I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 161 I beg you to be gods and let that door go!

: (Brother) My God of Wealth pays for every repair of the door!Nantianmen really gets more and more expensive the more it is repaired!

Ordinary audiences are eating melons, thanks to Wuhu's intelligence for helping Ao Xing effectively classify the barrage.

Ao Xing, who had just ascended to immortality, dared not say a word due to the barrage of the great gods, so he secretly glanced at the barrage in the mortal area...

What can mortals and little fairies and demons do?

Apart from eating melons, I don't dare to jump around!

: I don't know what's going on, the gods are fighting again.

: I was still celebrating the anchor's ascension to immortality just now, but for some reason, it suddenly changed to the scene of the job fair?

: I understand that there is more than one fairy organization...

: Brother = heaven.

: Same as the world = Street Slippers Association (What the hell is this?)

: Kunlun Little Leopard = immortal (fu) female (lian) organization.

: I want to spread fire all over the universe... This is Zhu Rong, the Emperor of the Southern Heaven!Now that Buzhou Mountain is gone, you just want to hit the Nantian Gate!What did Nantianmen do wrong...?

: Add another Qingdi!

: There are all the emperors in the southeast, if only we can make a table of mahjong...

At this time, another person was promoted to the top ten of the weekly list.

: ["4 Years of Incubating Eggs" rewards Dragon Ball*10! 】

: ["4 Years of Hatching Eggs" became the third on the weekly list! 】

: (4 years incubating the egg) Oh, has the younger brother been promoted to immortality?Do you want to come to my nether office?

Ao Xing instantly recognized who was the third on the list, and his expression immediately became ferocious: "I won't go even if I die!" '

: (4 years of hatching eggs) This is wrong, you can come to my netherworld only after you die!

Ao Xing: '...'

Why do I have such a brother!

Ao Xing: "And what kind of ghost net name is this 4-year hatching egg?" '

: (4 years of hatching eggs) I miss the 4 years of hatching eggs with Master, that is my lost youth...

Ao Xing covered his face, desperate, and wanted to cry. He felt like his black history was being used as a screen name!

This id is too morally kidnapped. With this screen name, when he rejects Zhuanxu, his conscience hurts a bit!

But who wants to go to Netherworld?

Even his own father doesn't want to go, okay!

:Wow!Brother is online!

: Welcome brother~~

: Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I could see my seniors online!

: All the heavenly emperors in the southeast and north are here, where is the Western Baidi?

: @白帝, mahjong three missing one, I miss you!

: (Brother) Didn't you already make an agreement with the underworld?Why is Nether still connected to the Internet! !

: Brother, your meeting is in vain...

: As soon as the meeting was over, Nether was connected to the Internet. The underworld obviously doesn't care about you!Let's fry the king of Hades! @Bro

: (Brother) I’m just a financial accountant responsible for paying salaries, you should just direct @玉皇大帝 for personnel management!

: (4 years of hatching eggs) I said why I went back to Netherworld and said that I wanted to pull the net. People from the whole underworld came to persuade me not to pull the net. It turned out that it was because of you!

: (brother) cold sweat...

: The scene of the death of a large society!

: (I want to spread fire all over the universe) Nantianmen, do you have an appointment? @Hatch 4 years

: (4 years of incubation) Good.

: (Brother) Be a god and let that door go...

What a miserable Nantianmen.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that since ancient times, gods have liked to make troubles at Nantianmen...

What monkey grandson made a big fuss and smashed the Nantian Gate,

The Dragon King of the East China Sea filed a lawsuit against him, but was caught by Nezha at the Nantian Gate.

The demons and ghosts on the earth attack the Heavenly Court from the South Gate of Heaven.

What other gods were expelled from the immortality, they were all thrown out from the Nantianmen...

Damn, that's a door full of disasters!

Xiao Aoxing lamented the misfortune of the door, but the Qing Emperor in front of him had been waiting for a long time: "Little ancestor, you have hesitated for so long, do you have any worries?"

What concerns?

He just watched the barrage for a while.

Ao Xing took Qingdi's postcard and replied cautiously: "I have time to think about it~"

If you don't look at the barrage, you don't know, and the gods are divided into so many organizations, he'd better look at the situation first and then talk!

