Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 973 Do you think he is still a person?

"Boss, something happened."

problem occurs?

Zhao Shanhe's face sank on the spot, he raised his hand to stop Chen Ju's words, and calmly said to Ling Southwest: "Principal Ling, let's do as we said. I will send someone to explain the rest to you." talk about."

"it is good!"

Ling Southwest didn't say anything else, and got up to send Zhao Shanhe away.

"What happened?"

As soon as Zhao Shanhe walked out of the office, he asked Chen Ju.He knew that if something really happened, Chen Ju wouldn't say he was in such a hurry.

"President Li is hospitalized!" Chen Ju said eagerly.


Zhao Shanhe was shocked when he heard it, and lost his composure on the spot.

He grabbed Chen Ju's shoulders and hurriedly asked, "What did you say? Say it again."

"Qiu Ying called me and said that Mr. Li was in a coma and was hospitalized just now, but it seems that he should be awake now. Mr. Li said he would not tell you about this, but I think I should tell you." Chen Ju Say it quickly.

"He was in a coma and hospitalized?" Zhao Shanhe muttered to himself.

"Director, please call Mr. Li and ask." Chen Ju looked worried.


Zhao Shanhe was really confused, he hurriedly took out his big brother and dialed, and said while dialing: "Chen Ju, hurry up and drive, let's go back."

"Yes!" Chen Ju said and ran away quickly.

Li Qiuya is everything to Zhao Shanhe.

Compared with Li Qiuya, the celebration of Qingshan Technical School is also insignificant.

The phone was connected quickly, and the moment he heard Li Qiuya's voice, Zhao Shanhe's heart that had been tense fell to the ground quietly, and he asked anxiously, "Qiuya, what happened?"

"You know everything?" Li Qiuya asked.


Controlling the anxiety in his heart, Zhao Shanhe asked, "Why are you in a coma when you're fine? What does the hospital say? Does it matter? If the county hospital doesn't work, let's go to the city hospital, no, let's go to the provincial hospital."

"Shanhe, you don't need to be so nervous, I'm fine, I didn't pass out because of physical reasons, I was out of breath."

"Angry? Who dares to be angry with you?" Zhao Shanhe became more and more puzzled.

"It's like this..."

With Li Qiuya's explanation, Zhao Shanhe finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that when Zhao Shanhe came to Qingshan City, some people also went to Shanqiu Food, and they directly found Li Qiuya.The person who led the team was also an acquaintance. Zhen Liqun, the expelled vice president of the Red Star Machinery Factory, was the one who took Liang Maohuo and Yang Ke there.Go as you say, but they obviously don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

They're here to make trouble.

"They insisted on placing an order, saying that they wanted to order tire rollers. I said we didn't have this kind of product, but guess what happened to them? They started to make sarcastic remarks and humiliate Hetu Manufacturing. That's not counting, I can tolerate it What makes me angry is that the news broke out in Handong City just after they left."

"These news say that our Hetu Manufacturing has no future, and that we don't even have the most basic road roller. In short, what they say is very ugly."

"Shanhe, you see, they are clearly premeditated to make trouble. As soon as Zhen Liqun walked out, gossip was flying all over the sky. Think about it, if they didn't say that they had premeditated, how could those public opinions be reported immediately? I also because I was nauseated by this incident, so I passed out, so I went to the hospital for an examination, and said that I had a little low blood pressure, and I just passed out when I was stimulated by this incident."

Li Qiuya succinctly told the story, she said it calmly, as if nothing happened, but when Zhao Shanhe heard it, anger burst out of his eyes.

Damn Zhen Liqun!

You are really haunted. It seems that I was too kind to let you go last time. I didn't expect you to dare to trouble Qiu Ya.You are clearly targeting me, otherwise you can place an order and go directly to Hetu to make it, and you can go to Shanqiu Food to find Qiuya.

You even dare to provoke my beloved daughter-in-law, I will never end with you.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them.

"Qiuya, you just stay in the county hospital obediently now, I'll go back right away, you wait for me." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice after taking a deep breath.

"Shanhe, I'm fine, you just continue to attend the school celebration ceremony." Li Qiuya said hastily.

"My side has finished participating, just wait." Zhao Shanhe said firmly.

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe's face was terribly gloomy.

