Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 895 Do You Say This Is A Mistake?

The sudden scene shocked everyone, no one could have imagined that Chen Ju would dare to do this, this is not Huang Jiaqiang, this is clearly Liu Xinrong's face!

Liu Xinrong was furious, and jumped into a rage on the spot, shouting at Huang Jiaqiang: "Go call the security guards and arrest them all!"

"Yes!" Huang Jiaqiang quickly turned around and started yelling.

"You'd better go." Seeing this scene, Dong Zipei hurriedly said, he was afraid of hurting Zhao Shanhe.

In his heart, under such circumstances, Zhao Shanhe is willing to stand up and speak for him, which has already moved him very much.

"You were right just now. This matter can be appealed upwards. As the most basic worker, you should know about the appeal system created by the Long March?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Grievance system?"

Dong Zipei looked bewildered.

"What is the grievance system?"

"You do not know?"

Now it was Zhao Shanhe's turn to be surprised: "You don't know what you said just now to sue?"

"I said to file a complaint to the higher authorities because I think it's wrong. They're framing me. It's not because of the complaint system you mentioned. Where is there any complaint system? I haven't heard of it at all. Do you know about it?" Dong Zipei turned around and asked.

"do not know."

All workers shook their heads.

Zhao Shanhe's face darkened instantly.

have no idea?How can you not know?

The complaint system was formulated by Zhao Shanhe himself, and it was announced after the acquisition of Long March Manufacturing.

His purpose is very simple, that is, he wants every grassroots worker to have the opportunity to receive fair and just treatment.Only in this way can we form a cultural atmosphere where the factory is our home.

But now it seems that is not the case at all.

The order did not go down!How is this going?

Jiang Wanli, do you dare to deal with me in such a muddle-headed manner?Do you know that if you do this, it is a kind of provocation against the rules and regulations!

"Liu Xinrong, as the director of the first workshop, have you told all the workers about the complaint system?" Zhao Shanhe turned around, stared at Liu Xinrong and asked coldly.

Complaint system!

Liu Xinrong's eyelids twitched slightly, and he looked over with a kind of coldness in his eyes, but he guessed in his heart, who is this?Even know the complaint system!

And he stared at this matter like this, could it be said that he was deliberately looking for trouble?No, no matter who this kind of person is, they must be driven out of the Long March to create, otherwise there will be trouble.

Thinking of this, and seeing Huang Jiaqiang approaching aggressively with several security guards, Liu Xinrong raised his arm and pointed at him: "Take these people away! Drive them out of the factory!"

"Yes!" Several security guards were about to step forward while speaking.

"Stop! Which of you dares?"

Cai Shishi came out from the crowd, stood next to Zhao Shanhe, glanced at the security guards with a frosty face, frightened them, and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Director, I think it's better to let Jiang Wanli come over directly!"

"Let him come here immediately!" Zhao Shanhe's expression was indifferent, and the surrounding air seemed to be filled with a biting chill.


After Cai Shishi glanced at Liu Xinrong, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Wanli's office.

After the connection was made there, she said in a calm tone, "Director Jiang, I'm Cai Shishi, please come to your first workshop right now."

"Secretary Cai?"

Jiang Wanli was surprised when he heard Cai Shishi's voice suddenly, and subconsciously asked, "Secretary Cai, why are you here?"

"Don't ask so many questions, you will know when you come."

"Let Jiang Wanli bring all the members of the leadership team here, I want to hold an on-site office meeting here." Zhao Shanhe said coldly.


Cai Shishi held his elder brother and said in a deep voice, "Director Jiang, did you hear what the director said? Hurry up and bring all the members of your Long March Manufacturing leadership team outside the first workshop."

"Okay, okay, I see, I'll be right there."

Cai Shishi's call was enough to surprise Jiang Wanli, he didn't expect to hear Zhao Shanhe's voice.

Sensing the coldness in Zhao Shanhe's tone, he knew something had happened. Although he said he didn't know what happened, he believed it was definitely not a good thing.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked the people in the office to notify all the members of the leadership team in the factory, and rushed to the first production workshop as quickly as possible.

"Hope there won't be a big mess."

"Hey, that's interesting. You're a pig nose with green onions, pretending to be an elephant, right? What kind of factory director do you call yourself? Where are you from? How dare you call our factory director Jiang by his first name? Let him come to see you, and I said that you were squeezed by the door when you went out, right?" Huang Jiaqiang laughed and said sarcastically.

However, Liu Xinrong's face became serious, and the eyes he looked over showed a kind of temptation.

"Who the hell are you?"

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe ignored him, Liu Xinrong turned around and shouted at everyone: "Let's go, hurry up, and return to your posts, I will fire anyone who dares to gather again! "

"Oh! Are you going to kill someone again?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mockingly.

