Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 997 I want you to be defeated

"Actually, Wu Kewei is really a bit blind and arrogant. He treats others as blind and deaf. He thinks I don't know anything, but I know it very well. He doesn't even think about it. He knows about the western development plan. I How can a person who has been operating in Huang'an County for many years know nothing about it?"

"But the western development plan is a good thing, but whether it can be passed is still unknown."

"Even if it can be passed, it will take a few years if it is really implemented. It is impossible to say that it is as simple as Wu Kewei thought, and it seems that it can be sold in a month or two. It’s like going, what happened then?”

Yu Siku had bright eyes and a calm tone.

"So this so-called western development plan doesn't make much sense to me because I need the money right now."

"As for Wu Ke, whoever is willing to show some sincerity, I will cooperate with him and sell the dairy factory to him first. But he has always wanted to take advantage of me and buy at the bottom, so how can I agree? ?”

It turned out to be the case.

Let's just say, everyone is a businessman, and how many fools are easy to fool?You, Wu Ke, are lucky, and you want to have a hard time here, who thinks that people won't fall for it at all.

The price of 150 million is a bit high, but it may not be really high.

If you are unwilling to take it out, you are destined to fail.

"Let's leave it at that."

"it is good."

Yu Siku smiled and said, "Director Zhao, I'll gather the workers of the dairy factory, and you can have a word with them."


No matter how to develop the dairy industry here in the future, Zhao Shanhe will meet these workers sooner or later. It is better to see them sooner than later, and to explain clearly to the workers as soon as possible can stabilize the morale of the army and prevent them from thinking wildly.

"I'll let them come to the meeting room."

"You arrange it."


Outside the Tianyuan Milk Factory.


Wu Kewei slapped the hood of the car frantically, his face was terribly gloomy.He was really angry and wanted to kill in anger.The duck that had reached its mouth just flew away, and anyone else would be like him.

"Damn Zhao Shanhe!"

"Damn Yu Siku!"

Wu Kewei's eyes were fierce.

"Okay Zhao Shanhe, you have repeatedly ruined my good deeds, do you really think I dare not touch you? You annoy me, be careful that I will destroy you, so that you will never want to leave Qingshan City again."

"And you are thinking hard. You know the western development plan, but you have been pretending to negotiate with me. Are you playing me like a monkey? You can sell it to Zhao Shanhe for 150 million, but you don't want to sell it to Zhao Shanhe. I."

"Okay, I remember you two."

Ma Xuetao stood beside him, not daring to make a sound.He knew that it was wrong to say anything now, and he would lose his words if he said too much, so he might as well just keep silent and say nothing.

When Wu Kewei had almost vented the depression in his heart, Ma Xuetao asked cautiously: "Brother-in-law, where are we going now? Should we stay here or go back?"

"What do you continue to do here? Are you waiting for Zhao Shanhe to see our jokes? Go back! This time, when I go back, I must think of a perfect plan. Tell me as soon as you have a good way." Wu Kewei said harshly.



The meeting room of Tianyuan Milk Factory.

When Wu Kewei left with grief and indignation, Zhao Shanhe was having a meeting with the workers of the dairy factory.As Yu Siku said, there are not many dairy workers, only sixteen.But these sixteen have been following him all the time, and their loyalty is beyond doubt.

And when they knew that the young man sitting in front of them would be the new boss of the dairy factory, they were all in an uproar.

"Sold it so soon?"

"That is to say, our milk factory will disappear in the future?"

"I don't know what kind of temperament this new boss is. Is he a picky person?"

More than a dozen workers started whispering head to head. They were all in a panic, and they couldn't calm down at all.No way, who made Yu Siku pat his butt and leave, leaving them to find a way to support their families.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to Director Zhao say a few words to everyone." Yu Siku said loudly.

All the noise died away.

Yu Siku stepped aside, waved his hands and said, "Director Zhao, come here."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe, who was sitting in the main seat, scanned the audience and said with a smile: "Who am I? You have already heard from the director of the factory just now, so I won't introduce much. I will just say a few words as a Our first meeting. I know that the acquisition of Tianyuan Milk Factory will be difficult for you to accept for a while, but it is already a fact. All you can do is to face it squarely and face it. it."

