I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 137 Hello, What's the matter?

Tai Ao turned his head.

Four eyes facing each other.

Taihao: "..."

Tai Ao: "Is there something wrong?"

In order not to be assigned to the new world, Taihao hastily took a step back to ensure his safety, before saluting respectfully: "Senior, I don't know what big mistake Shaoyang and Yingde made to be thrown into the new world by you?"

Tai Ao said: "They lost!"

Taihao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "If you lose, you will be assigned to the new world?"

Tai Ao: "The remnant is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Isn't this the truth that has existed since ancient times? Since they lost, I will naturally arrange their funeral!"


Taihao was shocked, unable to believe it: "You mean... Shaoyang and Yingde lost, and their life and death are also up to you?"

Tai Ao: "Of course!"

Two simple words, but all the mighty are speechless.

Although since the birth of the Three Emperors, the prehistoric world has begun to develop towards civilization, but the civilization has not yet matured, and the heavens still respect martial arts.

Now all races can live in peace, that's because they are evenly matched!

But once someone with supernatural powers surpasses everyone, this balance will be broken, and he has to surrender to him!

simply put……

That is: Whoever has the biggest fist will listen to him.

Tai Ao restrained the two dragon kings who revealed their real bodies with one move, and the strength he displayed has far exceeded everyone's imagination!

If he wanted Yingde and Shaoyang to die, who would dare to say that he could save them both in the hands of this old man?

No one dared to say yes.

If we unite the forces of the various clans... just after the war, the vitality of the various clans has been severely injured. If they unite, even if they can barely defeat the old man in front of them, they may face the danger of genocide!

You, can you afford this price?

After weighing the situation, the leaders of the various ethnic groups at the scene chose to hold back for the time being.

But fortunately, the old man in front of him has no intention of fighting again and exterminating his clan.

So Taihao boldly asked for advice: "Senior...don't you want the Yinglong and Canglong clans to bow down to Chenchen? Now you have captured their leaders, but you don't teach them to submit, but send them off. In this way, how to make Yinglong Are the Dragon and Canglong tribes willing to follow you?"

"Exactly!" Warriors from the Yinglong and Canglong races arrived, glaring at the old man who assigned their leader!

The Yinglong clan has no leader now, and they don't know what to do next.

And someone from the Canglong clan knelt in front of Taihao, gritted his teeth and begged: "His Royal Highness Taihao, you are the elder brother of our leader. Now that he is killed, please be the master for us, and take action to defeat this person who came out of nowhere. Ye Laoer, rescue our leader!"

The Yinglong clan also knelt down: "By the way, save our leader!"

Taihao: Don't!I don't want to be beaten into a twist!real!

At this moment, a black shadow fell beside Tai Ao, it was Zhuanxu, the leader of the Kongsang tribe.

Zhuan Xu said to Tai Ao dumbfounded: "Master, you have won all the battles, why did you throw Yingde and Shaoyang into the new world? How can you make Yinglong and Canglong surrender to you?"

Let alone submitting now, both clans want to slaughter the old man who captured their leader!


Can't beat it.

So be tactical first!

Tai Ao wondered: "Why do I want their surrender?"

Like coaxing an old child, Zhuanxu said in a funny and soft voice, "Be the Dragon King! Let them take your surname!"

Unexpectedly, Tai Ao stared and blew his beard and said, "What? I have been abdicated for so many years, and you still want me to come back to work??"

Zhuan Xu was dumbfounded: "You used to be the Dragon King?"


The dragon clan was shocked!

Zhuanxu asked in surprise, "Why haven't I heard you say that?"

"You never asked." Tai Ao closed the door to the new world.

"Don't close it..." Tai Hao and the other dragons were anxious, but at this moment, Tai Ao turned around.

All eyes met, they suddenly understood Taihao's feeling just now.

Dragon Clan: "..."

Tai Ao: "Is there something wrong?"

Collective tactical shaking of the head!

And launched Taihao who was once a dragon king.

Taihao: "..."

The old man looked at him benevolently: "What's the matter?"

Taihao really wanted to say it's okay and excuse me, but at this moment, he is not allowed to back down.