Just at this time, Liu Benhui who heard the news also rushed over. He walked directly in front of Zhao Shanhe and said in a deep voice, "Shanhe, you are going back, right?"

"Yes, teacher, something happened to Qiu Ya's side, I have to hurry over there." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Okay, then you can go, I'm here." Liu Benhui said.

"Teacher, you can attend the celebration with peace of mind, and Wei Wushu will talk to you about things. You can talk to him about specific things." Zhao Shanhe arranged.

"it is good."

Just as the two were talking, Chen Ju had already driven the car over.

"Slow down on the road." Liu Benhui asked with concern.

"is teacher!"

Zhao Shanhe got into the car and left after saying that, he was eager to return now, and he didn't want to stop for a moment.Although Li Qiuya insisted that he was fine, he was still a little worried.

"It's not right, it's weird."

Zhao Shanhe sat in the back row, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhen Liqun is not an idiot, he should know his current influence in Handong City.If he didn't say anything else, he just said that he could force him away, but he didn't dare to provoke him casually.But not only did he do it, but he did it so viciously, which shows that he should be relied on.

But who gave him the courage to dare to do this?

What is the purpose of his background?

Is it Lexing Group?

Just thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe shook his head and vetoed it, it couldn't be Park Duomi.Not to mention that she is too busy to take care of herself now, even if she really wanted to take revenge, she would not say that she would take such a method.

But if it wasn't Park Domi, who would it be?


Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe shook his head vigorously, patted his cheeks with both hands, put all the messy thoughts behind him, and looked out the window with clear eyes.

"No matter who it is, since you dare to stare at me and hurt Qiu Ya, then I will fight you with my life!"

When the car drove into the boundary of Handong City, Li Xiangyang called. He was also talking about Li Qiuya's coma, but he didn't just come to care, but to investigate some valuable information.

"So you mean that after Zhen Liqun left Handong City, he went to Zhongzhou City, and now he is working for Goldman Capital?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise.


Li Xiangyang said in a deep voice: "According to the information we have investigated so far, this is what is said. Zhen Liqun is helping Goldman Capital to do things, and the rumors that slander our Hetu are also manipulated by Goldman Capital."

"Of course Goldman Capital will definitely not admit it, because it was done by Zhen Liqun, and they can completely push it away."

"Why did Goldman Capital do this?" Zhao Shanhe pursed his lips and frowned slightly.

"I can't figure it out. It stands to reason that this Goldman Capital is an investment company in the United States, and it should have nothing to do with us. Why did he follow us and make such a big fuss? I can't guess other reasons, unless He wants to buy us."

"But it's not right. Even if it's an acquisition, shouldn't it help us promote it? How can it be discredited?"

Li Xiangyang was at a loss.


The moment Zhao Shanhe heard this word, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"That's right, Xiangyang, you are quite right. Goldman Capital should have made this wishful thinking. They wanted to acquire Hetu Manufacturing! Unexpectedly, we were targeted by them."

"Then why do they want to discredit us?" Li Xiangyang was puzzled.

"Because I want to knock! I want to make a low price!"

Zhao Shanhe recalled the exposed inside information of Goldman Capital in his previous life, and became more and more sure of this guess.

"That's what they always do. First, they send people to beat you up, and then they smear you and lower your market value. Then they come to talk to you about acquisitions. They are very arrogant because they are rich!"

"I see."

Li Xiangyang suddenly realized.

"Then what shall we do?"

"Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil, just ignore them. But since they dare to ask people to take the initiative to cause trouble, they can't hide. So, you can investigate for me what this Goldman Capital is doing in the Eastern Province."

"They won't say that they came here for no reason to annex us. They must have other purposes. Let me know as soon as the investigation is clear!" Zhao Shanhe said slowly.

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on his knees and muttered to himself.

"Goldman Capital!"

"So my Hetu Manufacturing should be remembered by others, not just Goldman Capital, there should be other investment companies after this, and they will pounce like a pack of wolves."

"It's just that you are all wrong. No matter what kind of tricks you play, I just won't sell it! I won't sell a share!"


Zhenghe County Hospital.

From the moment Li Qiuya was sent in unconscious, the entire corridor has never been quiet.

The executives of Shanqiu Food, the leadership of Zhao Xiaobai Winery, and the executives of Hetu Manufacturing all rushed here as soon as they received the news, and they all wanted to confirm Li Qiuya's situation as soon as possible.

