Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 887 Hetu baking, warm and lingering

"What? Didn't you hear clearly? Then I'll say it again, listen up!"

Li Xiangyang ignored He Xingbang's anxiety, and said slowly: "Mr. Zhang of Dayang Department Store placed an order, purchased 250 boxes, and the turnover was [-] million Huaxia coins. How about it? Did you hear clearly this time?"


He Xingbang turned around and looked at Zhang Longdong, and shouted angrily: "Fake, have you caught me? You guys are fake! Have you heard it? Dayang Department Store, Zhang Longdong, who sells department stores, how can he sell it?" Blade? This is clearly him and Zhao Shanhe cheating, and the two of them teamed up to trick me!"

"Zhang Longdong, you are so vicious!"

"Zhao Shanhe, you are so shameless!"


Everyone's eyes were also on Zhang Longdong, because they also felt that He Xingbang's words were correct.

What does your Dayang department store buy blades for?You are clearly in collusion with Zhao Shanhe, and you want to win He Xingbang's 700 million bet with one fell swoop.

This behavior is indeed shameful.


Hearing this, Zhang Longdong sneered and said mockingly, "He Xingbang, you really can't afford to lose! Who told you that I bought these blades for Dayang Department Store to sell?"

"I bought these blades for a few friends who are engaged in agricultural machinery business in several provinces. I have a list of them here. If you don't believe me, you can call now to verify .”

"If you think you can fake a phone call, you can send someone to check with them anytime, anywhere to see if Hetu Manufacturing has shipped the blades there."


He Xingbang froze for a moment.

Everyone suddenly realized.

If Zhang Longdong said so, then this matter is true.Yes, his Dayang Department Store does not sell blades, but it can help friends place orders and purchases, which is understandable.

Tsk tsk, this time Zhao Shanhe won for sure!

"President Su of Dongzhou Iron and Steel Plant placed an order of 250 boxes, with a turnover of [-] million Huaxia coins!"

Li Xiangyang continued to announce in this noisy atmosphere.

"President Su!"

He Xingbang turned around abruptly, fixed his eyes on Su Zhenshu, and asked through gritted teeth: "Boss Su, are you helping Zhao Shanhe too? Don't you think this is a little too much?"


Su Zhenshu smiled indifferently, and said calmly: "I am the same as Mr. Zhang. I also place orders for my friends. You don't think it's my steel factory that needs blades, do you?"

"But I don't think so if you want to say too much. Because no matter how much you go too far, you are too much? You openly arranged for Li Qiuya and Mr. Li in front of me. You didn't take me seriously, and I Why bother who you are!"


He Xingbang was choked up and couldn't speak for a moment.

There was an uproar.

2000 million orders!

With just one blade, Zhao Shanhe won an order of 2000 million yuan, which is an astonishing amount of transactions.And with such a turnover, the profit is definitely more than 700 million, which means that He Xingbang lost, completely lost.

"I didn't expect that just a blade could be played by Zhao Shanhe."

"I don't think He Xingbang is the most unlucky one right now. Haven't you seen that Xiao Dingwei, who saves agricultural resources, is about to cry?"



Amidst the excited discussions, Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, looked at He Xingbang and said unhurriedly: "He Xingbang, you lost the bet between us!"

"you lose!"

These three words were like a curse, constantly echoing in He Xingbang's mind.

He looked at Zhao Shanhe's face and felt a little confused.

He really didn't expect that things would develop like this, that he, who was originally a sure winner, would be reduced to this point.

He is going crazy.

"I would like to admit defeat, He Xingbang, your 700 million bet will belong to Director Zhao Shanhe from now on!" Su Zhenshu said calmly as a witness.

700 million!

He Xingbang's heart ached to death.

Even if the Xingchi Group has some background, it is still limited. Before, it could rely on Tiannuo Machinery to support itself, but after the business of weeding machines has completely disappeared, Tiannuo Machinery is already on the verge of bankruptcy. Xingchi Group blood transfusion.

And now with this matter added, it can be said that it is more appropriate to describe Xingchi Group by adding insult to injury.


He Xingbang snorted coldly, suppressing the grief and indignation in his heart, turned around and was about to leave.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Zhao Shanhe slowly blocked the road, and said with a smile: "Don't rush to leave, Mr. He, actually, I have something else I want to tell you. I believe you heard After that, it should be even more desperate."

Even more desperate!

He Xingbang listened to these harsh words, looked at Zhao Shanhe's smiling face, and kept reminding himself not to be impulsive, not to act.

One more thing?

The rest of the people in the venue also looked over curiously. They really wanted to know what else Zhao Shanhe would announce and what earth-shattering news he would say in this situation where he had already won.


