Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 875 With me here, the sky won't fall down!

"Brother-in-law, this Zhao Shankai is a boss anyway, among other things, refrigerator, color TV, washing machine, these three major items must be available, and if you want to buy, I will buy two sets, one set for you!"

"There are other people who are rich and want to buy motorcycles, so he should at least buy a car!"

"The other thing is the gift money. Six thousand and six is ​​a bit small, so you get five... no, one hundred thousand! Yes, one hundred thousand!" Yang Shanghu rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.

One hundred thousand gift money?

He Youliang wanted to curse on the spot.

Now the general price of marriage in Nanjue County is six thousand and sixty thousand, so why should my daughter ask for one hundred thousand?Is this money not hot for you to hold?And what if you said you took the money?Can Xiaohua live a good life after marrying her?I am marrying my daughter, not selling my daughter.

This opening cannot be opened from oneself.

From now on, if someone is going to get married, as soon as I find out that I have asked for a hundred thousand gift money, and I will follow the gourd, won't I be poked to the bone?

There are also these three major items, how can there be any reason to buy them for my husband's family?It's unheard of!

"Second brother, what you said is correct, you need two sets of three big items, and you need to buy a small car, and you have to add a gift money." Yang Shanglong also echoed.

"I'll see to it."

He Youliang said calmly, he knew that there was no need to talk more with these two people, after talking more, they would definitely continue to mess around.Rather than that, it would be better to quietly pretend not to hear.

They both left after sitting for a while.

When there was only the old couple left here, He Youliang said to Yang Lihua speechlessly: "Did you hear what they said? Is this plausible? Are we marrying a daughter or selling a daughter! Besides, Shan Kai's child is for us to see." We grew up together, and our two families are neighbors next to each other, so how can we meet in the future?"

"They just said it casually, you don't have to take it seriously." Yang Lihua said with a smile and waved her hands.

He Youliang thought for a while, then sighed softly: "Okay, you just have to know what's in your mind, I just hope they don't make trouble tomorrow."

"Don't worry, there will be no trouble, I will make it clear to them."

"That's it!"


Silent all night.

The next day, because he was going to attend the engagement banquet between Zhao Shankai and He Saihua, it is said that Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya returned to Zhaojiazhai early.As for things in the factory, anyway, they are so close together, so they can contact them at any time.

"Today we are going to the woman's house to make an appointment, so we don't need to rush there. Let's go together after your second uncle comes." Zhao Yonghao said.


Soon Zhao Yongxin and the others all came.

In fact, not everyone wants to come to an engagement banquet like this, but because this is a happy event that the Zhao family hasn't had for a long time, and Zhao Shankai is doing well with Zhao Shanhe now, so Zhao Yongxin and the others will all come Lively and lively.

In other words, except for Zhao Xiuwu and his wife, all the elders of the Zhao family were present.

Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Yongjian also came.

Although the two are very worried about Zhou Angong now, because they can often call and Zhou Angong also said that he is fine, so they can face it calmly.

Zhao Shanhe didn't know what Zhou Angong told his aunt, but he didn't intend to say more.

The family came to He Youliang's house happily.

He Youliang's family is also a bunch of people.

Because everyone knew each other, they talked and laughed lively.Melon seeds, peanuts and candies are placed on the table, and the brewed tea exudes a burst of refreshing aroma.

A very harmonious scene.

Zhao Shankai and He Saihua did not say to stay in the house, but talked with Zhao Shanhe and the others outside with a smile.As for the dishes for the engagement banquet, there is no need to worry about having a group of relatives.

Zhao Shanhe glanced into the room: "It's quite lively inside."

"That's right, it's an engagement banquet anyway, so it has to be lively for a while." Li Qiuya said.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Seeing Zhao Shankai in a well-fitting suit wipe the sweat off his forehead, He Saihua hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe him off, and said softly, "Take off your shirt if you think it's too hot. Today's engagement banquet is just a formality." , nothing will happen."

"Okay, listen to you."

Who would have thought that Zhao Shankai had just taken off half of his suit when he heard the voice in the room suddenly rise.If you listen carefully, you can hear that this is not an excitement, but an argument.

"What's going on?" Li Qiucheng was a little stunned.

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Don't worry, just listen before you talk."

Anyway, they were right at the door, and they could hear what was going on inside the house clearly, and heard what was going on, and why the good-natured people suddenly became noisy.


Yang Shanglong, who was sitting in front of the Eight Immortals table, looked at Zhao Yongjun, and said with a smirk: "Our family has its own rules about marrying a girl. Let me tell you about these rules."

"The first is that your family has to make a written statement for our He family!"

"Written evidence?"

Zhao Yongjun looked over with some doubts.

"What kind of evidence is there?"

"It means that Zhao Shankai will not be able to divorce our Xiaohua in the future, and must be loyal to our Xiaohua for the rest of his life. If he dares to propose a divorce, there will be a thunderbolt from the sky." Yang Shanglong said arrogantly.


