Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 889 How can I not be in a hurry?

"Zhao Shanhe, is it your fault what happened to my brother?"

He Xingtao roared like crazy.

"Your brother?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

"What's the matter with your brother? Does it have something to do with me?"

"Do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you? If it weren't for you, my brother would have been arrested by the police? Zhao Shanhe, listen to me. If there is anything wrong with my brother, I will never end with you! I am in a hurry. Fighting with you, I..."

"To shut up!"

Zhao Shanhe interrupted without hesitation.

"He Xingtao, listen carefully. Your brother's being taken away has nothing to do with me. You should know very well what happened to him. If you dare to threaten me with this matter If you don't, I will make your He family really ruined!"


After saying this, Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone abruptly.

"He Xingtao?" Li Xiangyang looked over.

"Yes, He Xingtao, probably because He Xingbang was taken away and lost his mind. He was originally an impulsive person, so it's not surprising that he would do this." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"It seems that we are taking the blame for Jian Beiyang." Li Xiangyang frowned slightly.

"Back the blame?"

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth slanted.

"No way, I believe that no matter how stupid He Xingtao is, he will know who did it. Don't worry about him, he's just a mad dog. Let's go, let's go meet Mr. Zhang, Mr. Su."




Standing in front of the Dujiachun Hotel, He Xingtao slammed his fist hard against the wall. The skin on his right hand was torn and bled, but he ignored it and shouted angrily, "Zhao Shanhe, how dare you threaten me? Believe it or not, I'll kill you."

"Xiao Tao!"

Xiao Dingwei walked over after shouting loudly, patted He Xingtao on the shoulder, and said seriously in a low voice: "This is not a place to talk, follow me."

"Brother Xiao, my brother was taken away by the Public Security Bureau. Who else can you say this is not Zhao Shanhe's trick?" He Xingtao yelled frantically.


Xiao Dingwei glared at him fiercely, and said sharply: "Do you think Zhao Shanhe needs to do this? Didn't you hear? Your brother was taken away because the glass in the community was broken and a worker fell and was injured. I went to investigate and inquire. Are you afraid that Zhao Shanhe won't deal with you if you threaten Zhao Shanhe without saying a word?"

"Me!" He Xingtao froze for a moment, staring blankly at Xiao Dingwei, his eyes full of helplessness.

"Hey, you, hurry up and follow me. I think there must be something hidden about this matter, maybe someone is behind it."

"Brother Xiao, do you know who it is?"

"Jane Beiyang from Jinhai Real Estate."

"What? Jane Beiyang?"

He Xingtao couldn't help being slightly stunned, but he soon came to his senses.

"That's right, you're right. This matter is of no benefit to Zhao Shanhe, but it is of great benefit to Jian Beiyang. Jinhai Real Estate was originally the biggest enemy of our Xingchi Real Estate, and it must be him who did what happened now. Yes. Damn Jian Beiyang, you dare to play dirty like this, okay, see if I don't kill you!"

Xiao Dingwei looked over speechlessly.

He Xingtao, He Xingtao, no wonder your brother has never dared to entrust you with important tasks. You are really a simple-minded idiot with well-developed limbs. If you open your mouth and shut up, you will kill you. Who can you kill?In this kind of society ruled by law, do you know that such words will also be collected as evidence? You are simply a fool!

"Go back with me first."

"it is good!"


Jinhai Real Estate Headquarters.

Jian Beiyang stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the busy traffic outside, with a calm expression on his face. He held a cigarette in his finger, and even though the smoke was lingering, he had no intention of smoking it.

"How are things going?" Jian Beiyang asked.

"Our people have been let out to the outside world, and now all the media reporters who have made friends with us have gone to interview, and He Xingbang has also been taken to the Public Security Bureau." Secretary Chen Zhong said in a deep voice.

"How is the Dujiachun Hotel going?" Jian Beiyang asked slowly.

"It's almost as you guessed. Director Zhao Shanhe is indeed a genius. Not only did he win against He Xingbang, but he also took advantage of He Xingbang's opportunity to promote his electric oven."

"Now everyone knows about electric ovens, and they are all going to Dayang Department Store to buy them." When Chen Zhong talked about this, his eyes shone with admiration.

"This Zhao Shanhe really did not disappoint me."

Jian Beiyang smiled lightly.

"Shouldn't it be time for Blue Bird Glass to hold publicity?"


Chen Zhong said with a smile: "Jingniao Glass has already started using advertisements to promote externally. Their main promotion this time is architectural glass. I think their architectural glass will become even more popular if we increase the fire."

"It seems that Zhao Shanhe has received my news. It is a pleasure to cooperate with such a person. Okay, let's do things and make a statement to the outside world that all our construction projects will use Jade Bird architectural glass to install windows." Jian Beiyang said After flicking off the long ash, he smoked the remaining cigarette in one breath.



With the tacit cooperation between Jinhai Real Estate and Jade Bird Glass, the reputation of Jade Bird Architectural Glass has been completely established.Everyone knows that the construction projects of Jinhai Real Estate use blue bird architectural glass.This kind of window is the safest, it cannot be smashed casually, and naturally the tragedy of falling down the stairs will not happen.