With a tepid smile on Zhao Shanhe's face, he glanced around and said: "As I said before, I attach great importance to the auction of scientific research achievements of college students, and I also think such an auction is valuable. "

"So in addition to the blade, I have also developed another scientific research result and it has been put into production. Do you want to know what it is?"

"What? There's even a product?"

"Isn't it? It's amazing enough for a blade to create such an achievement within a month, and now there is a second one?"

"what is it?"

There was an uproar at the scene.

Every college student in the college student phalanx suddenly became excited when they heard the news.They all looked over eagerly, wondering what the second product produced by Zhao Shanhe would be.

Which product is so lucky to be selected by Zhao Shanhe!

"Zhao Shanhe, stop talking nonsense here. I admit that your blade is very powerful, and you have created a sales miracle. This is enough. I don't believe you can produce a second type. Even if it is So what if it can be produced? Can your second product sell better than blades?"

He Xingbang roared with dark eyes.

"That's really embarrassing He Xingbang, you are right, my second product will definitely sell better than blades, and in fact, my second product has already sold a lot."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Because my second product is an electric oven!"

"Electric oven!"

"It turned out to be an electric oven?"

"Mine! It's my electric oven! My God, Director Zhao is so amazing that he even developed my electric oven and put it into production!"

Almost as soon as Zhao Shanhe said it, a college student jumped up excitedly. He pointed to his nose and danced and shouted: "Did you hear that? It's my electric oven!"

He is Huangfu Qiushan, a doctoral student at Dongzhou Technological University, whose surname is Huangfu.

Huangfu Qiushan's mood at this moment is excited, exciting, and uncontrollable.

As a college student, he desires success more than anyone else.

And what is success at this stage?Are you selling your research results?Yes, you have to admit that this is indeed a success.But with the fact that Xiao Nanhai's blades were mass-produced, it seemed insignificant just to sell the results.

So if possible, he also hopes that his scientific research results can become a reality.

And now, it's really becoming a reality.

The electric oven was mass-produced!

Do you think he can't cheer up?

"Huangfu, congratulations!"

"Happy together."

Huangfu Qiushan laughed very heartily, he couldn't help raising his arms towards Zhao Shanhe, and shouted loudly: "Director Zhao, I will always support you, you are my idol!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Electric oven? What's that?" He Xingbang sneered.

"That's right, what is an electric oven?"

"Can this also be sold?"

"It's worse than a blade if you want me to say!"

People around made disapproving comments.

"Everyone, I know that none of you have seen an electric oven, and you don't know what an electric oven is for, but it doesn't matter, I have a promotional video here, and I also brought a few electric ovens here, you can watch it live."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, Guo Kaiduan immediately arranged for someone to move the electric oven up.

At the same time, a picture appeared on the TV that had been prepared long ago. This picture was an advertisement for an electric oven, and it was an advertisement that would be broadcast on national TV stations after today.

The advertisement is beautifully photographed and clearly explains the purpose of the electric oven.

Especially the last sentence of the advertisement is extremely classic: Hetu is baked, warm and lingering.

While the advertisement was playing, the staff of Zhao Shanhe also began to demonstrate the various functions of the electric oven.Because the preparations have been made before, it is said that such a demonstration seems to be in an orderly manner.

The aroma of roasted sweet potatoes filled the air instantly.

Pieces of biscuits were quietly shaped, with a faint burnt aroma.

Each chicken leg is golden and brilliant, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.


Nothing could be more convincing than this.

"This is an electric oven, it looks fun."

"The key is that there is no oil fume. This is simply the best beauty kitchen utensils."

"I like this electric oven, I want to buy one for my daughter-in-law!"

When such discussions sounded one after another, He Xingbang's face became more and more gloomy. He knew that not only did he lose 700 million this time, but he was also completely reduced to Zhao Shanhe's stepping stone.

"Zhao Shanhe, you dare to use me to promote your new product!" He Xingbang yelled angrily.

"He Xingbang, what you said is so blunt. Whoever told you that I was promoting my new product, I'm just telling you how you lost the bet."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Everyone, the electric oven made by Hetu is the scientific research achievement of Huangfu Qiushan, a doctoral student of Dongzhou University of Technology, and it is also the main product of our Hetu Manufacturing this month. So far, the electric oven has been sold by the Angel Group in the United States. For an order of 200 units, the turnover is [-] million yuan!"

"In addition, the Schiller Group in Weimar also placed an order for 200 units, and the turnover was also [-] million yuan!"

"Combined with some other orders, the turnover of electric ovens reached 700 million yuan."

"Its profit has already exceeded 700 million Huaxia coins, He Xingbang, that is to say, I can kill you in seconds with just this electric oven, not to mention the blade."

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back, calm and calm.

"you lose!"

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