"Zhao Shanhe, I'm talking to you on behalf of Goldman Capital, please show some respect. You still say I'm lying, believe it or not, if I don't come, your Hetu Manufacturing will go bankrupt soon."

Zhen Liqun held his head proudly, with an air of arrogance.


Zhao Shanhe sneered, looked over with disdain, and said mockingly: "Zhen Liqun, don't worry, even if Goldman Capital collapses, even if you Zhen Liqun dies, my Hetu Manufacturing will still exist."

"You!" Zhen Liqun was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to show his identity even after he revealed his identity.

Thinking of his mission, he forcibly controlled the anger in his heart, and said calmly: "Zhao Shanhe, I ask you to carefully consider what I'm going to say next, because it really has a bearing on the life and death of your Hetu maker."

"I'm here to represent Goldman Capital to send you an acquisition opinion letter."

"Your river map manufacturing, as long as you are willing, Goldman Capital is willing to spend 6000 million to buy it! Zhao Shanhe, this is not the money at 01:30, it is a full 6000 million! Think about it, there is With this money, you can live without worrying about food and drink for the rest of your life."

Zhen Liqun said pointedly: "Life is short, you should enjoy yourself in time, shouldn't you?"


Hearing this number, Zhao Shanhe laughed dumbfounded, and said to Guo Wenxiao, "Did you hear that? This Goldman Capital seems to be like that. It's only 6000 million and they want to take down my Hetu Manufacturing. Isn't this wishful thinking? ?”

"That's right."

Guo Wenxiao also looked at Zhen Liqun with a sneer, and shook his head in disappointment.

"I said Zhen Liqun, even if you want to invest in another company, at least find a reliable one. They don't know, don't you also don't know, Hetu Manufacturing is more than 6000 million? Even if you give 8000 million, give [-] million , not too much!"

"That's fine, one hundred million is one hundred million!"

After a ruthless light flashed in Zhen Liqun's eyes, he decisively raised a finger and said loudly: "Zhao Shanhe, as long as you agree to package and sell Hetu Manufacturing to Goldman Capital, the package mentioned here does not only include you factory equipment, as well as the production technology of all your products, then according to what you said, [-] million!"

"Do not sell!"

Zhao Shanhe was too lazy to talk to Zhen Liqun and waved his hands impatiently.

"Old Guo, see off the guests."


Guo Wenxiao immediately walked up to Zhen Liqun, smiled mockingly at him, and raised his arms to point to the door.

"Zhen Liqun, please!"


Zhen Liqun was really shocked by Zhao Shanhe's arrogance.

He didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would dare to be so unscrupulous and reject him without face when he came here with sincerity, even when the public opinion outside was so hot.

"Okay, Zhao Shanhe, you're ruthless. Since you're doing this, let's read the libretto on a donkey, and we'll see!" After speaking, Zhen Liqun walked away without looking back.


Zhao Shanhe picked up the documents on the table and said contemptuously: "I really think that I can show off my power here with Goldman Capital. I really think that I want to take down my Hetu Manufacturing for [-] million. What a shame!" Idiots talking about dreams!"

"Director, this incident is a signal."

Guo Wenxiao looked serious, and said thoughtfully: "I think our Hetu Manufacturing should be targeted by those foreign capitals. In their eyes, we have become a piece of fat."

"Today is Goldman Capital, and tomorrow it may be Shortman Capital, and the day after tomorrow, other venture capital will come one after another. If we can't stick to the end, we will be swallowed up by them sooner or later. of."


Zhao Shanhe looked up, his gentle expression revealing a strong confidence.

"Old Guo, let me tell you, my original intention of founding Hetu Manufacturing was to develop a national brand, so whether it is Goldman Capital or other venture capital companies, let them come, I just don't want to Sell ​​it. I still don’t believe it, on our Chinese land, if I don’t sell it, they can still force me to sell it.”

"Okay!" Guo Wenxiao's blood surged in his chest, and an expression of admiration appeared on his face.

"Go to work, follow me to Zhongzhou City tomorrow, and prepare to attend the procurement meeting of the First Construction Group the day after tomorrow." Zhao Shanhe smiled and flipped through the documents.


Guo Wenxiao walked out of the office.

River Map Manufacturing outside.

