Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 885 You Are Trying To Push Me To The End!

This time it was He Xingbang who called.

He Xingbang's tone on the phone was arrogant, and he said arrogantly: "Zhao Shanhe, if you say you will admit defeat now, I can let you go. I will save you some face, otherwise, you know the consequences."

"He Xingbang, are you stupid?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mockingly.

"You dare to take the initiative to threaten me, how do you know that the one who loses is not you?"

He Xingbang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "What a joke! Will I lose? Zhao Shanhe, let me tell you, I will never lose, because I have already figured out your cards, and your cards will come to an end. I know exactly what it is. It is impossible for you to say that you can make enough profit of 700 million yuan in a month, and you will lose!"


Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone directly.

"It's He Xingbang?" Li Xiangyang asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled contemptuously.

"He came to see me to make a joke, saying that I would definitely lose the bet. Do you think he was so full that he had nothing to do to seek abuse. I didn't think about it at first, but since he did, If I'm so self-righteous, then I have no choice but to cooperate with Jian Beiyang's actions and give He Xingbang a hard blow!"

"Xiangyang, get all departments ready!"



Three days passed in a flash.

At the Dujiachun Hotel that day, many people from the business circles of Eastern Province came over. Those who came last time came this time, and those who didn't come last time also came this time.

The purpose of their coming here is very simple, to witness the bet between Zhao Shanhe and He Xingbang a month ago.

Although it was Li Qiuya who made the bet at that time, everyone knew that Zhao Shanhe had to come forward to resolve this matter.

"Who do you think wins and loses in this bet?"

"I would say that He Xingbang should win. You don't know the situation at Hetu Manufacturing. As far as I know, they produced a kind of blade. And this kind of blade is only equipped for the agricultural machinery factory, and the agricultural materials company does not have it." purchase."

"Why didn't the agricultural materials company purchase in large quantities? Could it be that the quality of the blades is not good?"

"That's not it!"

"That's weird, so why?"

"I heard that there is an inside story. It seems to be about some kind of transaction between Xiao Dingwei and He Xingbang."


These entrepreneurs standing casually, all lowered their heads and whispered.They competed to share the information they collected, and they all speculated about the final outcome of this bet.

Zhang Longdong and Su Zhenshu sat together.

"Listen to these people, it seems that Zhao Shanhe has already lost, and they will never know how many cards Zhao Shanhe has." Zhang Longdong glanced casually, and smiled contemptuously.


Knowing that Zhang Longdong also placed an order of [-] boxes, Su Zhenshu raised the corners of his lips.

"Just the two of us have already won a turnover of 500 million. If you count others, is it difficult to make a profit of 700 million? Just wait and see, Zhao Shanhe will definitely be a blockbuster this time."

"Just wait!"

Sitting not far from them were Chen Jinjun and Du Heng.After all, this is the Dujiachun Hotel, and it is Du Heng's territory. As the host, he will definitely show up.

They also heard the voices of the big guys.

Just when the two were about to talk, He Xingbang showed up.

He walked over with steady steps, found a chair at random, and sat down. With a confident smile, he looked at the two and said, "Mr. Du, Mr. Chen, you two just wait and watch the show."

"Mr. He, are you sure you can win?" Du Heng asked hesitantly.

"Of course!"

He Xingbang said confidently: "To tell you the truth, I have been monitoring Zhao Shanhe all the time. It is impossible for his three manufacturing factories to complete this task."

"So, he will cry after a while, and he will cry and send a check of 700 million to me. Hehe, I told you to join in for fun, but none of you are willing, how? Now Do you regret it?"


After Du Heng and Chen Jinjun looked at each other, they smiled at He Xingbang and said, "Mr. He, we are here to congratulate you on your victory."

"Good talk!"

He Xingbang raised his chin proudly.

At this time, Zhao Shanhe showed up.

Wearing casual clothes, he walked into the venue with his head held high.

Two people followed behind him.

The one on the left is Li Xiangyang, and the one on the right is Li Qiuya.

Then came Guo Kaiduan and Cai Qian, the executives of several factories.

A group of people walked in calmly without any fear of fighting, and attracted the attention of the audience as soon as they appeared, and everyone subconsciously looked up.

Some are amazing, some are jealous, some are envious, and some are indifferent.

"Hmph, it's already this time, why are you pretending, I'll make you cry in a while."

He Xingbang glanced over and sneered.

"Mr. Su."

Zhao Shanhe walked up to Su Zhenshu and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Director Zhao, you're here." Su Zhenshu stood up and said, holding his hand enthusiastically.

"Yeah, of course I'm coming. For such a big event, can I not come? If I don't come, how can I see the appearance of some people fleeing. Believe that scene, it must be wonderful."

