"You said you were in the wholesale business?"

Wei Wushu nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Shanhe asked thoughtfully: "So you and Wu Kewei are doing the same business?"


After hearing Zhao Shanhe say this name, Wei Wushu's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and he said in a cold tone: "Don't mention this name to me, I want to curse people when I hear this name."

"Curse people? Why? Why do you have a feud with Wu Ke?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


"Hehe, I thought it was someone hiding in the woods, but I didn't expect it to be the two of you. Zhao Shanhe, Wei Wushu, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be so gluey."

At this moment, a mocking voice suddenly sounded.

It was Wu Kewei who spoke.

Of course Chen Zhilei followed him.

"Wu Kewei, if you can't speak, don't say it. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Wei Wushu's face suddenly darkened, and two cold lights shot out from his eyes.

"Wu Kewei, I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for many years. You are still the same, and you still can't spit out ivory from your dog's mouth."

Zhao Shanhe also glanced over with a sneer.

"Zhao Shanhe, what do you mean? I was just joking with you, what? You can't even joke now, can't you afford it?" Wu Kewei's face turned cold.

"Are you kidding? Do I know you very well? Can you and I have this kind of joke?" Zhao Shanhe snorted.


Unexpectedly, Wu Kewei, who was so hard-nosed by Zhao Shanhe, laughed back in anger.

"Okay, you guys are so talkative, I can't say no to you, but Zhao Shanhe, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you can't say that you are so sarcastic when you see me, right? There seems to be nothing wrong between us."

"It's true that I don't have a holiday with you, but I have with him."

Zhao Shanhe pointed directly at Chen Zhilei.

"As the saying goes, things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups. Since you are so close to Chen Zhilei, it means that you have a good relationship. If this is the case, then we have nothing to talk about, don't you think?"

"Zhao Shanhe, are you talking too much? What's wrong with Zhilei? He is also our classmate. Why do you treat him differently? Could it be that you are rich now? In your eyes, only Wei Wushu and others You have a good relationship with classmates, and those who are far away, do you look down on them?" Wu Kewei sneered again and again.


Chen Zhilei looked at Zhao Shanhe with a smile on his face, ignoring Wei Wushu directly.

"Zhao Shanhe, although we say that there are some conflicts, but it is a normal business competition. You can't say that you don't recognize me as a classmate because of this, right? If you are so narrow-minded, I will look down on you instead."

"Shut up, you two."

Hearing Wu Kewei and Chen Zhilei singing together, Wei Wushu stood up on the spot, his huge body condescending, bringing an invisible sense of oppression, forcing the two of them to subconsciously take two steps back.

"Wu Kewei, a scum like you is not qualified to speak in front of me."

"As for you, Chen Zhilei!"

"You're really pretending to be ignorant while pretending to understand, but you really have the face to talk nonsense about your classmates. If you really still care about your classmates, why would you treat Qingya like that?"

Wei Wushu's chest rose and fell, and he glared at Chen Zhilei angrily.

"Wei Wushu, the matter between me and Liu Qingya is our private matter, it has nothing to do with you, right?" Chen Zhilei's expression darkened.

"Yes, the matter between you is your private matter, but what kind of nonsense did you Chen Zhilei do? Abandoning your wife and children for the so-called glory and wealth."

"You said that even if you divorced Qingya in a fair manner, it's fine. You didn't, you insisted on disgusting her like this. Also, men's hands are for beating the world, not women! How dare you beat yourself Woman, are you still a man?"

"You can even do such a nasty thing yourself, are you afraid of us talking about it? Pooh! I feel like my mouth is dirty if I say it."

Wei Wushu scolded angrily.


"Old Chen, there is no need to argue with him about this. We are here to attend the school celebration party. I am the honorary vice principal of our school. Let's go over there and talk to the principal. If they want to stay here, let them go It won’t make any difference!” Wu Ke turned his head and was about to leave, but he stopped suddenly after taking two steps.

"Zhao Shanhe, I know you're doing well now, but please remember, this is Qingshan City, not your Handong City. No matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to reach here."

"So you'd better be cautious and don't associate with people you shouldn't associate with. Otherwise, whether your Yougu Dojo can be sold or not will be discussed. I'm kindly reminding you, don't treat yourself like a donkey."

