I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 129 What the old man saves is not money, but history!

Tai Ao waved his hand: "Take it back, it won't be needed anymore."

"Then I paid for nothing?" Zhuanxu felt wronged!

At this moment, the cute little junior came into view.

Ao Xing (0.0): "..."

Zhuan Xu (0.0): "..."

: give him~

: give him~

: give him~

: Gold card!That's not something anyone can do!Nor can it be used by others casually!

:? ?

: As we all know, the management of the Three Realms is relatively strict. The Netherworld, the mortal world, and the Heavenly Realm do not communicate with each other. Only a very small number of powerful people can travel to and from the Three Realms.

: Only those who frequently travel to and from the Three Realms will need to exchange currency.

: Therefore, Tiandi Bank only provides the Three Realms UnionPay Gold Card for these powerful people, so that the powerful can withdraw the corresponding cash that can be used anywhere in the Three Realms!

: Only the identity of Hei Di can be possessed.

: However, for the sake of order in the Three Realms, Tiandi Bank usually requires gold card users not to transfer or hand over the card to others for use.

: So it is impossible to give this card to the anchor!

"Come on, Junior Brother, this card is for you." Zhuan Xu stuffed the gold card into Ao Xing's hand.

: Please pretend I never said that!

: You are the emperor of heaven, you are self-willed! t pan t

Zhuanxu said: "I just did it today, and the people at the bank said a lot of things, but I didn't understand them, so I remembered what they said, this card can be taken from any computer in the world. to RMB.I don't need the RMB anymore, so you can spend the money. "

: Do you just remember this sentence?

: The money in the gold card is common to the three worlds, not only RMB!My god...<!

: It seems that Cangjie only taught Hei Di Long Kingdom characters, but not Hei Di foreign characters...

: Remember all the conditions that are beneficial to the younger brother, really worthy of being a good senior brother Youming~! (/great)

"Thank you, brother!" Ao Xing happily took the bank card and bowed 90 degrees!

: Greetings to senior brother in advance for the early years!

: Blind guess card 60 billion~

: I am so envious~

: The anchor has two good brothers...

: ["Little Brother" presented a Dragon Ball! 】

: (Brother) Hmph!

: There is also a little brother who rewards you if you disagree...

: This is obviously my sister. ↑

: Yes, we said that the anchor has two good brothers, sister, what kind of presence do you have?

: (brother) vomiting blood...

"I will never waste another penny in the future!" Ao Xing swore holding the gold card!

:hope so.

: Look at the building outside, you still haven’t paid for the bad shots yesterday! (/ squint)

: Well, I hope you remember this sentence.

: The screen has been recorded, ready to make face-slapping materials for station b. (/smirk)

"It's okay." Zhuan Xu patted his junior brother's head, "There is 100 billion in it, spend it as you like."

Ao Xing: "!!"

Oh, this little heart, I can't stand it!

:100 billion? ? ? ?

: Spend whatever you want? ?

: Are all your heavenly emperors so arrogant?

: Excuse me, do you still need a junior?

: @小哥, look at his brother, and then at you?

: (Brother) Hmph!

Ao Xing's conscience was happy and uneasy at the same time: "But...is this too much?"

Zhuan Xu shook his head: "Not much, isn't it necessary to compensate the world for more than 60 billion yuan? I was worried that there would be extra problems, so I exchanged some more cash at the bank."

: It is right to be prepared! (/great)

Ao Xing: "However, you don't have to fully bear the indemnity, I am also partly responsible! You don't have to pay so much..."

Zhuanxu was stunned: "Junior brother, you don't think that Master will exchange money for you, right?"

Ao Xing was taken aback: "No way?"

Zhuan Xu: "Of course not!"

What a natural tone!

Ao Xing seemed to have learned the truth, and quickly turned to look at Tai Ao.

Tai Ao drank tea calmly: "Of course not."

: (work and rest on time) Of course not.

: Brother!

Ao Xing was shocked: "Why don't you?"

Tai Ao snorted, and a stack of gold ingots, a stack of silver ingots, and various styles of copper coins and silver notes appeared in front of him again, and he said confidently: "Do you know how long I have been saving these?!"

: Currency originated in the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC).

: Saved about 4000 years...

: After saving 3600 years, I have feelings! (/laugh and cry)

: Dragons are known to love blingbling gold...

Ao Xing qaq: "Am I really your son?"

Tai Ao: "Yes!"

Ao Xing: "Birth?"

Tai Ao: "Yes."

Ao Xing pointed to those ancient coins and asked, "Then do you want them or me?"

Without even thinking about it, Tai Ao hugged the ancient coin.

: Cub, although you are my own, I still choose my money.

: Big brother and senior brother have already seen through everything, and have taken the initiative to bear all the debts...

: @小哥, look at my dear brother!Just like you, still want to rub a father?

: (Brother) Hmph!

:Etc., etc!These ancient coins seem to have consecutive numbers? ! !

"Since you don't want to use money to redeem me, why do you still take out these ancient coins? Don't tell me, you took them out to dry because you were afraid of them getting rusty!" Ao Xing, who had accepted that her father didn't love her asked crying.

Tai Ao: "If I don't show them to the sun, how do you know I own them?"

Ao Xing: "..."

Xiao Bailong completely lost his mind!

: It's really a serial number!

: What the old man saves is not money, but history!

: So the old man is a collector!

: Azai, don't struggle, you are indeed born by your father!

: Please bookmark our currency issued in 2022, (/funny)

: Seeing this, I decided to keep the one dollar in my hand and keep it as a family heirloom. After 4000 years, my descendants will use my one dollar to broadcast live broadcasts...

: I also suspect that the old man has collected other things...

: The Forbidden City Museum of Cultural Relics has followed you!

At this moment, Zhuan Xu suddenly bowed to Tai Ao and said, "It's been a long time since we've been in the world this time, and it's time for us to return to Netherworld."

Tai Ao was stunned: "Go back so soon?"

Zhuanxu smiled and said, "I came here this time just to see Master, and now I see that Master's demeanor remains the same as before, I feel at ease. And this time, I have caused a lot of trouble to the world, I'm really sorry Stay any longer."

: Brother, don't go!

: My emperor, don't go!

: Don't go!

: (Brother) Hurry up, hurry up!

"Okay, okay, let's go back!" Tai Ao waved his hand to see off the guests.

Zhuan Xu smiled and said, "If Master and Junior Brother miss me, you can come to Netherworld to find me..."

Ao Xing: "I won't go."

Tai Ao: "Thank you for the invitation, I won't go even if I'm killed."

Zhuan Xu 囧: "Can you think for a second?"

Ao Xing: "No."

Tai Ao: "No."

Zhuan Xu: "..."

: This is indeed 1 second... (/laughing and crying)

: Give another billion seconds, and don't go!

: What a miserable Heidi...

: Really Lonely!

: (Brother) Hahaha, escape into the netherworld and have no friends!Let you choose the North that year!

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