So, the legendary ferocious beast 梼杌 is this kind of chattering virtue?

Forget about his chatter, he also likes to brag about his achievements!In a famous saying - never seen such a brazen beast!

The most amazing thing is that no great immortal wants to control him yet!

Just because he's a mallet!

Ah, is there no way to stop the 梼杌?

Do not!

Xiao Aoxing decided to end Wu Wu's self-introduction for the audience and fans in the studio!

"Stop!" Xiao Aoxing jumped up and shouted: "Enough is enough, we all know you are Wuwu, what great achievements you have done! No need to say any more!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man Wuwu immediately stared at him with a fierce expression: "You think I'm annoying?"

So fierce!

Xiao Ao was startled, but actually weakened all of a sudden: "No, I just think it's the next person's turn to introduce..."

Zhu Wu said angrily, "You would rather listen to others than mine?"

Xiao Aoxing: "Huh?"

"So, son of the Qing Emperor, as the judge who selects the top of the four evils, do you think that I am not worthy to be the top of the four evils?!" Zhu Wu asked angrily!

Xiao Ao said happily: "I'm not, I don't!"

"No! You have! Otherwise, why didn't you let me finish?!" Zhu Wu's eyes were red, his body gathered spiritual power, his murderous aura soared, and the calm mirror lake rippled in circles!

Plop plop!

One after another, the cubs fell into the water!

"Harm..." Those dragons were still drifting peacefully with the waves, their serene expressions seemed to have pierced through the world of mortals.

The murderous intent was directed at Ao Xing!

Ao Xing was embarrassed: "You stick, why don't you listen to others..."

He suddenly realized that this was wrong.

It's because he doesn't listen to others that people call him Bangchui!

So there is something wrong with Wuwu not listening to what others say?

No problem!

Because he is really a mallet!

The old man Wuwu, while tearing up his clothes, changed back to his original form: "Even you call me Bangchui! Son of the Qing Emperor, it seems that you don't take me seriously at all, and you don't even intend to admit that I am one of the four evils!" The identity of the leader!"

"That's a three-way thing, right? This is just a self-introduction I saw, and I haven't entered the real competition yet!" Xiao Ao Xing said anxiously!

But will Wu Wu listen to his explanation?


Because he is a mallet!

The ripples on the surface of the lake are getting bigger and bigger, and Wu Wu's hostility has also been aroused to the peak!

Ao Xing looked around...

Tai Ao lay down,

Emperor Qing lay down,

The black dragon lay down,

The white tiger is lying down in large characters,

Is there no combat power available to cover him?

Really do not have!

Surrounded by murderous ripples, there is no dragon who wants to stand up and fight!

Xiao Aoxing asked: "梼杌 is going to hit someone! Don't you stop it?"

"Don't stop!" the three dragons said in unison.

Xiao Aoxing: "..."

His father said: "This kid is born with a stick. If you can't beat him to death, he will chase you and bite like a mad dog. You can kill him, and you can't explain to Xu'er, alas..."

"Okay then, I'll come! Just try the newly learned spell." Xiao Aoxing gritted his teeth, and 1080 kinds of spells, large and small, flashed through his mind quickly——

He knows all the spells by heart!

As long as he closes his eyes, he can find out the strongest esoteric spell of the White Tiger Clan!

It's time to witness his growth!

"Tiger descending the mountain pose!" He gathered all his spiritual power in his palm and struck at the 梼杌, just like a tiger descending the mountain!

The serene people immediately sat up, excited: "It's going to be a fight! It's finally going to be a fight!"

Bai Ling also stood up and explained: "Baby's watch stores all the low-level basic spells of our White Tiger Clan. When we finish learning the last basic spells, we can go down the mountain and roam the rivers and lakes! Therefore, the basic spells of our clan The ultimate esoteric meaning is the tiger descending the mountain pose, in order to celebrate that the baby tiger can finally descend the mountain."

But the three people who sat up had strange expressions...

Emperor Qing: "Little ancestor, this seems to be wrong!"

Shaoyang: "We seem to be dragons...?"

Tai Ao laughed: "Yeah."

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger... We seem to belong to water?" Along with the revelation of the attributes of the five elements, the strong wind that Xiao Ao's palm raised gradually weakened...


The little dragon cubs are flamboyant...

Fell into the bloody mouth of the 梼杌...

Father Long sighed in disappointment: "Blind your father, I prepared such a big pool of water for you!"

The Mirror Lake regained its calm from the ripples, and the moon and stars were reflected in the lake water...

Tai Ao wanted to get up, ready to retrieve the little dragon cub from the beast's mouth, but when he got up, he seemed to sense something and sat down again.

A hand caught the little dragon cub in the beast's mouth in time: "That... Excuse me, have you seen my cat?"

A strange voice sounded softly and harmlessly among the four evil spirits.

: I heard that there is going to be a fight, so I am back!

: Is the winner decided?I want to know the result directly.

: Why are the host and Wuwu fighting?

: The anchor is dead, and the show is over.

: Who is this?

: Why is there a newcomer here?

: There are so many guests today, the anchor can't take it, right?

[Live Mission 5: Receive mysterious visitors. 】

[Another mysterious guest has come to No Man's Land, receive him and get his five-star praise, you can get: Ninth Grade Divine Artifact Nine Turns Yufengling! 】

Xiao Aoxing, who was hugged by a mysterious visitor, saw this new mission and couldn't help but be embarrassed: "Wuhu!Is your reward level jumping too much?Did you just give it away? '

Wuhu: "Please don't doubt my fairness, my rewards are based on fixed standards."

Ao Xing: "Okay, I understand, the visitor has a very high status and deserves the reward of a ninth-grade artifact!" '

Wuhu burst into sweat: "I, I didn't say that!"

: This brother is handsome, I can do it!

: I like a gentle brother~

: There are more classic/handsome/dominant handsome men in the Shenlong live broadcast, and I can come to a gentle little brother once in a while! (/love)

: Take this little brother away, let's share the beautiful dragons! (/Ha ha)

: Uh, let me say, big sisters, don’t even think about it, can the person who can stand quietly among the four fierce beasts be a man you can grasp?

: Oh, you foolish women, you know nothing of power!

: White cut black!Black and white!I can!

: ... I underestimated the fanaticism of women!


*At the author's family gathering...

*I thought that the epidemic would get worse this year, so I didn't need to go out, but I never expected...

* After escaping from the bitter sea, go home for the fourth watch.

*The fifth update will be added tomorrow!

*I also want to use my mobile phone to code on the spot, but the brats don’t allow it...

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