I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 171 Face the Gale, My Stupid Odoudou!

: (figure expert) There are thousands of laws of water, Xiaolong only realized the law of house demolition...

: (I am crazy about Dan) There are thousands of laws of water, Xiaolong only realized the law of house demolition... Κanδhu5.iá

: (All laws are fate) There are thousands of laws of water, Xiaolong only realized the law of house demolition...

: (Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death) There are thousands of laws of water, Xiaolong only realized the law of house demolition...

: (Ai Lian said) There are thousands of laws of water, Xiaolong only realized the law of house demolition...

: (that bunch of grapes) There are thousands of laws of water, Xiaolong only realized the law of house demolition...

: (Summary) Congratulations!

: (I am innocent) Look at the six of you happy...

: Anchor, you... If you don't do business, you will demolish the house!

: Where do the host and father sleep tonight?

: Come to sleep at my house!I have a bed at home! (/Ha ha)

:welcome to my home!

: (work and rest on time) My brother grows up so fast...

: Brother? ? ? ? ?

: Brother, aren’t you asleep?

: (work and rest on time) I sent a congratulatory message to my brother in my dream...

Ao Xing couldn't help shouting: "I believe you ghost!" '

: (work and rest on time) You don't think I can't surf the Internet because of my dreams?You don't think that the gods use mobile phones and computers to surf the Internet, do you?

Ao Xing was taken aback: "Then how did you get online?" '

: (work and rest on time) Good night, my prodigal brother.

Ao Xing:'! ! ! '

: (work and rest on time) zzz...

: Brother is hanging on the Internet again...

: How do the gods get online?

: Use...brain waves? ?

: Work and rest on time: Face the blast, my stupid Odoudou!

Gale... Oh no, the big black dragon is holding the little white dragon's head, stomping his feet angrily, as if trying to persuade himself: the child is still young, still young, can't hit, can't hit...

But in the end, he slapped Xiao Bailong into the water!

When the little white dragon surfaced again, he saw the black dragon still stamping its feet on the water.


Not to mention, the three murderers huddled together at the corner of the lake!

The three fierce beasts have disagreed since ancient times, but at this moment, they embraced each other very intimately, and held a chaotic writing board together——

We throw in the towel!

You are the leader of the beasts!

Boss, spare me!

The black dragon, just by showing its real body, completely conquered the three fierce beasts!

But the black dragon didn't care about them, he glared at the little white dragon sullenly, stomped his feet, and the lake suddenly froze.


The little white dragon was locked by ice!

Little White Dragon: "Dad??"

"Prodigal son???" Heilong replied unceremoniously.


Next, the black dragon temporarily ignored him as a prodigal son, but stared at the original direction of "home", stomping his feet and flicking his tail, wondering what he was thinking.

If he thinks, he can think, but the one who is suffering now is the little white dragon, his neck is stuck in ice, every time the black dragon's tail slaps the ice, it is torturing him in disguise!

He has seen countless barrages of sympathy and pity for him, but none of them can save him.

Even his beloved elder brother wouldn't save him in his dreams!

The cub cries.

"It's really a baby..." With the contrast of the black dragon, Baidi Shaohao believed this.

Looking at the black dragon again, Shaohao smiled clearly: "It turned out to be that 'senior', let me just say, why do you understand why you left for no reason...where is my cat??!"

There has long been no silver-armored heavenly general beside him, but on the frozen lake, there is a big white-haired cat walking towards the angry black dragon...

"My cat..." Shaohao was desperate!

"My condolences." Taihao patted his shoulder and went down. .kanδhu five.lá

The white tiger walked up to the irritable black dragon, and rubbed against the black dragon. The soft touch instantly calmed the black dragon's anger. He put his paw on the white tiger's forehead, scratched, scratched again, and then turned into a calm old man.

: Why relieve anger?Only cats.

: Longzu is really a tenth-level cat lover!

: Is Baihu really so easy to masturbate?

: I feel sorry for my Emperor Shaohao...

: Poor Shaohao.

: There is a pain called my cat becoming someone else's cat.

: Why is the ancestor so docile, but the descendants are...

: (Meow Claw Net) Meow ~

: Xiaobai her grandpa, don't be cute, you can't stand it. (/shake hand)

"There must be a place to live at night." The old man sighed and touched the ring. A pile of strangely shaped stones fell on the frozen lake. He squatted down and picked.

The two heaven and earth landed beside him, seeing those stones, they couldn't help being shocked!

"The soil of Yanggu!"

"The cornerstone of Buzhou Mountain!"

"Zhangwei mountain rock!"


But Tai Ao picked out an unremarkable stone from a pile of famous stones, which touched the blind spot of knowledge of the two heavenly emperors: "This is...??"

: Pangu's kidney stone.

: Pangu's kidney stone.

: Pangu's kidney stone...

: Laughing and crying...

: (that axe) My kidney hurts a bit...

Tai Ao didn't answer, but stretched out his hand and threw it, the kidney stone fell on the ruined foundation, and a miracle happened, it turned into a small western-style building automatically! Κánδnu5.ζá

The little white dragon who was stuck in the ice couldn't help but said: "There is such a good baby? Why didn't you use it earlier? If you use this stone to build a house, you don't have to pluck my hair yesterday to build other buildings !"

Let alone, the back of his head is still bald and cold!

"I just thought of it too. After that guy died, his body turned into mountains and rivers... It should be no problem to transform into a house." Tai Ao said vaguely.

: (that axe)...

Then, Tai Ao lifted the little white dragon out of the ice.

Xiao Bailong immediately thanked: "Thank you Dad! I promise I will never demolish the house again!"

Tai Ao pointed to the house and said, "Come, take a breath."


The slap in the face came too fast, like a tornado...

"Blow." Tai Ao instructed.

In order not to be frozen anymore, Xiao Bailong quickly blew a breath.

The house didn't move at all, but he got a slap on the buttocks: "Didn't you eat? Who are you giving to cool off?!"

Little Bailong quickly blows hard!

Another slap on the butt: "Blow hard!"


He exerted 12 milking strength and blew hard!

As a result, the blowing was almost dead, and the house just didn't move at all!

"Is there any difference between exerting force and not exerting force?" Xiao Bailong asked aggrievedly, but he was slapped twice!

But unexpectedly, Tai Ao picked up his tail and suddenly swung it towards the new house!

Little White Dragon: "Ahhh??"


Boom boom boom!


: As we all know, our anchor is really the father's own!

: What a miserable anchor...

After beating the dragon ten times in a row, the house was not damaged at all, but the little white dragon was bleeding!

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