Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 893 Stubbornness and Confidence

"The total is 3000 million."

3000 million?

Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on his knees, and after thinking for a while, he slowly said: "If this is the case, the instant noodle factory can be built first with only 3000 million yuan. That's right, this matter must be seized."

"An instant noodle factory?"

Li Xiangyang frowned slightly, he knew that Zhao Shanhe asked Xiao Mingyu to develop instant noodles, but he didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe wanted to build a factory directly.Moreover, it sounds like it cost a lot of money to build a factory, 3000 million is just "build it first"?

In this way, Shanqiu Foods will be hollowed out.

Li Xiangyang knows that at present, Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, Zhao Xiaobai Winery and Blue Bird Glass are the four profitable factories owned by Zhao Shanhe. As for Jilu Logistics and Millennium Investment, it is still just getting started.

But no matter how profitable it is, can it be done like this?


After realizing Li Xiangyang's hesitation, Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Xiangyang, an instant noodle factory must be established, because in the near future, instant noodles will become an indispensable food in the market."

"For ourselves, this is definitely a battleground that cannot be lost."

"For the society, an instant noodle factory can solve many employment problems and solve the wheat sales problem of countless farmers. If you add the intricate chain industry among them, you would never imagine how valuable this instant noodle factory is. .”

"That's why I have to build an instant noodle factory for both public and private purposes, even if it will empty Shanqiu Food's reserves!"

"I believe you!"

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, the hesitation on Li Xiangyang's face disappeared instantly, and he said firmly in his eyes: "You have said that, what else can I say? I stand by your side unconditionally."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Of course, this instant noodle factory does not mean that you can build it if you want. There are many factors that need to be considered."

"For example, the site selection must have good traffic conditions to ensure that it can be sold to all parts of the country in the shortest time after it is produced in the future. It should also be considered that it should not be too far away from the wheat production area. If it can be located in the best wheat base Building a factory would be even better.”

"Yes, what you said is right. You really can't do it blindly, how about it? Is there anything suitable in your heart?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"There are a few considerations, let's study it, and then you send someone over to investigate on the spot and make sure."

"Okay, let's talk."

After the two finished their research, Li Xiangyang got up and went out to arrange the matter.For him, since he has decided to support Zhao Shanhe unconditionally, he will not talk about anything else.

Zhao Shanhe stood in front of the window, looked at the sky outside, and let out a heavy breath.

He knew that with his current net worth, he was quite a lot, but this was just the beginning, he wanted to let all the money flow.Only in this way can we ensure that money produces money, otherwise, he is a miser who only knows how to guard gold and silver.


The examination room of No. [-] Middle School in Nanjue County.

As the designated examination room for the college entrance examination, there were many anxious parents waiting outside Nanjue No. [-] Middle School.

Although they said they were talking to each other, their eyes glanced into the school from time to time, praying that their children would get good grades in the exam.

Because they know that the college entrance examination is a shortcut for their children to change their destiny.

none of them.

"Do you think this year's college entrance examination questions will be difficult?"

"Who knows? Besides, even if it's difficult, what are you afraid of? Your family's academic performance is so good."

"Let me tell you, do you know? There is a top student in our examination room."


"It's a female student named Zhao Lin. She was recommended for admission, but unexpectedly, she refused. She insisted on taking the college entrance examination, saying that she didn't want to make her life regretful."

"Isn't it? There are such stupid people?"



Li Qiuya, who just passed by here, couldn't help raising her brows slightly when she heard such a conversation.

Zhao Lin's actions seemed stupid to many people, but she knew it was Zhao Lin's stubbornness and self-confidence.

Zhao Lin has absolute self-confidence, relying on her own strength can also be admitted to top universities like Huaqing or Peking University.

And such confidence is not everyone can understand.

But even if she was upset, Li Qiuya didn't intend to stop and argue with them, there was no need for that.All she had to do was to maintain a good attitude and wait for Zhao Lin to leave the examination room.

The bell rings.

Exam time is over.

One by one, students in school uniforms came out with their own stationery. From their faces, you could clearly see who did well in the exam and who did poorly.

And in the middle of this group of students, Zhao Lin walked out calmly.

"Xiao Lin."

"sister in law!"

Seeing that Li Qiuya was waiting for her at the door, Zhao Lin hurried forward and said with a smile on her face, "Sister-in-law, why are you here? Are you waiting for me on purpose?"

"Yes, I was waiting for you on purpose, let's go, let's have some food, then rest and prepare for the exam in the afternoon."

"it is good!"

For the next two days, Li Qiuya kept doing this. She didn't even think about going back to Zhenghe County, and stayed with Zhao Lin in Nanjue County.