The moment Zhao Yongjun heard this, his face changed abruptly.

"Yang Shanglong, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Zhao Yong didn't even think about it, so he looked over with a gloomy face, and said in a bad tone: "These two children are not married yet, today is the day of their engagement."

"It's good for you. You actually said something like hitting five thunders every day. Is this something you can say casually? You are also the children's uncle, why don't you know anything about taboos?"


Yang Shanglong glanced at it, and said indifferently: "Why should I hide it? I'm just talking about the ugly things in front. This will save the two of them from trouble if they talk about divorce in the future! Zhao Yonghao, you are Zhao Shankai's uncle. Can you be the master?"

"I can make the decision, and I can tell you clearly that we will never make such written evidence!" Zhao Yonghao said coldly.

"Zhao Yongjun, is this what you mean?" Yang Shanglong was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhao Yongjun with a sneer.


Zhao Yongjun stared at Yang Shanglong, and said in a suppressed voice: "Yang Shanglong, you are the children's uncle. I respect you as an elder, but you have to look like an elder, right? Is this how you are an elder?"

"That's right, that's how I did it! I'm not afraid to tell you that you must establish this document. If you don't, hehe, let alone marriage, you don't even want to continue this engagement." Yang Shanglong leaned arrogantly on the chair On the table, with a cigarette between his fingers, he smoked it self-consciously, looking arrogant.

"You! Unreasonable!"

Zhao Yongjun glared angrily, then looked at He Youliang angrily.

"Old He, what do you say? Is this what you mean too?"

"No, I've never thought of it that way! I'll never do it!"

He Youliang quickly waved his hands, then looked at Yang Shanglong and said anxiously: "I said brother, you should say a few words less, I asked you to come today to congratulate the child, not to disturb the situation."

"Spoil the situation? You say I'm disrupting the situation? I said He Youliang, don't bite Lu Dongbin because you don't know good people. I'm doing it for your own good, for your family He Saihua's good. How can you say that about me?" Yang Shanglong sat up straight. He stretched out his body, opened his angry eyes, pointed at He Youliang and said.

for my good?

He Saihua, who was standing outside the house, bit her lips tightly, tears rolling in her eyes, ready to fall at any moment.She really didn't expect Yang Shanglong to do this, how could you say such a thing as an uncle?There are five thunders and bangs, but I have never thought about it like this!And do you think who needs to make such a document when they get married?

If this kind of evidence is established, how will they live in the future?


Seeing He Saihua's appearance, Zhao Shankai quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed her little hand and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, with me here, the sky won't fall down!"

"Shan Kai, I didn't expect my uncle to say this. You have to believe me. This is not what our family meant. Our family has never thought or said such a thing." He Saihua looked anxious.

"Well, I believe it!"

Zhao Shankai nodded.

"Don't worry, listen to what they say."


He Saihua wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and stood there heartbroken.

"Mountains and rivers!"

Li Qiuya pulled Zhao Shanhe's arm, but Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly at her: "Look first before talking!"

He was also very angry!

Zhao Shanhe knew what kind of family the He family was. He knew that He Youliang's family were honest people, otherwise he would not have said that He Saihua would follow Zhao Shankai to work in the Shanqiu Foods branch.

But He Youliang is honest, he can't stand some people being dishonest.

"Yang Shanglong, if you say that you just want to take advantage of this matter, I can understand. But if you say that you want to hinder this matter, then I will absolutely not agree!"

It was not only Zhao Shanhe who was angry, but also everyone in the Zhao family.

Even Zhao Yongduo felt angry when he heard this.

She is not on good terms with Zhao Shanhe, but she is on good terms with Zhao Yongjun.No matter what Zhao Shankai said, he was her own nephew. When this happened, do you think she could bear it?

What's more, she is the biggest among the Zhao family here.

She has to show up.

"Yang Shanglong, what do you mean by this? Do you think you have the qualifications to say this? I am also wondering, we are married to the old He family, not your old Yang family. This is Lao He Family matters, what about your old Yang family?" Zhao Yongduo was fully fired.


"That's right!"

Zhao Yongrui looked over at Zhao Yongduo's words, and said with mocking eyes: "Yang Shanglong, others don't know you, can I not understand? You, a person who has been divorced three times, have no face to say that you are loyal or not. Do you have the word loyalty in your dictionary? You, shut up as soon as possible and stop talking nonsense. "

"You bullshit!"

Yang Shanglong, who was in the heart of Zhao Yongrui's words, was a little bit annoyed. He didn't expect that the two aunts of the Zhao family would be so powerful in fighting.What can be said and what cannot be said, is said all at once, which stimulates him fiercely.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Zhao Yongrui snorted and smiled.

"Do you dare to let me tell you with my fingers, who are the three daughters-in-law you divorced?"

Yang Shanglong suddenly panicked.

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