Zhen Liqun immediately dialed Sears, and when he told Zhao Shanhe's attitude, he said with righteous indignation: "Mr. Sears, this Zhao Shanhe is like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard. From my point of view, our previous work was probably in vain, and he doesn't seem to be threatened at all."

"is it?"

Sears stood in front of the window, looked at the scenery outside, raised the corners of his lips and said, "In this case, then you come back, I have other things for you to do here."


After hanging up the phone, Sears turned and looked over.

"Sophia, you are right. Zhen Liqun really failed to accomplish this. However, this should not be his fault, but Zhao Shanhe's. This Zhao Shanhe is too tough, and he did not put our threat at all. In my heart."

"So what now?" Sofia asked.

"Get ready to download the materials, and slap him hard in the face." Sears said calmly, unmoved.

"it is good!"


Zhongzhou First Construction Group.

CEO's office.

As the most powerful construction giant in Eastern Province, Qi Dongfeng's status in the province is beyond doubt.Many well-known companies will come to bid for the product procurement meeting he holds.

If anyone can be recognized by Qi Dongfeng, then in the next five years, the products will not have to worry about sales. Only the First Construction Group can support the entire factory.

And the reason why he held the procurement meeting this time is also a routine operation. After all, if the group wants to do a good job in construction, it must have supporting equipment. As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools.

"Old Jiang, will there be no problem with the product purchase this time?" Qi Dongfeng asked indifferently.


Sitting in the front is Jiang Pingchuan, the vice president of the group who is in charge of the purchasing meeting, and he has full authority to handle the purchasing meeting.

He came here this time just to find Qi Dongfeng to report this matter.After all, the procurement meeting will start tomorrow, and Qi Dongfeng will have to show up at that time.

"There are quite a few factories that came to participate in the procurement meeting this time, and the qualifications of each of them are no problem. I think we can choose the most suitable one from them."

"That's good."

Qi Dongfeng picked up the teacup at hand and said: "I won't talk about other equipment, but you must have some snacks on this road roller. After all, the big road construction project we are going to carry out next is absolutely impossible without the road roller."

"I see!"

Jiang Pingchuan nodded and said with a smile: "It is Goldman Capital from the United States who came to us to discuss road rollers this time. Their road rollers are of very good quality. Although the price is a bit expensive, I think there is a reason why they are expensive. .When the purchasing meeting starts tomorrow, I can't think of anything unexpected. We will sign a contract with them."

"Goldman Capital?"

Qi Dongfeng nodded thoughtfully.

"Only their family?"

"Yes, only their family has a roller." Jiang Pingchuan said.

Qi Dongfeng shrugged: "Then there's nothing to pick and choose, just sign a contract with them."



Star Hotel Business Hall.

This is the place where the first construction group held the procurement meeting. Because it is a procurement meeting, the layout here reveals a kind of orderliness.All the manufacturers who come to participate in the purchasing meeting have to rely on the invitation letter to enter.

Otherwise, if anyone could come, the place would have been overcrowded.

"Mr. Liu, did you bring your welding machine with you this time?"

"Mr. Zhang, how do you think about the project I told you earlier?"

"Have you heard? Goldman Capital will be the biggest winner this time."


All the small circles are talking and laughing. They are all manufacturers of mechanical products, and they all think that it is best to get a share of the action this time.Even if you can't eat meat, you can drink some soup.

Among these circles, the most lively one is Shells' side.

No matter who it is, they will come forward and have a word with him, even if it is impossible to get close to each other, at least they can get to know each other.After all, they are Goldman's capital, and they may be able to use them in the future.

The most obsequious among them is Yu Zhonglou, the factory director of Jinyang Machinery Factory in Xianhua City.

Speaking of Yu Zhonglou, this person can also be said to have had a bad fate. Before that, he was Miyai Saburo who followed the Sakura Club, but later he was reduced to where he is today by accident.

Although he is still guarding the Jinyang Machinery Factory now, the Jinyang of today is no longer the Jinyang of the past, and he is no longer the majestic factory director of the past.

He was able to participate in this procurement meeting purely because of his previous contacts and Jiang Pingchuan's care.

After coming in, he aimed at Sears, especially after knowing the identity of Sears, he posted it without hesitation. His purpose is also very simple, hoping that Sears can acquire Jinyang Machinery factory.