And what they said at the beginning was to find a hotel to live in. After Zhao Yongrui found out about this, why would they let her stay in a hotel?

Three days passed quickly, and just like that, the college entrance examination came to an end.

One of the hottest events in 1992 came to an end. In those days, students had to fill out the application form first and then take the exam. The rest was to wait for the announcement of scores and cut-off marks, and then wait for the postman to deliver the admission notice.

Candidates all relax. After 12 years of hard study, they can finally take a good rest.

After the college entrance examination, Zhao Shanhe only said one word to Zhao Lin.

"Believe in you, you can succeed!"

Zhao Lin didn't take this matter to heart, because for her, the content of the college entrance examination this time was not too difficult, and they were all questions that she had brushed before.If you say that you can't get a high score in the test, that's too wrong.


Time passed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, it has come to August.

After Zhao Shanhe was busy with everything that day, Cai Shishi walked in and said with a smile: "Factory Manager, according to yesterday's schedule, we are now going to the Long March for manufacturing research."

"Then go!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't refuse. After all, he assigned the production task of the electric oven to Long March Manufacturing, and he also wanted to see the progress there.And you must know that there are a lot of orders for electric ovens, so this matter can't go wrong.

Made by Long March.

Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything to alarm anyone, he was also riding in a very ordinary Santana, and he claimed to be a seller to the doorman.After Chen Ju parked the car, he and Cai Shishi got down and walked towards the production workshop not far away.

"Did Jiang Wanli say any difficulties?" Zhao Shanhe asked as he walked.


Cai Shishi shook his head, and said in a soft voice: "Jiang Wanli said that there is no problem with Long March Manufacturing, and they can complete the order tasks on time with quality and quantity."

"That's good!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

He still believed in Jiang Wanli. The factory director recommended by Jiang Haichao has been very particular about everything since he took office, and has his own principles of conduct. Long March Manufacturing has not had any major problems under his management.

"Hey, something seems to have happened ahead."

"Go and have a look."

No need for Cai Shishi to say, Zhao Shanhe also saw it.

Just outside the production workshop, there are more than 20 people standing at this moment. They are all wearing the work clothes made by the Long March, forming a circle one by one, pointing fingers and talking inside.

You know, at this point in time, they should all be producing in the workshop, how can they stand here with free time?

Could it be that something big happened?

Surrounded by the crowd.

A man in his thirties, wearing a blue hat and a tuft of moustache, was arrogantly yelling at a 25-year-old man.

The one who shouted was Huang Jiaqiang, the team leader of the first workshop.

The person who was shouted was Dong Zipei, a worker in the first workshop.

"Let me tell you, Dong Zipei, you have really caused a disaster this time. Have I issued repeated orders that no one can leave their posts without my orders during work?"

"But you dare to slip away. How dare you ignore our factory's rules and regulations like this? That's fine, but when you skipped work, there was a problem with the electric oven parts you were in charge of."

"Now the power plug is broken! More than a dozen electric ovens have also been destroyed. Tell me, what should we do about this?"

Huang Jiaqiang shouted brazenly.


The scolded Dong Zipei just wanted to open his mouth to explain, who would have thought that Huang Jiaqiang had already interrupted him, and said impatiently: "That's all right, all right, you don't need to explain anymore, it's useless to explain any more. Since the mistake has already been made, then According to the rules of our workshop, you are going to be fired. Go ahead, take your bedding and get out!"

"Get out? Isn't it? Is this going to fire Xiaodong?"

"You don't understand, right? Team leader Huang has long disliked Dong Zipei."

"But isn't this too hasty? He thinks this workshop is run by his own family."


The workers standing around were talking in low voices.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

Hearing this kind of gossip, Huang Jiaqiang stared around with a gloomy face, and said disdainfully: "I tell you, in my first workshop, the rules and regulations here must be followed. I don't care who you are, as long as anyone dares to violate it, everyone Fire, no mercy!"

The people around suddenly fell silent, looked at each other and shrank their necks, not daring to say anything more.

They were defending Dong Zipei, but if it involved their own interests, if it was because Dong Zipei lost his job, then it was not worth it, and no one would stand out like this.

"Did you hear that? No one can help you now, so get out of here." Huang Jiaqiang said sarcastically.

"Huang Jiaqiang, you are clearly avenging your own personal revenge! You are retaliating! Let me tell you, I don't accept it!"

Dong Zipei, who had always had a livid face, saw that he was about to be fired, how could he bear it any longer, looked at Huang Jiaqiang with eyes full of anger, opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

"Shut up, what are you talking about!" Huang Jiaqiang's expression changed.

"Am I foolish?"

Dong Zipei snorted coldly, and what he said immediately caused everyone to be in an uproar.

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