"Director Zhao, do you want us to work together to punish He Xingbang?"

Jian Beiyang looked over with great interest.

Zhao Shanhe: "..."

Li Xiangyang: "..."

I said Mr. Jian, should we be so straightforward?It seems like we've only met for the first time, you just say this, do you think I will believe you?

"Boss Jian, what do you mean by that?" Zhao Shanhe asked pretending not to understand.

Jian Beiyang smiled lightly, and leaned back on the sofa: "Director Zhao, it's meaningless if you want to do this. If I said that I didn't find out clearly, would I say this? There is a conflict between you and He Xingbang Yes, and this contradiction does not matter to you, after all, you are the winner."

"But to He Xingbang, it's very big. In his heart, you are his number one enemy. He wants to destroy you even in his dreams."

"Who told you to lose his face again and again and take other people's business?"

Jian Beiyang's eyes brightened.

"It just so happens that He Xingbang and I also have a grudge. Our hatred is no less serious than yours. It's not just as simple as being an enemy. So we have a common appeal. On this basis, do you think we should be able to join hands? Against the enemy?"

"Besides, the virtue of Xingchi Real Estate is not a good thing. He Xingbang's hands were stained with blood on the way to start. Even now, he is involved in many illegal and criminal acts, such as forced demolition, forced buying and selling It’s more of a regular thing.”

"You said that if such a company continues to stay in our Eastern Province, will it affect the image of the Eastern Province? Will it cause trouble to the common people?"

"What you said is true? Xingchi Real Estate still has such a shady scene?" Zhao Shanhe's expression suddenly became serious.

"It's true."

Speaking of this, Jian Beiyang sat upright, took out a stack of documents from the briefcase he was carrying, and handed them over.

"These are all the evidence I found, Director Zhao, you can take a look."

"Why didn't you call the police?" Zhao Shanhe asked slowly looking at the shocking evidence.

"Call the police?"

Jian Beiyang shook his head and said calmly: "It's not that I don't want to call the police, but even if this matter is called the police, don't even think about reaching a conclusion for a while. Because He Xingbang is very cunning and didn't leave any clues."

"Besides, even if there are clues, he will make people use him as a scapegoat. So instead of wasting time like that, it is better to give him a hard blow through normal business competition."

"If he doesn't have Xingchi Real Estate, who else will listen to him? What evil things can he do?"

This makes sense.

Zhao Shanhe looked through it quietly.

The evidence was searched in detail, and every piece of evidence was unmistakable.In this way, the history of Xingchi Real Estate is really disgraceful and full of bloody events.

"Mr. Jian, how can I trust you?" Zhao Shanhe put together the information.

"Director Zhao, I also know that it is not easy for you to believe me in this matter. After all, we have never dealt with each other. But it doesn't matter, you don't need to believe me, but I hope you can give He Xingbang a hand at the critical moment." hit."

"As for what is the most critical time, I think you will know soon." Jian Beiyang smiled mysteriously, deliberately keeping it a secret.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded thoughtfully when he heard this frown.

"President Jian, then I'll wait for your good news."

"Good talk!"

Jian Beiyang also breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two chatted casually for a while, Jian Beiyang stood up and said goodbye.As for the order for architectural tempered glass, he believes that Zhao Shanhe will deliver it on time.

Go back to the Mercedes-Benz in Zhongzhou City.

Secretary Chen Zhong frowned slightly: "Mr. Jian, why do you believe so that Zhao Shanhe will join forces with us? And you seem to have great confidence in Zhao Shanhe, and you think he will definitely help us?"

"Yes, I just believe in Zhao Shanhe."

Jian Beiyang smiled lightly.

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see, Zhao Shanhe will definitely surprise you."

"All right!"

Chen Zhong was still puzzled, but nodded reluctantly.


In the office of Hetu Manufacturing.

When Jian Beiyang and the others left, Li Xiangyang asked slowly: "Why does this good-looking Jian Beiyang suddenly think of joining us? And from what he said, it seems that he can pull He Xingbang down by himself. Why are you so confident? Could it be because of our Jade Bird architectural tempered glass?"

"You are right."

Zhao Shanhe said in a soft voice: "Although I don't know what Jian Beiyang's hole card is, our tempered glass will definitely be a fuse, and it will definitely detonate the battle between him and He Xingbang."

"Maybe, this is an opportunity for our architectural glass. If we can seize this opportunity, our architectural glass can completely enter the real estate market and gain a firm foothold."

"In this way, you tell Lao Guo to keep an eye on this matter. As long as you find any action from Jinhai Real Estate, you will cooperate and do your best to promote Jade Bird Glass."



Time just kept passing.

In the blink of an eye, the bet between Zhao Shanhe and He Xingbang has passed for more than 20 days, and the deadline will be reached in three days.At this time, everyone who had been very concerned about this matter also focused their attention again.