After Wu Kewei finished speaking, he strode away.

Chen Zhilei smirked at Zhao Shanhe twice, and said pointedly: "Zhao Shanhe, do you know? Liu Qingya has returned to teach at the school now, believe it or not, I will go to her now, and if I donate money, I will also become an honorary student." Vice-principal, if I do this, will Liu Qingya agree or refuse?"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Zhilei looked up to the sky and left with a big smile.

"Little man wins!"

After Wei Wushu spat hard on the ground, he turned around and said to Zhao Shanhe, "Shanhe, don't be as knowledgeable as them, they are just two villains who become wild when they succeed."

"I don't have the same knowledge as them, even a defeated general like Chen Zhilei, he is not worthy of standing in front of me." Zhao Shanhe said lightly, not paying attention at all.

Wu Kewei and Chen Zhilei are nothing but paper tigers.

What to be afraid of!

"A defeated general?"

After Wei Wushu heard this, he scratched his head and asked curiously: "I just heard Wu Kewei say Yougu Dojo, Shanhe, what does this mean? What does Yougu Dojo have to do with you?"

Zhao Shanhe immediately looked over speechlessly.

"I said General Wei, you don't even know what I do now, do you?"

"Should I know?"

Wei Wushu said solemnly: "I'm so busy every day, I don't have time to worry about what you do. You, hurry up and tell me, what's the matter with you? Listen to the two of them. Meaning, it seems like you're doing pretty well now."

Zhao Shanhe sighed lightly: "I am a factory director."

"Factory director?" Wei Wushu frowned slightly.

"Yes, it's the director of the factory. You know Yougu Dojo, right?"

"I know, it's the instant noodles that are selling very hot in Qingshan City recently, isn't our teacher the factory manager of Yougu Dojo?"

Wei Wushu stopped abruptly when he said this, and then looked over in surprise.

"I said don't tell me that Yougu Dojo belongs to you? Is our teacher working for you?"

"You guessed it right." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Really, Shanhe, then you are so awesome. I know Yougu Daochang, and I was wondering if I could represent this brand of instant noodles. If I could represent it, I would definitely be able to make money. I didn't expect This Yougu Dojo is actually yours."

Wei Wushu was completely surprised.

"Actually, there is something I think I should tell you." Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly.

"what's up?"

Zhao Shanhe grinned: "Shanqiu food is mine too."

"What?" Wei Wushu was stunned on the spot.

Three minutes later, his whole body was charred from the inside to the outside as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Shanqiu Food is yours! Zhao Xiaobai Winery is yours! Blue Bird Glass is yours! Even Hetu Manufacturing is yours!"


"How on earth did you do all this?"

Wei Wushu was so shocked that he had nothing to say, he looked at Zhao Shanhe as if he was looking at a monster.

"No wonder Chen Zhilei sees you as if he sees killing his father and enemy. It would be the same for me. You have driven Master Kang to nowhere. What else do you want? Let others see you and bow down to please you ?”

"Brother, don't say anything, you are so good, help me brother, give me a hand! Let's work together to kill Wu Ke for this bastard, how about it?"

"Okay!" Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile.

"You agree?" Wei Wushu looked over in surprise.

"Yes, you have said that, can I refuse?"

Zhao Shanhe put his arms around Wei Wushu's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Chen Zhilei is my competitor, and Wu Kewei doesn't like people like that. Even without you, I'm going to deal with them. And you see Are you here? The two of them are clearly hooking up, and since this is the case, I will be even more ruthless."

"So it's settled like this!"

"The only thing Chen Zhilei can rely on in Qingshan City is Wu Kewei, so we just need to suppress Wu Kewei's arrogance? Just talk about it, and I promise to do what I say."

"Mountains and rivers!"

Wei Wushu suddenly became excited, he looked into Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and said emotionally: "Do you know why I hate Wu Kewei so much?"

"Why?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"Because it wasn't for him, I would have been a soldier by now, and there is an insoluble hatred between me and him..."

Following Wei Wushu's explanation, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the reason of the matter.

It turned out to be the case.

Let me just say that if Wei Wushu had no reason, he would not say that he hated a person so much.And if this matter happened to him, he would be more decisive than him.