Zhao Shanhe deliberately glanced at He Xingbang as he spoke.

"Zhao Shanhe, who do you think ran away?"

He Xingbang was furious, jumped up suddenly, and walked over in two steps in three steps.

"I'm talking about you."

With his hands behind his back, Zhao Shanhe looked straight at He Xingbang, with an unprecedented sharpness on his face, at this moment he no longer had anything to hide.

"He Xingbang, you said that you are an eight-foot tall old man, but what you do is extremely dirty. You don't need to tell me what is going on with this so-called bet. Everyone present knows it well. You say It's fine if you set up to frame me, but you actually put your wishful thinking on my daughter-in-law."

"Do you think she is a woman who is easy to bully?"

"I didn't!" He Xingbang immediately retorted.

"You don't? Oh, you do!"

Zhao Shanhe said categorically: "That's what you do, can you just open your mouth and shut up and say no? But it doesn't matter, what Qiuya said is what I said, and what she did was what I did."

"He Xingbang, don't you want to play a 700 million bet with me?"

"Okay, then let's let President Su uphold justice in front of the big guys."

"President Su, please excuse me!"

Zhao Shanhe turned sideways slightly.

"it is good!"

Su Zhenshu glanced at the audience, and said in a clear voice: "This bet was made a month ago, it was justified by the notary office, and all the friends present witnessed it with their own eyes, so they can be used as witnesses, am I right? ?”

"That's right!"

Everyone shouted loudly.

"In this case, I will repeat the content of the bet. The bet says that Zhao Shanhe will take the achievements auctioned at the Jingzhou University Science and Technology Achievement Auction within one month, and any one or several types will Okay, as long as the profit can reach 700 million, then Zhao Shanhe will win, otherwise, He Xingbang will win."

"Whoever wins will get a total of 400 million bets placed in the bank."


Su Zhenshu looked at the two of them.

Zhao Shanhe nodded.



He Xingbang also smiled confidently.

"Since this is the case, then this matter will be easy to handle. Director Zhao, please show evidence now to prove whether you have accomplished this matter. If you succeed, you will win." Su Zhenshu looked over.

"Yeah, take it out, let us all see, can your undefeated legend of Zhao Shanhe continue? Is there any way for you to successfully convert any kind of scientific and technological achievements within a month?"

"But I want to remind you again, it's a profit of 700 million, do you hear me clearly? It's profit, not turnover!"

He Xingbang twitched the corners of his mouth, speaking eccentrically, with a smug expression on his face.

"as you wish."

After Zhao Shanhe glanced at He Xingbang playfully, he turned around and looked around, and slowly walked to the center of the venue.

"Everyone, before showing the order, I want to say something, that is, although there are only two scientific and technological achievements I have chosen this time, this does not mean that the rest of the technological achievements are all worthless. "

"On the contrary, it is through these two scientific and technological achievements that I am more aware that the rest of the achievements are extremely valuable!"

"The auction of scientific and technological achievements is very meaningful. The hard work of our college students in Eastern Province deserves recognition and promotion! Any behavior that despises our Eastern Provincial University and doubts our college students' scientific and technological achievements is shameful and ridiculous!"


Almost at the moment when Zhao Shanhe's voice fell to the ground, there was a burst of intense applause from a corner of the venue. Su Zhenshu and the others subconsciously looked over and found that the people applauding there turned out to be a group of college students.

They looked at Zhao Shanhe with admiration and excitement.

They are the developers of those technological achievements.

Gu Hongtu is impressively listed.

Xiao Nanhai was also among them.

The two of them stood at the forefront, listening to Zhao Shanhe's words, they were emotional.

The two clapped desperately, even though their palms were already flushed, they didn't stop at all, as if they could only vent their gratitude in this way.

"Director Zhao, we will always support you!"

"Dongzhou University will always be your strong backing."

"The gate of Eastern State Technological University is always open for you!"

The moment these words were uttered, the audience was shocked.

He Xingbang's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Zhao Shanhe with malicious intent.Zhao Shanhe, you dare to do this kind of thing, aren't you using me to promote you by doing this?

The meaning revealed in your words is clearly that I have no respect for college students, and I have doubts about those universities.

You are trying to force me to a dead end!

Look at the eyes of those college students looking at me now?Their eyes were full of disdain and anger. They probably wanted to eat me alive on the spot.


You say that no matter what I do, I dare not offend the university system in Eastern Province!

Not to mention me, but anyone present, who would dare to do this?But you, Zhao Shanhe, insisted on accusing me of such a crime, who should I ask for reasoning!

"Zhao Shanhe, you are really a ruthless person! Don't you think it's shameless to use college students like this? You are demagogic!" He Xingbang shouted through gritted teeth.

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