"I'm here to assure you of two things."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, everyone sat up straight and listened attentively.

"First, as long as you abide by the law and the rules and regulations of our milk factory, then I will continue to use you. Not only will you be able to use them, but all of you will have higher salaries than before."

"Second, if you say anyone wants to leave, I won't stop you, but I hope that before you leave, you must tell me, at least submit a letter of resignation, otherwise this matter will be difficult to handle. "

"I'll just say these two things. If you say it's okay, you can end the meeting. When you go back, think about what I just said and see if you want to go or stay. I'll give you three days to think about it. , let’s talk about signing the contract.”

Zhao Shanhe looked around at the crowd and saw that no one stood up to speak, so he announced: "Let's adjourn the meeting!"

Without unnecessary nonsense, Zhao Shanhe solved the matter neatly.

A dozen or so workers also got up and went back. They really wanted to think about this matter.After all, this matter is related to their future, and whether to stay or not should be carefully considered and weighed.

"Teacher, you go and hand over the work with the factory manager."

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Cai Shishi turned sideways and waved at Yu Siku, "Director Yu, please."

After everything was arranged, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Wei Wushu: "How is it? I'm quick enough, right?"

"It's quite neat, but Shanhe, do you really want to continue this milk factory?"

"If you want me to say, you might as well make this a branch factory of Shanqiu Foods, or it can be made by Hetu, so that you can see results faster than the dairy factory."

"To be honest, I don't have much confidence in the dairy factory. To put it bluntly, I'm not very optimistic about the future of this dairy factory."

Wei Wushu shook his head, with a suspicion in his words.


After rubbing his nose, Zhao Shanhe said calmly, "Yes, if I build a sub-factory, it will indeed be faster than the dairy factory. But if that is the case, why do I have to buy this dairy factory in Huang'an County?"

"You know, as long as I let the wind out, Qingshan City has a lot of land for me to choose from, and the Qingshan City Merchants Bureau will also offer me various preferential policies to subsidize me."

"Yes." Wei Wushu nodded.

That's right.

"So you still want to develop the dairy industry?"

"Yes, that's also the purpose of my doing this. As for whether it can develop in the future, just wait and see, I guarantee you will be surprised." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind."

Wei Wushu didn't continue to persuade, after all, his own vision and structure were far behind Zhao Shanhe's when it came to doing business.What is the current status of others, what about yourself?

"Then let's talk about Wu Kewei. I think he was very angry when he left just now. With his character of vengeance, he will definitely not let it go. Shanhe, you have to be careful." Wei Wushu Said.

"At the end of the school celebration, I gave Wu Ke a chance. At that time, I didn't say that he would kill me with a stick, but who would have thought that he would dare to be so hostile to me, and even use the Yougu Dojo to make a fuss and send you to the The situation. Since he is so ruthless, then we can't keep him." Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly, with a grim expression.

"Isn't it? Do you want to kill him? You can't, you can't, you can't, it's against the law to kill someone." Wei Wushu was startled, shaking his hands quickly, and said in a hurry.

Zhao Shanhe stared at him speechlessly: "I said you are okay? How could I say murder? What are you thinking?"

"It's better not to kill someone."

Wei Wushu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then what do you say? I'll listen to you."


Zhao Shanhe spoke out his plan slowly, and Wei Wushu nodded while listening.

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, Wei Wushu couldn't help but slapped his thighs, and said excitedly: "Okay, let's do it like this, so that Wu Kewei can't harm anyone in the future."

"Then you go and do it."

"Okay, I'll do it now, and try to finish it in the shortest possible time."

Wei Wushu left the office happily.

"Wu Kewei, this is really the way to heaven, you don't go, but there is no way to hell, you just barge in. Don't blame me for being cruel this time."

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back and watched the poplar leaves blowing in the wind outside the window.

"I want you to be crushed!"

After half an hour.