"You are really good enough. You just open your mouth and shut your mouth. Who do you think you are? Who can you open? Liu Xinrong, let me tell you, you can't open any of them today."

"Which department do you belong to?" Liu Xinrong asked sullenly.

"Don't worry about this, you haven't answered my question just now, have you implemented the grievance system to every worker, have you told them about this?" Zhao Shanhe asked indifferently road.


Liu Xinrong was speechless.

Can you tell?

Of course, this matter cannot be said, he has not implemented this matter at all.If this is told to every worker, wouldn't his authority be weakened?Who will listen to him then?If I say anything casually, these people will use the complaint system to talk about things, and then get stabbed into it. Isn't that causing trouble for myself?

He won't do such stupid things.

While Liu Xinrong was hesitating, Huang Jiaqiang, the unlucky bastard, immediately jumped out when he realized the embarrassment of his backer, raised his finger to Zhao Shanhe's nose and started shouting.

"I said boy, does this have anything to do with you? Get out! Listen, if you don't get out, don't blame me for driving you away! Brothers, don't be dazed, get out!"

Several security guards were ready to move again.

"I see who of you dares!"

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Jiang Wanli finally arrived in time. After he shouted these words, he rushed into the crowd and stood in front of Zhao Shanhe. Respectfully said: "Factory Manager."

"Factory Manager!"

When these two words blurted out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Who is Jiang Wanli?He is the factory director of Long March Manufacturing, the well-deserved leader of this factory, and he holds the absolute right to speak.Don't look at Liu Xinrong dancing happily here, but he dare not say a harsh word to Jiang Wanli.

And it is such a person, but now he is so humble to Zhao Shanhe, can it not be surprising?

And there is only one person who can make Jiang Wanli do this.

After thinking of this, everyone's breathing became short of breath.

Dong Zipei's eyes brightened.

The Huang family is as strong as a mourning concubine.

Liu Xinrong's face was ashen.

Bad luck, how did you meet Zhao Shanhe who came to Weifu for a private visit?

Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, you are a big factory director, how could you do such a silent thing?If you do this, what shall we do?

Thinking of this, Liu Xinrong's face flickered uncertainly, and his heart jumped into his throat.

"Jiang Wanli, you managed such a good factory for me. I really opened my eyes today. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen in Long March Manufacturing under your management!"

Zhao Shanhe looked indifferent.

Jiang Wanli's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and it really was not a good thing.

He glanced at the people here, saw Liu Xinrong's appearance, and guessed a lot.

I knew it would be like this, damn Liu Xinrong, did you provoke Director Zhao?You are a person who has more success than failure, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have Zhang Hualing's backing.

Let me tell you, if Director Zhao is not prepared to take this matter lightly today, let alone you, even Zhang Hualing will not be able to get good results.

"Director, this is all a mistake caused by my lax management. I admit my mistake." Jiang Wanli first admitted his mistake and put on a very correct attitude.

"A mistake? Are you saying this is a mistake?"

Zhao Shanhe pointed at Dong Zipei and said calmly: "Do you know that such an excellent worker was almost kicked out of the Long March for framing him. And he just happened to be met by me. Those who were not met by me What about people? Do you know how many times this has happened to Long March Manufacturing?"


Jiang Wanli's whole face drooped, he really didn't know what happened, he was yelled at by Zhao Shanhe like this, and he was submissive and had no temper at all.

"Let me ask you, have you implemented the complaint system for every worker in Long March Manufacturing?" Zhao Shanhe asked in a cold tone.

"It's done."

Jiang Wanli raised his head and said with a surprised expression: "I talked about this matter in a special meeting. After the meeting, this matter has been implemented in every production workshop."

"Implemented in every production workshop?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at the workers in the first workshop with a sneer.

"Then why don't they know anything?"

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Jiang Wanli turned around and looked at Zhang Hualing who was standing next to him, and asked in bewilderment: "Deputy Factory Director Zhang, you are in charge of the first workshop, and you took over this matter. Didn't you give the following workers a job?" say?"


All eyes were on Zhang Hualing.

As an old man who made the Long March, Zhang Hualing was stared at like this, and hurriedly said with some guilt: "I have already said that I personally arranged this matter for Liu Xinrong. Liu Xinrong, did you tell the workers about this?"


Liu Xinrong lowered her head with an ugly expression.

"What are you? If you said it, you said it. If you didn't say it, you didn't say it. There is no hesitation. Hurry up and say it in front of Director Zhao. Did you say it?"

Zhang Hualing was eager to get rid of the relationship, and shouted in a high tone.


After meeting Zhang Hualing's cold eyes, Liu Xinrong immediately opened his mouth and said, "I said so."

As soon as these words fell to the ground, the audience instantly exploded.

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