And this day is destined to be Zhao Shanhe's day.

The winning of the bet, the donation of 700 million Huaxia coins, and the popularity of the electric oven.

Everything happened around Zhao Shanhe, and the streets and alleys began to discuss it.People who didn't know who Zhao Shanhe was at first gradually became familiar with this name.

For a time, Zhao Shanhe became famous in Zhongzhou City.


Just when Zhao Shanhe became famous, Chen Duo of Zhao Xiaobai Winery suddenly received a phone call that made him unbelievable, and Chen Jinjun contacted him on his own initiative.

This surprised Chen Duo very much.

You have to know that it was because Chen Jinjun suddenly came to power that he was pushed out.Who would have thought that Chen Jinjun would take the initiative to contact him now, but his attitude was still so amiable.

As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.

Chen Duo, who was secretly guessing in his heart, said politely: "Mr. Chen, I don't know what you want from me? If you have something to do, just say it directly, without beating around the bush."

"Chen Duo, look at what you said. We have been colleagues, right? No matter what you say, you have a relationship with our Yongxing Department Store. It is not Yongxing Department Store. The mountains and rivers pay attention to each other, and now they will not be in charge of Zhao Xiaobai Winery, right?" Chen Jinjun said with a smile.

Are you playing the emotional card?

Chen Duo smiled disapprovingly, if it were your elder brother Chen Jinzhang, I might still listen to it.

But it's a pity that Chen Jinzhang probably won't be in charge of Yongxing Department Store in his life.

As for you, Chen Jinjun, you are not qualified enough for me to value.

"Mr. Chen, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"In that case, I'll just say it straight."

Chen Jinjun also noticed Chen Duo's estrangement, so he didn't continue to pretend, but said with a dry smile: "I came to you to talk about the electric oven."

Electric oven?

Chen Duo suddenly realized that he knew about the electric oven, and he also knew how much disturbance Zhao Shanhe had made in the Dujiachun Hotel.He could even imagine Chen Jinjun's anxiety now.

How can you not be in a hurry?

Zhao Shanhe entrusted Zhang Longdong with full authority to sell the electric oven, and it was impossible to buy it in other places except Dayang Department Store. Under such circumstances, do you think anyone would go to Yongxing Department Store?

If Yongxing Department Store, which was already in decline, suffered such a heavy blow again, it would undoubtedly make things worse.Although it is not possible to go bankrupt directly, life will definitely not be easy.

After being hit hard, Yong Xing is just lingering on his last breath. How can he compete with the flourishing Ocean Department Store?

However, the competition will die sooner or later, and it is only a matter of time before it fades out of this circle.

"Mr. Chen, I am not in charge of the electric oven you mentioned, so please forgive me for being powerless." After thinking about these things clearly, Chen Duo decisively refused.

"Don't tell me, Chen Duo, we had friendship before..."


Chen Duo sneered when he heard this word, "Have we ever had friendship? Don't be ridiculous, Mr. Chen, I'm afraid there are only swords and swords between you and me? If it weren't for you, I would have left Yongxing Department Store?"

"To be honest, I actually wanted to say thank you to you a long time ago, because without you, I wouldn't be able to find a job that suits me."


Chen Jinjun didn't expect Chen Duo to speak like this. Hearing his strange tone of voice, a kind of anger suddenly surged in his heart, and his tone suddenly rose.

"Chen Duo, are you determined not to give me face?"

"Do whatever you want."

Chen Duo immediately hung up the phone.

"Damn Chen Duo!"

Chen Jinjun dropped the microphone suddenly, looking annoyed.

"You are really shameless, do you think that you are the director of Zhao Xiaobai Winery now, and I can't touch you if you hang out with Zhao Shanhe? All right, since you dare to treat me like this, don't blame me No face for you!"

After venting the anger in his heart, Chen Jinjun wilted like a beaten eggplant.Because just now, his father Chen Yongxing had already called to talk about the electric oven, and he also gave him an ultimatum, telling him to settle the matter.

Otherwise, do you think he would put down his body and take the initiative to contact Chen Duo?

"But how do I handle the electric oven?"

Chen Jinjun fell into deep thought.


In the box of Yanchun Hotel.

Zhao Shanhe is drinking and eating with Su Zhenshu and Zhang Longdong. Today's incident is thanks to these two. If it weren't for them, although he said he could have won it, he would definitely be a bit embarrassed.

So Zhao Shanhe would like to thank them.

"He Xingbang probably learned his lesson this time. He should know who can provoke and who can't. In the future, don't just lay out plans for others just because you are a big boss." Zhang Longdong said with a smile.

Su Zhenshu shook his head, curled his lips and said, "I see him, he is strong enough to carry it through."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Longdong asked curiously.

"I just received the news that all his projects under construction have been sealed up on the spot and rectification needs to be carried out. It is clear that someone is dealing with him and wants to take advantage of his illness to kill him." Su Zhenshu said.

Zhang Longdong was a little surprised: "Who? Who hates him so much?"

"What do you think?" Su Zhenshu looked at Zhao Shanhe and smiled meaningfully.

Zhang Longdong also looked over.

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