Yu Siku walked into the office, he came to say goodbye to Zhao Shanhe.The dairy factory seems to have a lot of things to deal with, but in fact they are all very simple.After all, when it comes to scale, it is about the same size as the cannery that Zhao Shanhe took over.

The difference between the two is the pasture.

lies in the future of the dairy industry.

"Director Zhao, I have told Secretary Cai everything that needs to be said, and I have also handed over everything that needs to be handed over to her. Of course, if you encounter any trouble here, you can call me at any time. I promise to call Come and deal with it as soon as you arrive." Yu Siku said.

"Director Yu, are you leaving now?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Don't worry, I have to stay in the county for two days to deal with my private affairs and help you go through the procedures." Yu Siku didn't leave directly.

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Okay, then we can communicate anytime if we have any questions."

"it is good!"

After the two talked some more, Yu Siku was about to leave. He stood up, looked at Zhao Shanhe, and asked slowly: "Director Zhao, actually I have a question that I have kept in my heart without asking. Now I'm leaving, can I ask you?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly: "You ask!"

"Are you really so optimistic about the dairy industry?" Yu Siku asked suspiciously.


Zhao Shanhe stared at Yu Siku with no sign of avoidance in his eyes, and said calmly, "Director Yu, I have strong confidence in the dairy industry."

"I firmly believe that in the future, the dairy industry will definitely rise and have a place in China's business landscape. That's why I paid for your Tianyuan Milk Factory. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

Yu Siku didn't stay any longer, turned and left.

When there were only two people left here, Cai Shishi looked at Zhao Shanhe and said, "Director, I am convinced. Didn't we come to Qingshan City this time to help Mr. Wei vent his anger? Why hasn't this bad breath come out?" out, but bought a dairy factory first.”

"You don't know. When I told Section Chief Cui just now, she was completely dumbfounded. I think, at this time, the factory must have exploded. They must be talking about your approach."

"Can you tell me why you have such confidence in the dairy industry?"


Zhao Shanhe can fully imagine Cui Huan's expression now, and also how the workers from Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing are arguing. Even Cai Qian and his management must be beaten by him this time. I was caught off guard.

They should never have dreamed that in less than a day, they would accomplish such a major event.

Is it worth taking 150 million to take down a workshop-style milk factory?

"I will tell them about this matter. What you have to do now is to seal up the accounts immediately and sort out all the things that need to be sorted out. I will call Xiangyang right away and ask him to arrange for our people to come and take over." Zhao The mountains and rivers said calmly.

"Okay!" Cai Shishi turned around and went out to do something.


Mountain autumn food.

Just like what Cai Shishi said, this place is indeed a frying pan.Everyone knew about Zhao Shanhe's takeover of the Tianyuan Milk Factory from the Finance Office.The moment they knew it, they all expressed difficulty in understanding it.

How could this be?

Why is this happening?

Our Shanqiu food is doing very well, why go to Qingshan City to buy a dairy factory when it is so good?You said it would be understandable to buy another factory, but what milk factory are you going to buy?

In this situation, who would drink milk?Even if everyone drank, most of them drank milk powder, and no one drank any milk at all.

"Do you think it is possible that our factory manager used it to build a branch factory?"

"Do you think it's possible? Do you really need to go to a county in Qingshan City if you want to build a branch factory?"

"Let's talk about it. The dairy factory has made a very bad move. I think we need to remind the factory manager."

"150 million was spent without blinking an eye. It's an exaggeration to think about it."


A wave of suspicion began to permeate the factory.

Of course, such doubts are only at the grassroots level. Even if people with a little bit of management power have opinions on this matter, no one will speak out without hesitation.

And this matter reached Li Xiangyang's ears immediately.

When he heard that the workers below started to talk about it, his face became gloomy, and without any hesitation, he directly called the finance department.

He is looking for Cui Huan.

And at this moment, Cui Huan's expression was very gloomy even when he didn't receive a call from Li Xiangyang.She has always been easy to talk, but now she is like a volcano that could erupt at any moment.

Everyone in the finance department stood tremblingly, waiting for a lecture.

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