Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 953 Promotion or Demotion?

"Zheng Jingwei, I announce that from now on, you will no longer be the deputy director of the first workshop, and you will be transferred to the personnel department of the factory as the director of the personnel department."

Zhao Shanhe's voice was resounding.

Zheng Jingwei was stunned on the spot.

no?I am still worried about whether you want to fire me. Who would have thought that not only have I not been fired, but I have been promoted to a higher level instead.The director of the personnel department is already a middle-level leader, and he is much more prominent than me, a small deputy director of the workshop.

But the question is how?

Could it be that you don't have a director of the personnel department?

Why would you think of appointing an outsider like me?

Li Xiangyang couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by the side, and then his expression was relieved.

"Director Zhao, are you serious?" Zheng Jingwei asked after waking up from his trance.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled faintly.

"I'm serious, do you think I'll announce such a decision casually?"

"What's the reason? First, I'm not your person, and second, I haven't done any personnel work. Why did you appoint me as the director of the personnel department? Also, I really don't want to be the director of the department. Compared with being the director of the department, I prefer to stay on the front line." Zheng Jingwei said with sincere eyes and sincere words.

He is taking the technical route, so why would he want to sit in an office?

But hearing this made Zhao Shanhe more determined to use him. A person who is indifferent to the position of director of the personnel department should have impeccable conduct.

Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly: "Zheng Jingwei, what you said just now is wrong, what do you mean you are not mine? You are mine now, unless you don't want to continue working in the machinery factory, want to resign, and want to Otherwise, you are my Zhao Shanhe worker."

"As for the fact that you haven't done personnel work, is that important?" Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, shrugged, shook his head, and asked himself, "It doesn't matter at all, whoever is born can do any job? Just learn slowly."

"But I really don't want to sit in the office." Zheng Jingwei said anxiously.

"If so..."

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his hands and said slowly: "Then you will temporarily serve as the director of the personnel department. When Hetu is successfully manufactured and becomes the head of Red Star Machinery, and all personnel work is smoothed out, I can let you return to the front line."

"At that time, you will not only be the director of the first workshop, I will let you take full charge of all the production workshops and serve as the director of the production department. What do you want?"

Head of Production?

Zheng Jingwei really has a sense of being hit by a pie. The former director of the personnel department and the latter the director of the production department, no matter which one is an unimaginable good thing for him.

"Director Zhao, since you have said so, if I don't agree, then I really don't know how to flatter you. Okay, just as you said, I will temporarily serve as the director of the personnel department, and I will serve as the red star for you. All the mechanical affairs are smoothed out. I will give a list, and I will clearly mark what positions these people are suitable for."

"Of course, I will also show you a list of dismissals. I dare say that these people are mediocre, and they are all cadavers. They are worthless if they stay in the factory."

Zheng Jingwei took two deep breaths with a calm expression.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled heartily.

"Zheng Jingwei, remember, you are representing me now, and I will give you enough power to do this. By the way, I would like to remind you that the network of people in Hongxing Machinery Factory is intricate. I know this very well, but you Don't be afraid, don't have scruples, if you are wrong about the matter and the wrong person, show me a real list."

"Yes, I will handle this well." Zheng Jingwei said loudly.

"Xiang Yang, immediately issue an appointment announcement." Zhao Shanhe said sideways.


"Director Zhao, shall I do this now?" Zheng Jingwei asked.

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Go!"

"it is good!"

Zheng Jingwei turned around and walked towards the first workshop. After his figure disappeared from his eyes, Zhao Shanhe said slowly: "Xiangyang, you have to compare the list that Zheng Jingwei brought out with the information you have. Look at what he said Is it right or not? If it is right, do it accordingly, and if it is wrong, circle it for me.”

"I understand!" Li Xiangyang nodded.

Anyway, Zheng Jingwei is not Zhao Shanhe's confidant, he can use it, but he won't say that he trusts it without reservation when he first uses it. There are two different things between employing people without doubt and limited restraint.

"Director, what shall we do now? Do you want to hold a meeting?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Anyway, this is our territory now, and it will be our base in the future. It is necessary to hold a meeting to clarify this matter. In this way, let Yang E and the others continue to do what they should do, and you go and order the director of the Red Star Machinery Factory You and the directors of each department are going to the conference room, I will meet with them and say hello in advance."


