I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 112 Listening to Zhuan Xu's Inventory of the Great Divine Water

: Because drinking is like drinking plain water... Oh no, it's a scented drink!

: Because you belong to water, it is impossible to warm up~

: It turns out that the physique of the Dragon Clan who never gets drunk is not a complete advantage. (/laugh and cry)

Seeing him trembling, Zhuan Xu couldn't help but smile and asked, "Are you afraid, Junior Brother?"

"I'm afraid? Oh, no!" After Ao Xing finished speaking, he somehow felt that his tone was like a monster...

black line!

Has he reached the point where he is afraid just by hearing Chi's name...

Zhuan Xu smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Junior Brother, don't be afraid, no matter how powerful Chi (softly) is, he wouldn't dare to make a mistake in front of your father. Back then, Master defeated Chi (softly), if you can learn With half the master's ability, there is no need to be afraid of anything."

"Ah?!" Ao Xing was taken aback, and turned to look at Tai Ao, who was stroking his beard and listening to the story with a smile——

Damn it, it turns out that the boss is by my side!

No wonder the old man didn't interrupt at all, just to wait for such a moment to brag about his achievements?

There are so many stories in the previous story, a certain master just wanted to lead out this last thing, right?Want to show off?

That's right, it's no wonder that the characters that the monsters and Emperor Yan talked about turned pale when they came to Zhuan Xu's mouth, and it became a straightforward story. It was all because he knew that the boss was sitting beside him!

Ah Wen asked in surprise: "Father, didn't you defeat that guy together with the patriarch? Why is the patriarch alone?"

Zhuan Xu smiled and said, "At that time, your patriarch and grandpa didn't want to show their faces in front of people, so I made the appearance on many occasions. It's normal for others to think that I defeated the 24 ghosts."

Ah Wen couldn't bear it: "Isn't this unfair to the patriarch? The power is all from the patriarch, but no one knows his merits..."

Tai Ao laughed and said, "What's the big deal? Xu'er shares weal and woe with me, what's his is mine, and what's mine is his, don't worry about it. (^-^)"

"Yes~! Mine is Master's~!" Zhuanxu smiled happily.

Ao Xingjiu: "You are the father and son, right? So close!"

Zhuan Xu was taken aback: "Ah? Isn't it?"

Ao Xing: "..."

Not even modesty!

: So this is the second brother? (/sucks funny)

: Brother: Fortunately, I didn’t misunderstand at that time, this second brother came here!

: It's senior brother!

: Brother is like a brother! (/Ha ha)

"Let's continue talking about Shenshui. Brother, tell me about Shenshui, so I will know which waters are not to be drunk in the future!" Ao Xing turned the chapter helplessly.

Zhuan Xu: "Where did we talk just now?"

Ao Xing: "I just finished talking about the third kind of water that is weak."

"Oh!" Zhuanxu nodded, and continued: "I just mentioned Gonggong, so let's talk about his Xuanming Zhenshui. This Xuanming Zhenshui is the fourth kind of divine water, which is the natal true water of the ancestor witch Gonggong. It combines the avenue of water and the turbid air of the earth, abandons the power of water to breed life, and only pursues the ultimate attack and lethality. It has the powerful power to freeze three thousand worlds and endless time and space! I heard that Gonggong used to be with the dragon clan When we were friends, we would often use Xuanming Zhenshui to brew fine wine and entertain the dragon clan. But Gonggong is dead, and this Xuanmingzhenshui will disappear in this world."

The corners of Ao Xing's mouth twitched: "It's a miracle that this water can be turned into wine!"

Zhuanxu smiled, and continued: "Similar to Gonggong's Xuanming True Water, there is also Xiangliu Poisonous Water, which is exclusive to individuals and not the most precious treasure in the world. That Xiangliu has nine human faces, and a snake body is green. Wherever he went, it became a big lake. The poisonous water he sprayed was bitter and spicy, and the living beings would die if they drank it. He was originally a subordinate of Gonggong. After Gonggong died, he fled away. Yu's people suppressed it. As long as he is not born, you will not be able to drink the poisonous wine he brewed."

Ao Xing: "I don't really want to drink!"

Zhuanxu: "The sixth type of water is called One Yuan Chongshui. It is the water at the bottom of the Milky Way. It only takes one drop, and ordinary people can become immortals."

Ao Xing let out a sigh of relief, and said with relief: "I finally heard a good piece of water!"

The water in front is so poisonous, he thinks the most miraculous thing is: the dragons won't die after drinking it? ?

Zhuanxu smiled: "But the upper layer of the Milky Way is weak water, and the bottom is unitary heavy water. If you want to drink it, you have to go through the weak water, but in the weak water, you are already drunk, so you can't drink the unitary heavy water." of."

Ao Xing was expressionless: "I really don't want to drink that much!"

Zhuanxu: "The seventh kind of water is glass-purified water. It is a sacred object of Buddhism. Although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, it is more precious than an innate spiritual treasure. It is a Buddhist sage who uses the supreme means to transfer Buddhist luck, merit, and piety to the Buddha. It is smelted by faith and has countless wonderful functions. It is injected into the Eight Treasures Merit Pool by Buddhism, and is also introduced into the mountain protection river of Mount Sumeru. It guards Buddhism and can only be seen by devout pilgrims."

Ao Xing wiped his saliva: "Good water, good water."

Zhuanxu smiled slightly: "The eighth type of water is called Zimu River water. Both men and women can get pregnant after drinking it. Even if it is brewed into wine, it can still make people pregnant. Brother, do you want to drink it?"

Ao Xing's face changed: "I don't really want to drink!"

: Good water, good water!

: No need to talk about the water in the back, I unilaterally declare that this is the best of the top ten divine waters! (/funny)

: I want to watch the anchor drink wine made from Zimu River water! (/funny)

: Let's drink, let's drink, you see, the old man has a lot of white beards, and he wants to hug his grandson. (/funny)

"The ninth kind of water is a legend in the legend. The time is too long. When it was passed to my ears, the storyteller was not sure if there was such water. It is the water of the ancestral dragon."

"?" Ao Xing was taken aback, looking at Tai Ao.

The person involved is by your side, and you are not sure, so just ask?

Tai Ao whistled, folded his arms, and looked up at the ceiling, pretending that he was not talking about himself.

: Small Tai Ao, large Zulong. ↑

: Zhuanxu regards you as his grandfather, but you hide your identity from him!I feel sorry for Hei Di for billions of seconds.

: What is returned to me is yours... Poor Heidi, what is your master's is still your master's! (/laugh and cry)

Zhuan·Unknown Truth·Put the Dragon as a Father·Science·Inventory·Xu worshiped and said: "It is said that the ancestor dragon was conceived by the four innate elements of feng shui fire and earth, among which the attribute of water is heavier. So the water of the ancestor dragon is also The innate water element is the source of all water in the world. Without it, the water mentioned above would not exist!"

"Uh..." Ao Xing glanced at Tai Ao.

Tai Ao is still whistling, looking at the ceiling, like a dragon who has nothing to do.

Ao Xing sighed and didn't mention this anymore. He turned to Zhuanxu and asked, "Then what is the last kind of water? Why did you drain it behind the Zulong's water?"

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