Emperor Qing is also a talkative master, and nodded: "Okay, the little ancestor has his own considerations, so Taihao will not force it. But when the little ancestor thinks clearly, he can come to my Qingdi Palace again. My Qingdi Palace There will always be a place for you."

"Okay!" Ao Xing happily put away the business card.

Anyway, no matter how many immortal organizations there are in the world, relatives are his most solid backing.

After collecting the business card, Xiao Aoxing said to Emperor Qing: "Our seniority is too difficult to calculate, and I am younger than you, so let's talk about it. You can call me dad whatever you want, and call me whatever you want. That's fine, I'll call you uncles according to your age!"

"This..." Taihao was in a dilemma.

"I have no objection." At this time, Tai Ao was already lying on the big white tiger chair, and his current state was really calm.

But his words also let go of Taihao's worries, and directly touched his head with his hand: "The last time I saw Xing'er, it was still an egg. I didn't expect it to grow so big now~"

What a gratifying tone.

But after Xiao Ao Xing heard it, his face turned blue!

: (4 years of hatching eggs) The last time Qingdi said was 1 years ago.

Seeing the barrage of senior brother, Xiao Aoxing's complexion became even worse!

"Yeah, when I saw you last time, little ancestor, you were still an egg, and I poured all the spiritual power of the whole family into your egg to help you transform, but I didn't expect it to fail."

Canglong turned into a human form, looking at Xiao Aoxing's current appearance, he couldn't help but show his father's gratified expression: "I thought you would always be an egg, but I didn't expect to see you born in my lifetime!"

"...Stop it!" Fortunately, Xiao Ao didn't want to talk about Dan's past and present life, because it was too scary!

—Mom, it seems that many people have hatched me.

——It seems that they are still public.

- Mom!

——I'm not clean anymore...

black line!

So let’s skip this kind of weird topic!

"I don't quite understand why you all came here." Ao Xing asked while covering the black line on his face.

As soon as it was mentioned, Canglong Shaoyin couldn't help wiping away tears: "Watching the live broadcast a few days ago, I saw my ancestor holding my portrait and saying that he couldn't remember me, so I have to come! If you don't come, the ancestor will really Don't know me anymore!"

: Is there such a thing?

: It seems that there was such a thing. After that time, Canglong disappeared. It turned out that he was on his way to recognize his relatives...

: @定时工作rest@我playpipi鲜@狂龙@红龙@云龙@雨龙@罗龙, when are you going to visit the old man?

Shaoyin continued to wipe away tears: "I was afraid that my ancestors would tie me into a knot if I came alone, so I dragged my elder brother along, but unexpectedly, I was still tied into a knot."

Xiao Aoxing has always had a doubt, the doubt is why everyone watching the live broadcast knows that he has the physique of Yidujie, but Qingdi still helps him to overcome the robbery like a fool?

Is it...

"Uncle Qing doesn't watch the live broadcast?" Ao Xing asked.

Emperor Qing was confused: "What is a live broadcast?"

OK, he already knows the answer!

Shaoyin smiled: "My elder brother is a farmer. He is obsessed with growing flowers and trees and cannot extricate himself. He hasn't left the Qingdi Palace for thousands of years. I don't know how much the world has changed."

: As we all know, there are two types of gods, one is closed-door practice and does not care about world affairs; the other is street sneaks who watch live broadcasts every day!

: [System: "Same King as the World" was renamed "The Strongest Street Slipper on the Surface". 】

: Awesome!

Okay, now Ao Xing probably knows what's going on.

Then he looked at the unidentified guest today (the live broadcast task is important): "By the way, what is the name of this Uncle Tiger?"

Tai Ao endorsed: "This is Dabai."

"Yes, my grandpa." Bai Ling squatted in the corner and admitted it voluntarily.

Ao Xing: "..."

That's not true.

The weirdest thing was that Bai Huwen quietly made a tiger-shaped sofa, and didn't even make a sound to refute.

At this moment, a special barrage entered Ao Xing's mind.

: The anchor is not good!The four fierce beasts are fighting!

: Anchor!Chaos, Wuwu, and Qiongqi are all here, fighting Taotie!


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