I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 100 Ao Xing: I really didn't do anything!

Interview Ao Xing.

Ao Xing: I didn't do anything, I didn't know anything, they just flashed back a hundred meters away!

Ao Xing: I really didn't do it!I’m just one big yana, they’re all big Luos, what can I do with them?right?

Ao Xing: In fact, when they mocked me, I knew very well that it was probably because my dad and their dad went to find them, and my dad made them docile, which made this pair of psychopaths dislike me. So Kong came to me to find a sense of presence.

Ao Xing: According to the general routine, after the twins are full of hatred, my dad or their dad will automatically clean them up, and then slap them in the face. I just watch the show.So I'm not angry at all, I'm generous, really!

Ao Xing: But I didn't expect that after they saw my original ecology, they suddenly retreated a hundred meters and dared not come down from the wall.

Ao Xing: At that time, I was completely confused. This strategy was wrong. My dad or their dad didn’t make a move. Why did they hang themselves on the wall?Do you still need to slap your face?If you don't slap your face, how can you feel refreshed?Not happy, so what hatred did they pull just now?

Ao Xing: Anyway, the operation of twins can't fix me...

: Why do they have such a reaction?

Ao Xing: You ask me, who should I ask?


Now Ao Xing is completely confused.

Seeing the terrified appearance of the twins, those who didn't know thought he had done something to them.

But he swears to God, he didn't do anything to them!

Otherwise, you will let lightning strike him!

Elf: "He, how could he be alive?"

Ryo: "Impossible! The Battle of Zhuolu..."

Tai Ao appeared beside them.

"Ah!" The sprite brothers were so frightened that their hairs exploded!

Like a patient elder, Tai Ao asked them helplessly and tolerantly: "Have you had enough trouble? Enough trouble, we are going back."

Hearing such a gentle question, the ghost instantly seemed to have found a relative, rushed over, grabbed Tai Ao's arm, pointed at Ao Xing in the distance, and shouted nervously: "Grandpa Patriarch, he... !!!”

Tai Ao asked: "What happened to him?"

Ao Xing couldn't help but type out: "Hey! How did I mess with you again? I didn't do anything!"


"鬼!" One of the twins seemed to realize something, and stopped the brother in time.

Ryo: "..."

He hesitated to speak, but they all held back.

Tai Ao asked: "Is there anything else?"

"No more!" The twins quickly shook their heads!

Tai Ao nodded: "Then we will go back."

"Yeah." They hugged Tai Ao's arms tightly... No, they were hiding behind him, revealing nervous information from head to toe!

They stared at Ao Xing, and followed Tai Ao slowly approaching, with a frightened look, as if Tai Ao led them to the guillotine.

"Greetings to Patriarch Grandpa." Ah Wen came over to pay a visit with her. At this time, she turned into a three-year-old child again. Seeing this, Ao Xing almost couldn't hold back her expression. Why do these ancient masters like to pretend to be young so much? ?

Tai Ao nodded kindly: "Everyone is here, let's go back."

As soon as he waved his hand, everyone had already returned to the small rental house.

:? ? ?

: I don't know anything, the scene suddenly changed!

: (Yuxu Palace) Is this the legendary shrinking magic?

: ... Isn't it teleportation?

: (Taiqing Palace) I am uneducated, shrinking to an inch is the official scientific name of the teleportation spell!

:Wow!What a powerful teleport!

: (Taiqing Hall)...

: (Yuxu Palace) I hope to follow the live broadcast to the end, and learn from it secretly!That is really a legendary spell!

: ... That is really a secret technique in comics!

: The old man is really amazing!


Everyone stood firm, and only one person fell.

: Anchor...

: Three generations of teachers, the best anchor! (/laugh cry)

: Understand, the first teleportation of the anchor...

Ao Xing was the only one who fell in the whole house.

Even the newly matured camera didn't fall, and turned around with the others-do you think it's reasonable? !

"Cough!" Ao Xing blushed, jumped up, and pretended to be relaxed and shook his arms: "That, that, fly next time, or teleport something, let me tell you in advance!"

Tai Ao looked at him sympathetically: "This is called shrinking to an inch."

Ao Xing: "..."

: (Taiqing Hall) Look, it’s called shrinking to an inch!

Tai Ao smiled: "After your senior brother leaves, I will teach you to shrink the ground to an inch. This method can shrink mountains and rivers to an inch, allowing you to quickly reach the place you want to go. Do you want to learn it!"

Ao Xing was immediately happy: "I want to!"

: (Yuxu Palace) I want to too!

: (Bi You Gong) I think so too!

: (Taiqing Palace) I want to too!

: (All sects of cultivating immortals really want it!)

Tai Ao turned around.

The twins were taken aback for a moment, and quickly turned around. They don't know why, but they just don't want to be exposed to Ao Xing's sight.

Ao Xing: "???"

He really didn't do anything!

There is also a white shadow in the room, which has been in the room for a long time.

Now she has stood up and saluted respectfully: "Bai Ling greets the master, the young master, His Majesty the Black Emperor."

Zhuan Xu looked at her: "This is..."

"Bai Ling, what were you looking at just now?" Ao Xing couldn't help it, and pointed at the computer behind Bai Ling in surprise!

That's his computer.

on the computer is...

"It's nothing." Bai Ling blocked it with his body solemnly, and reached out to turn off the screen.

Ao Xing (=皮=#): "You are watching the live broadcast!"

Bai Ling said seriously: "No."

Ao Xing: "Just watching the live broadcast!"

Bai Ling saluted Tai Ao solemnly: "Master, I don't know what the little master is talking about."

Ao Xing: "..."

: Xiaobai is watching the live broadcast...

: Laughing and crying...

: Our cubs are playing high-altitude roller coasters, cosplay, and fighting against heavenly soldiers in front of us, but you are sitting at home watching the live broadcast? !

: No wonder I said why Xiaobai never came back, it turned out that he went home...

:Xiaobai: Scared to death meow!Meow was watching the live broadcast carefully, and the anchor group suddenly appeared behind me!

: It looks like me who was caught fishing by the boss at work. (/laugh and cry)

Of course Tai Ao didn't believe it, he looked at the computer: "What are you looking at?"

Bai Ling said solemnly: "Master! My grandfather passed on a magic weapon to me. I think this magic weapon is absolutely suitable for the young master at this stage."

Plan pass!

As expected, Tai Ao's attention came back, and he asked curiously, "What is it?"

Bai Ling took out a sports watch from his trouser pocket.

:sports watch?

:smart watch?

: phone watch?

: I know this brand!My seven-year-old daughter is also using it, it is anti-lost! (/funny)

: There must be a monitor!

: Conan's watch!There are anesthetics, only for escape!

: To prevent dragon cubs from getting lost, Meow is responsible~

However, everyone guessed wrong.

The watch that Bai Ling took out was more advanced than anyone imagined.

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