Li Xiangyang turned around to do this.

It was only at this time that Zhao Shanhe had time to turn around and look at the administrative building in front of him. His eyes were slightly narrowed into a line, as if he could see the people behind the windows through the steel buildings.

"Everyone, it's time to meet."

Li Xiangyang's notice was issued soon.

After receiving the notice, Huang Chumeng did not leave, she looked over with a smile.

"See? I said that Zhao Shanhe is not a kind person. You understand better than me the reason why kindness does not lead soldiers. He came to our Red Star Machinery Factory on the first day, and he couldn't wait to have a meeting. You said he would be there What decision was announced at the meeting?"

"Your thoughts are dangerous."

Guo Wenxiao frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "What is our Red Star Machinery? From the moment Ji Mingjian sold his shares, there has been no Red Star Machinery. This place has become Hetu Manufacturing. If you still think about the old Machinery Factory, I dare say, you will be the first to be taken down."

"He dares!" Huang Chumeng disagreed.


Guo Wenxiao shook his head, and said earnestly: "Chumeng, I know you have some background, but don't you think about it, is Zhao Shanhe Ji Mingjian? Ji Mingjian dared not offend you, but Zhao Shanhe didn't dare either?"

"Zhao Shanhe is the master who doesn't pay attention to foreign-funded enterprises. Do you think there are not many foreign businessmen who are unlucky in his hands?"

Guo Wenxiao raised his head and sighed softly.

"Previously there was Miyai Saburo from the Sakura Club, and later there was Park Domi from the Lexing Group. They were all famous characters at the time, but how are they now?"

"Saburo Miyai was ravaged by Zhao Shanhe to the point where he had no choice but to leave like a bereaved dog. Park Duomi was caught with a huge amount of money by Zhao Shanhe, and offered to apologize and admit defeat. He even sold the shares of Red Star Machinery The humiliating gesture sells."

"Are you saying that you are stronger than the two of them? Is the energy behind you stronger than that of Sakura Club and Lexing Group?"

"Me!" Huang Chumeng couldn't help but change color.

"So, when you should bow your head, you should bow your head, and when you should obey, you must obey. Bow your head to the strong, and obey the leader. This is not something to be ashamed of."

Guo Wenxiao said calmly: "Of course, if Zhao Shanhe insists on doing something to us, that's a different matter. There is no place to stay here, and there is a place to stay, right?"

Huang Chumeng immediately agreed: "Yes, that's the reason. Let's go, let's go and see what the factory director is going to do."




Zhen Liqun was drinking a cup of tea when he received the notice. His eyelids twitched slightly when he heard this. He slowly put down the teacup, got up and said, "Are there going to be a meeting so soon?"

"That's right, we were still thinking about why he, Zhao Shanhe, would have to hold the meeting three or four days later, but who would have thought that the meeting would be held on the first day, and all middle and high-level leaders would be required to attend by name and surname."

A strong worry appeared on Lu Wanshou's face.

"Factory manager, what do you think he wants to do? Do you want to adjust our jobs? After all, Hetu Manufacturing has its own leadership team, and there is no reason for us to continue to be in charge."

"It's useless to guess here, you'll know in a while, let's go!" Zhen Liqun got up and walked out.

"Yes." Lu Wanshou followed suit.


All the people who received the notice were a little uneasy. After all, they were no longer members of Red Star Machinery, and Zhao Shanhe had the absolute right to dispose of them.

Of course, this does not mean that they have no freedom. You can leave too, but if you leave, you have to go out and find a job. With the current employment situation, how can there be such a good job waiting for you?

So their hearts are also up and down.

In such an atmosphere, a person walked into the meeting room.

Sitting at the front were naturally the three deputy factory directors, Guo Wenxiao, Zhen Liqun and Huang Chumeng, and sitting next to them were the heads of various departments.

Everyone was talking in whispers.

It wasn't until Zhao Shanhe walked in with Li Xiangyang and the others that all the noise stopped abruptly.Everyone subconsciously looked up and stared at Zhao Shanhe, waiting for his announcement.