He bit the bullet and asked: "Senior was also the dragon king of our clan, who is the first dragon king of that clan?"

Tai Ao asked back, "How long are you?"

Taihao: "I am the 801st Dragon King of the Canglong Clan, my brother Shaoyang is the 802nd Dragon King; Yingde is the 803rd, of the Yinglong Clan, and the time limit to become a Dragon King is very close to that of my brother Shaoyang."

"It's been so long..." Tai Ao sighed.

Zhuan Xu was on the sidelines to help him to prevent him from getting confused, and asked some questions: "Master, Taihao still asked which clan you are the Dragon King?"

"Which clan..." Tai Ao looked at the dragon clan at the scene.

Canglong tribe, blue, wingless, body like a long snake, dragon head, carp tail, long beard, deer-like horns, five claws, majestic appearance.

The Yinglong clan is very similar to the Canglong clan as a whole, but the appearance is more simple, with yellow dragon scales and a pair of colorful wings.

Tai Ao sighed, disappointed and said: "How do I know which clan I am? There is no one here who is similar to me!"

"Then it's not one of the Eight Clans!" Taihao said.

Since the birth of the Dragon Clan, many eras have passed.

In the ancient unified era, Wanlong was headed by the Dragon Emperor, and dared not have two hearts.

Afterwards, the various sects of the Dragon Clan were cut off. In this era, those who look like dragons and those who don’t look like dragons, any cat or dog with a little bit of dragon blood dare to come out and claim to be the authentic Dragon Clan!

——This is the most chaotic era for the Dragon Clan.

In the chaos, the dragon clan with purer bloodlines gradually awakened their consciousness, unified their own clan, and jointly resisted the collateral clans that didn't look like dragons at all!

——At this time, the Dragon Clan has dozens of orthodox bloodlines, each of which is king.

After tens of thousands of years of infighting, eight bloodlines were finally left and surrendered, namely the current Yinglong, Canglong, Chilong, Heilong, Yunlong, Yulong, Qiulong, and Panlong.

So when Tai Hao heard Tai Ao say "no one is like me", he thought he was the dragon king of the third era, because there were the most dragon kings in that era, and the clans they led might not survive to the end.

It turns out that this is the Dragon King whose family has been exterminated, poor lonely family!

The sympathy value rises instantly.

However, the younger brother is still important!

Taihao smiled wryly and asked: "Senior, since this is the ancestor of our clan, they are all blood relatives, and there is no deep hatred with my younger brother and Yingde, so why do you send them to the new world?"

Tai Ao snorted: "Who told them to speak ill of my Jiuyin?"

It turned out to be the dragon clan who supported Zhu Jiuyin!

The first split of the Dragon Clan was to split into two factions, one faction supported Zhu Jiuyin's rule, and the other faction opposed Zhu Jiuyin's rule, and then gradually fell apart!

This turned out to be meeting the old-school dragon clan who supported Zhu Jiuyin!

This is troublesome.......

Because, in the end, the dragon clan that survived was the opposition who nailed Zhu Jiuyin to the dragon clan sinner pillar!

At this moment, a member of the Yinglong clan shouted angrily: "So what if you call him Zhu Jiuyin? This kind of sinner, colluded with the witch clan, and slaughtered thousands of descendants of my dragon clan! He saw the dragon and killed the dragon, forcing our dragon clan Had to retreat to the dark Jilongyuan! It's ridiculous, the former overlord of heaven and earth can only hide in the darkness and linger, it's ridiculous! I and other younger generations will never forget this shame and humiliation! You speak for him, you are also one of our dragons! Enemy!"

Too dumbfounded.

After a long time, I asked in a low voice: "You said, Jiuyin slaughtered my dragon clan?"

He glanced at the Dragon Clan, and mentioned this period of history, all the Dragon Clan present were red-eyed, their eyes were tearing with hatred, and they clenched their fists!

Even Taihao, the green dragon with the highest level of cultivation, his eyes were slightly red: "Yes, the chaos of the candle dragon made our dragon family almost extinct. The shame of the ancient times, I and the younger generation will never dare to forget!"

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