast room. 】

: (Brother) I'm so happy! ! ! !

: (Brother) Who will grab my top spot! ! !

: (brother) I...


: Brother, kill him, you are number one again!

: It's okay, I've already seen that ax has withdrawn from the live broadcast room, with your financial resources, you can definitely grab the No. [-] list back!

: I just like to see my little brother grab the top spot.

: (Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death) You can forget the master, but you can't forget the first place, right?

: (Little brother is cute) I forgot where to put the cornucopia...

:? ?

: Cornucopia = God of Wealth's wallet.

: Ahhh? !Brother, how did you forget such an important thing? !

: Meng Po is really not a good mother-in-law!

: Tell me, what is the route from the underworld to the heaven?I'm going to look for a cornucopia. (/nosebleed)

: Tell me, where did the cornucopia drop?I will pick it up! !

: Meng Po is really a good mother-in-law!

: Laughing and crying, is the little brother going to watch others make the list?The majestic God of Wealth, how could he be insulted like this? !reading books

: (The little brother burst into tears) I, I will borrow some money from Bigan...

: [System: "Little brother" exited the live broadcast room! 】

:Shock!The North Road God of Wealth was so downcast that he wanted to borrow money from other Gods of Wealth!

: It is also a shame to be snatched from the list by others...

: Who is that axe?

: I have no impression, I have never seen him bubbling before, and he made an astonishing speech, and suddenly popped up...

:Shock!Among the Three Realms and Six Paths, someone dared to take the No. [-] spot on the list of the God of Wealth!

: The only one who can fight with the God of Wealth is the God of Wealth.

: There is a quiz with prizes: Which God of Wealth is the one who grabbed the top spot this time?

: 1, Middle Road God of Wealth: Wang Hai.

: 2, Donglu God of Wealth: Bigan.

: 3, South Road God of Wealth: Chai Rong.

: 4, West Road God of Wealth: Guan Yu. .kanδhu five.lá

: 5, North Road God of Wealth: Zhao Gongming.

: 6, Southwest God of Wealth: Duanmu Ci.

: 7, Northeast God of Wealth: Li Guizu.

: 8, Southeast God of Wealth: Fan Li.

:9, Northwest God of Wealth: Liu Haichan.


Just as the fans were discussing which God of Wealth took the top spot, a shooting star quietly landed on the frozen lake. wǎp.

The meteor fell and turned into a white-bearded Taoist holding a whisk.

The white-bearded Taoist's feet just touched the ground...


"Ouch! It's not Harbin, where does such a big ice come from!" After all, the white-bearded Taoist has some skills, so he quickly stabilized his heels and did not fall directly to the ground!

at the same time.

A certain father and son who were eating hot pot and chatting in the house raised their heads one after another, as if they had noticed something.

: Anchor, someone is coming!

: Someone is coming again?My giao, a lot of guests came to no man's land today!Are they all here to celebrate Longzu's housewarming? ?

: Housewarming...haha!It seems that it is really appropriate to say so!

: Guest, you are late, the hot pot has already been eaten!

[Wuhu: Another new guest is here! 】

[Old rules, find out the identity of the guest, and when the guest leaves, get a five-star praise from the guest, the host can get a reward: Seventh Grade Killing Order. 】

Ao Xing couldn't help it anymore: "All will be rated automatically, please just report the identity of the visitor next time!" '

Wuhu: "This...live broadcast still needs a little suspense!"

Ao Xing: 'I don't need it! '

He opened his mouth, and just wanted to remind that there was a new guest coming, but he saw Tai Ao looked at him with a half-smile and shook his head slightly, actually telling him to ignore it.

He thought about it, and felt that it was right, the emperor of this room, so what if he told them?Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven should get up to meet the new guests?No matter what, people from outside should come in to meet them, right?

So Ao Xing didn't speak.

However, unexpectedly, the guests outside the door fell into unparalleled shock!

"Sky flying beast?!"

"My mother! It turned out to be the ancient fierce beast Glutton!"

The flying beast Taotie turned its eyeballs and looked at the person who came.

The visitor was shocked: "It's still alive!"

Taotie: "..."

"梼杌! Chaos!" The visitor was shocked again when he saw the two fierce beasts next to Taotie!

Hun Huan hugged the clipboard, pitifully: Brother Taibai, help me!

"Who is your brother?! The ancient beast, don't confuse it with the poor Taoist!" The visitor was so angry that he shook his fly whisk—yes, this is the person who went down to investigate the strange rise of the sea level in the world a long time ago. After many days, Finally, I followed the clues and found no man's land!

But he never expected that the ice here!

So slippery!

The majestic Da Luo Jinxian almost fell into a box!

Fortunately, there is no one else around here, only three bad deeds, there is no reputation in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and no one believes what they say!

So the funny look of him almost breaking into a box when he landed just now, definitely won't spread the word!

But even so, he was very surprised, because the third of the four beasts, which had been doing evil for many years and caused headaches for all gods, was frozen here!

Among the three realms and six realms, who else has the ability to surpass the three fierce beasts and subdue the three fierce beasts without any damage? !

"Three of the four ancient fierce beasts are here, what about Qiongqi? He should be around here too?" Taibai Jinxing looked around nervously, trying to find Qiongqi's figure.

When he saw a tiger shadow passing by the west gate, he was startled, picked up his whisk, and prepared to attack.

But when he took a closer look, he found that it turned out to be the white tiger family of the Western holy beasts, not the yellow flying tiger Qiongqi, so he felt relieved: "So it's not Qiongqi!"


*Shan Hai Jing says that Shaohao is the son of Taibai Jinxing.Some sources also claim that Taibai Jinxing is the son of Baidi.

*The author showed a tired smile, and simply ignored the relationship between these two people. In this book, there are two people who have nothing to do with each other!

*Good night

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