It turned out that when Wei Wushu signed up to join the army, he ran into a forced demolition incident. The protagonist of the incident was Wu Kewei, and the demolished family was called Ding Hong.Because of their brave actions, Wei, Wu and Shu got involved, so much so that they missed the time to report for conscription.

In addition, he was also injured at the time, so let's let it go.

And Ding Hong is now his daughter-in-law.

So he has always had no complaints or regrets about this matter, even if Ding Hong did not marry him later, he would do it without complaint.

It was also because of this that he was targeted by Wu Kewei, so that he said that no matter what he did later, he would be stumbled.

In a fit of anger, he also started wholesale, don't you, Wu Kewei, want to kill me?Alright, I'll make trouble in your industry, let's see who is more ruthless!

Who would have thought that Wei, Wu and Shu would get mixed up like this.

Although he has only one wholesale department, it cannot be compared with Wu Kewei's.Although his wholesale targets are very fixed, there are only a few of them, and the profit is very low, but at least he has gained a foothold.

He is qualified to wrestle arms with Wu Ke.

"See? This is the classmate friendship that Wu Kewei talked about. What is useful to him is friendship. If it is useless, he will punish you to death. So you just said that Chen Zhilei will use Master Kang to do business with him , that's for sure."

"I dare say that Chen Zhilei should have given up a lot of profit, otherwise Wu Kewei wouldn't say such a reckless rejection of your Yougu Dojo."

Wei Wushu said with a serious expression.

"Normal. If there is not enough profit, would Wu Kewei do things so stupidly? No."

Zhao Shanhe said lightly: "But it doesn't matter. Since Chen Zhilei wants to create some moths in Qingshan City, I will play with him again. In his territory in Jinmen, I can defeat Master Kang. Let alone here."

"As for Wu Kewei..."

Zhao Shanhe paused and looked over.

"General Wei, how are you? Don't you want to become the agent of Yougu Dojo in Qingshan City? All right, I have made a decision on this matter. From now on, you are the only authorized agent of Yougu Dojo in Qingshan City .”

"Really? Are you serious?" Wei Wushu asked in disbelief in astonishment.

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

Zhao Shanhe patted Wei Wushu on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "But old Wei, you promised me that you will defeat Wu Kewei and Chen Zhilei, these two scumbags, you have to do it no matter what. ?”

"Necessary, since you trust me so much, I will definitely accomplish this. Don't worry, with me here, why can't Wu Ke cover the sky with one hand!"

Wei Wushu's eyes were shining brightly.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I think so……"

As Wei Wushu expressed his plan, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help laughing, he knew that he really did not choose the wrong person.

When he was in the technical school, he knew that Wei Wushu was not the kind of person with strong limbs and a simple mind. Now it has been proved that this guy is a man of great wisdom and stupidity. He just wanted to deal with Chen Zhilei and Wu Kewei on the spur of the moment. Without even thinking about it, he came up with a series of meticulous plans.

What does this mean?

It shows that Wei Wushu has long thought about dealing with Wu Kewei, and he doesn't even know how many times he has practiced.In the past, there was no opportunity, and the time was not enough. Now with Zhao Shanhe's support, he can do it without any worries.

"Okay, General Wei, you have already regarded Wu Kewei as meat on the chopping board, you can chop it however you want." Zhao Shanhe said with a big smile.

"It's not that I've been thinking about it for a long time. It's that he, Wu Kewei, is too arrogant and domineering. His so-called connections are all based on stepping on the interests of others. He only thinks that others will respect him, but he doesn't know How many people have long disliked him and wanted to bring him down."

"There was no chance in the past, but now that there is the opportunity of Yougu Dojo, I will naturally not miss it, and I believe those who hate him will not miss it either." Wei Wushu said coldly.

"Okay, I completely agree with your plan, just do it like this, and I will fully support where I need to do it."

"it is good!"

"Let's go, let's go over there and have a drink in the evening, so that we can attend the school celebration meeting tomorrow."


Just as the two continued to wander, at the entrance of the small auditorium opposite the playground, Chen Zhilei and Wu Kewei stood facing each other, and Wu Kewei's eyes rolled with a fierce light.

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