After Zhao Shanhe sat down on the main seat with a smile on his face, he scanned the audience and said in a gentle tone: "Dear comrades, I think you all already know who I am. I am Zhao Shanhe, the director of Hetu Manufacturing, Hetu Manufacturing has now merged with Hongxing Machinery, which means that from this moment on, everyone is no longer a member of Hongxing Machinery.”

"Of course, you don't mean that all of you are made by Hetu."

After saying this, the audience was in an uproar.

Their expressions became tense, and some of the irritable ones even asked out on the spot.

"Director Zhao, what do you mean by that? Are you saying that we are all leaving the factory?"

"Hetu Manufacturing wants to fire us?"

"Director Zhao, can we stay?"

Faced with such a question, Zhao Shanhe lowered his hands slightly, and said casually: "Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet, I will continue now."

"Although you are no longer members of Red Star Machinery, the door of Hetu Manufacturing will be open to you. I am here to assure you that as long as you are willing to stay and continue to move forward with Hetu Manufacturing, then I will treat you with both hands Welcome. As long as you can pass the assessment of Hetu Manufacturing's personnel department, your benefits will be much better than before."

"This is my promise to you and to all the workers of Hongxing Machinery."

After saying this, everyone's tense heartstrings were quietly relaxed. They were obviously relieved, and when they looked at Zhao Shanhe again, their eyes had become much more gentle and humble.

"Director Zhao, I have something to say." At this moment, Zhen Liqun suddenly raised his hand.

"Say it!" Zhao Shanhe gestured with a smile.

"What I want to ask is that you just said that we can all stay, so here comes the problem. How will we arrange our jobs after we stay? Do we continue to hold the previous positions, or are you rearranged? If rearranged, Is it going to be promoted or demoted?" Zhen Liqun sat upright, his eyelids raised slightly.

Promoted or demoted?

Zhao Shanhe looked at Zhen Liqun with a cold expression.

"Are you Zhen Liqun, the deputy director of Red Star Machinery?"

"Yes, I am Zhen Liqun." Zhen Liqun nodded proudly.

"That's fine, listen clearly. I didn't say that everyone can stay. What I said is that those who are willing to stay must accept our assessment. Only those who pass the assessment can continue to follow us. Similarly, For those who pass the assessment, we will make the most appropriate arrangements according to his previous position." Zhao Shanhe said.

"In that case, what about me?"

Zhen Liqun pointed to his nose.

"Can I still serve as the deputy director of Hetu Manufacturing?"

"Are you asking for an official for me?" Zhao Shanhe was still smiling, but his eyes were already cold.

"Want an official?"

Zhen Liqun waved his hands casually, and said casually: "If you think so, I don't care, but what I want to know is that for those at the level of deputy factory directors like us, and the directors of various departments, you How are you going to arrange it? Do you have to let us accept some assessment? Let me tell you, if this is the case, we will not accept this kind of humiliation."

"Humiliation? Do you think the re-examination is a humiliation?" Zhao Shanhe put away his smile and asked in a cold voice.

"Yes, it's a humiliation."

Zhen Liqun pointed out the window carelessly, and said in an arrogant tone: "I have no objection if you want to assess those workers. Whoever told them to do coolies, they did the most basic jobs. They really deserve to be judged." assessment, but we are different!"

"We are all officials after all, and we all have management experience. Don't you think it's a bit contemptuous if you say that you use that kind of assessment method to deal with us? I think if you really do this, you are humiliating We, we will never accept it!"

"What to do, you can figure it out."

Zhao Shanhe laughed dumbly: "If it's what you mean, I shouldn't move you people, right?"

"Yes, all of us are people with rich management experience, and you can't move any of them."

"Let me give you a suggestion. Although our Red Star Machinery is now in decline and merged by your Hetu Manufacturing, we still have the foundation before, and the quality of our management team is still there."

"So after the merger, all the jobs that you Hetu made will be released and handed over to us to continue. I dare not say anything else. It is no problem to control the whole field in the shortest time. At that time, each workshop will be able to Continue to produce without delaying your order, what do you think?"

Zhen Liqun's eyelids drooped slightly, and his tone was arrogant.


It's just that at the moment when his voice just hit the ground, someone started to shoot the case.

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