After all, a bet of 700 million is not a small amount. If anyone can eat such a number, they will definitely be able to eat a lot of money.

And it means a lot.

Zhao Shanhe won, which means that his vision is as unique as ever.

If He Xingbang loses, then what he loses is not only 700 million, but also the face of the entire Xingchi Group.

So this matter quickly became big news in the Eastern Province.

Eastern State University.

Vice-principal Jiang Guangnian, who had just finished a meeting, called Jin Changshi into the office, looked at him and asked, "What do you think of the bet between Director Zhao and He Xingbang?"

"What do I think?"

After Jin Changshi was slightly stunned, he said in a deep voice: "Of course I hope Director Zhao can win. After all, what he auctioned are all the scientific and technological achievements of our Dongzhou University."

"If it is said that he lost, doesn't it mean that our scientific and technological achievements are worthless? It means that we can only rely on his care to sell those achievements? Such words will have an impact on the morale of the students!"

"And it will also affect the reputation of our school, so I firmly support Director Zhao Shanhe."

"I think so too, but the problem is that Director Zhao's time is too short. Do you think it's possible to rely on those scientific and technological achievements to obtain a profit of 700 million within a month?" Jiang Guangnian frowned, A worried look.

"Yeah, this is what I'm most worried about, but it's too late to say these things now, and the deadline will be reached in three days, and if Zhao Shanhe says it can't be done by then, He Xingbang will definitely be arrogant Take away the 700 million!" Jin Changshi kept shaking his head, and his eyes couldn't stop showing worry.

"Have you ever asked Director Zhao about this? How did he do it? Are you sure?" Jiang Guangnian asked.


Jin Changshi hurriedly said: "I am also very concerned about this matter, so I asked him a long time ago. The strange thing is that Director Zhao is quite relaxed and carefree, and he doesn't seem to take this seriously at all."

"Is that so?"

Jiang Guangnian lightly tapped the table with his fingers, and said in a slightly ponderous tone: "Then let's wait for three days to find out!"


It is also at Dongzhou University, the difference is that this time it is in the doctoral building.

In a laboratory, Gu Hongtu, who was doing an experiment, suddenly put down the test tube in his hand, and said to a person standing not far away: "Old Xiao, do you think Director Zhao can win this time?"

The one called Lao Xiao was a man with thin cheeks.

He wears glasses as thick as the bottom of a wine bottle, with circles on the lenses, making him look like a typical intellectual.

His name is Xiao Nanhai.

"How would I know, I'm also in a hurry."

Hearing this question, Xiao Nanhai pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said anxiously: "Old Gu, no matter what, your magnetic powder technology was not put into production, and Director Zhao used my magnetic powder technology this time." You said that if my blade can't help him tide over the difficulties, am I He Xingbang's accomplice?"


Gu Hongtu looked over speechlessly.

"I said, what are you thinking about? How did you become an accomplice? What does this matter have to do with you? You should feel lucky. Fortunately, Director Zhao believes in you so much, and took the lead with your blade."

Xiao Nanhai looked worried, hesitantly said: "Then if you lose..."

"There is no such possibility!"

Gu Hongtu waved his hand and said firmly.

"We have to believe in Director Zhao, and believe that he can win! And even if there is an accident, it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with Director Zhao. What matters is only time. Just give Zhao Factory Long enough time, let alone 700 million, 1000 million profit is not a problem."

"I hope Director Zhao can win." Xiao Nanhai muttered to himself.


Some worried about Zhao Shanhe, and some wanted him to be destroyed.

For example, Chen Jinjun and Du Heng.

The two of them did not participate in the bet, but they really hoped that Zhao Shanhe would lose.After all, the bet of 700 million is real money. Even if Zhao Shanhe has a strong family, this amount of money will not hurt him, but at least it will damage his morale.

"Do you have any conclusive news? Can Zhao Shanhe win? What kind of technological achievement is he betting on this time?" Du Heng hasn't paid attention to this matter recently.

"Blade!" Chen Jinjun stroked the teacup and said slowly.


Du Heng frowned, very surprised: "What kind of blade can make him a profit of 700 million? Is it made of gold?"

"The blades of the rotary cultivator, Zhao Shanhe has been desperately producing this kind of blades this month, and the original orders of Hetu Manufacturing, Jiuquan Manufacturing and Long March Manufacturing have also been more or less affected, and they all give way to this matter. "

"It is said that he has already produced hundreds of thousands of boxes. If he sells all of them, he can earn 700 million yuan!" Chen Jinjun said.

"Hundreds of thousands of boxes?"

Du Heng babbled, and said with emotion: "Zhao Shanhe really has great courage. You said he produced so many boxes of blades, can he sell them? He has to sell them for real money to win. If you don’t drop it, just hoarding it like this will be a burden.”

"So he sold it?"

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