Faced with such a situation, Li Qiuya asked Qiu Ying to notify them one by one, telling them to go back quickly.

Otherwise, they are all surrounded in the hospital, what is this like!

I just had low blood pressure and fainted in a hurry, and it didn't mean I had any serious illness.

Of course, most people were persuaded to return, but some people were not.

Like Li Qiucheng, he is staying in the ward with his parents right now, and after receiving the news, he quickly told Li Jianguo and Tian Lihua, no matter how strong Li Qiuya is, can he still drive his parents away?

"This unlucky Zhen Liqun, I have already said that he is not a thing. He just went against Shanhe when he came up, and he made so many workers lose their jobs. Do you think he is still a person?"

"It's fine if he's not a human being, why should he bully our Qiuya like this?"

"No, this matter can't be left like this. Fortunately, it's okay. If something really happened, can he, Zhen Liqun, bear the responsibility? And those reports of framing were all done by him, right? What is his heart? It can be black like this."

Tian Lihua was so angry that tears started to fall down.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Li Qiuya quickly picked up the handkerchief and handed it over.

"I just feel sorry for you. You said that you have grown up so much. Neither your father nor I have touched a finger of yours, let alone fainted like this. Who is he, Zhen Liqun, who dares to bully you like this!" Tian Lihua continued He wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

"Mom, I'm fine." Li Qiuya hurriedly comforted her.

Li Jianguo stood beside him, his face terribly gloomy.He didn't say anything else, but winked at Li Qiucheng, and took his son out of the ward in the next second.


Li Qiucheng stood at the corner and shouted respectfully, looking at Li Jianguo with timid eyes.

"Dad, this is my fault. I didn't protect my sister well. You can blame me."

"saying you?"

Li Jianguo shook his head, and said with stern eyes: "What can I say about you? Tell me about you, can your sister be regarded as not comatose? No!"

"Xiao Cheng, I called you out just to tell you that your sister will always be your sister, a biological sister who is related to you by blood. I don't want things like today to happen again in the future."

"You have to act like a man, protect your sister when your brother-in-law is away, and don't let him be bullied by anyone."

"Dad, I will!" Li Qiucheng clenched his fists and said in a low voice.

"I will use my life to protect my sister!"

"That's right."

Li Jianguo patted Li Qiucheng on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Dad is old, and he won't have a few years to live. In the future, you will have to rely on your siblings to support each other. So, as a man in our Li family, you must take responsibility Protect your sister's responsibility!"

"Yes, I know." Li Qiucheng said loudly.

"It's good to know."

Just when Li Jianguo was about to leave, Li Qiucheng's eyes lit up, he raised his arms and waved, then pointed to the front and said, "Brother-in-law, here!"

Zhao Shanhe hurried over: "Dad, Qiucheng!"

"Shanhe, don't worry, Qiuya is fine, your mother is talking with her inside, you go in quickly!" Li Jianguo saw the beads of sweat on Zhao Shanhe's forehead and said hastily.

"Okay!" Zhao Shanhe said and strode towards the ward.

Looking at this scene, Li Jianguo felt relieved.He knew that Zhao Shanhe had gone to Qingshan City to attend the celebration of the technical school, and even if Qingshan was a neighboring city in Handong, it would take two or three hours to get back.But after learning about Qiuya, Zhao Shanhe rushed back without even thinking about it. Such a relationship between husband and wife cannot be faked.

"Qiuya is lucky to have such a husband."

in the ward.

Zhao Shanhe finally saw Li Qiuya who was resting on the bed, even though she looked fine, even though she didn't even wear a hospital gown, even though Tian Lihua was by her side.

But after seeing her for the first time, Zhao Shanhe's nerves, which had been tense all the time, were finally relaxed.

His eye circles were a little moist.

"Mountains and rivers!"

After seeing Zhao Shanhe's appearance, Li Qiuya quickly got off the hospital bed, stood in front of him, looked at his face and said softly, "I'm fine, don't be nervous."

"It's good that you're fine."

Zhao Shanhe immediately took Li Qiuya into his arms, breathed the familiar breath from her hair, and murmured the second half of the sentence in a low voice.

And the moment she heard the second half of the sentence, Li Qiuya shuddered instantly.

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