"Mr. Shells, let's put it this way. Although Jinyang Machinery Factory has experienced a lot of turmoil, the foundation is still there. As long as you are willing to buy it, I guarantee that there will be a big market in Xianhua City."

Shiels didn't care much when he saw the eager expression on the bell tower. There were almost no people here who could catch his eyes.I don't pay attention to how many large-scale machinery factories, do you think I care about your family?

What is the value of buying a machine factory that has gone through a rectification and is almost on the verge of bankruptcy?

Do you think I'm a trash collector?

"I will consider what you said." Sears said indifferently.

"Mr. Shells..."

Just when Zhonglou wanted to continue talking, Zhen Liqun suddenly stood in front of him. After cutting off his connection with Sears, he pointed to the front and said suddenly: "Mr. Sears, it's Zhao Shanhe!"

Zhao Shanhe!

The moment they heard the name, Shiels and Yu Zhonglou raised their heads subconsciously and looked in the direction of Zhen Liqun's finger.Sure enough, several people walked in at the door, and the leader was Zhao Shanhe.

"Is he Zhao Shanhe?"

Shells glanced at it, then shook his head disapprovingly.

How could a young man be as powerful as the outside world said?

It seems that my previous thoughts were correct, and the reports in those newspapers were somewhat exaggerated.For someone like Zhao Shanhe to be able to get to where he is today, it should be more due to luck than strength.

"Zhao Shanhe!"

Yu Zhonglou didn't expect to run into Zhao Shanhe here, and he looked over with a complicated expression.

To Zhao Shanhe, Yu Zhonglou has complaints. If Zhao Shanhe's mining pumps hadn't won the order from Jiandu Mining, Jinyang Machinery Factory would not have plummeted.

But as Zhao Shanhe's career grew bigger and bigger, Yu Zhonglou realized that he had no chance of winning against others.

What's more, can you really blame others for Jinyang Machinery Factory's situation today?

Forging iron has to be hard.

There is a problem inside your Jinyang Machinery Factory, why blame others?

"You are Zhao Shanhe?"

In the complex expression of the bell tower, looking at Zhao Shanhe who was coming, Sears stepped forward without thinking, blocked the opponent's path, and asked arrogantly.

"I'm Zhao Shanhe, who are you?" Zhao Shanhe glanced at Zhen Liqun, already had an idea in his mind, but he still asked.

"This is Mr. Shelles, the CEO of our Goldman Capital." Zhen Liqun introduced loudly after meeting Shelles' beckoning eyes.

"So?" Zhao Shanhe groaned, unmoved, even his tone was so calm.

"Zhao Shanhe, Zhen Liqun should have conveyed my meaning to you. I heard from him that you rejected my suggestion, right?" Sears asked lightly.


Zhao Shanhe replied calmly.

"I refuse to accept your so-called suggestion."

"Why did you refuse? How dare you refuse? You should be well aware that my suggestion is beneficial to both Hetu Manufacturing and yourself."

Shiels slowly raised a finger.

"One hundred million!"

"I offered you [-] million in cash, how could you refuse my sincerity?"


"A purchase price of [-] million?"

"Isn't it? Don't say 1000 million, even if it's [-] million, I'm willing to sell my factory. Who will buy it?"

When the people around heard the number that Sears said, they were all in an uproar.They stared at Zhao Shanhe in surprise, thinking that Zhao Shanhe is not stupid, is he?One hundred million.Can you earn [-] million in your lifetime?Now as long as you nod your head, your Hetu Manufacturing can sell for [-] million, and you can become a billionaire in no time.

How dare you refuse such a good thing?

"One hundred million?"

After Yu Zhonglou heard this number, he swallowed subconsciously on the spot, looked at Shiels in disbelief, and was about to go crazy.

I don't want 100 million, if you give me [-] million, I will sell it.

Countless lines of sight converged on Zhao Shanhe.

But Zhao Shanhe, who was stared at like this, was unmoved. He looked at Shells with the same expression as before, and said calmly: "Shells, do you think one hundred million is too much? Do you think your Goldman Capital Is there any money?"

"Let me tell you, let alone [-] million, even if it's [-] billion, [-] billion, I won't sell it. You should die as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe strode forward and passed Shelles.

Guo Wenxiao and the others followed closely behind.

Sears looked fierce like a wolf on the spot.

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