Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 873 Not Difficult! 1 point is not difficult!


The big blue jay, who was in good shape, came to a stop.

"President Ji, what's the matter?" Fang Yuan saw that something was wrong with Ji Mingjian's expression, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"I didn't expect that. Is it true that the family doesn't enter the house?" Ji Mingjian shook his head with emotion, and then gave an order, "Go back!"

The big blue jay drove back in no time.

When he returned to the office, Fang Yuan couldn't wait to ask the reason as soon as he closed the door.

Ji Mingjian revealed the bet between Li Qiuya and He Xingbang, and then said excitedly: "Tell me, is this Li Qiuya crazy? How dare you make such a bet with He Xingbang? Isn't this a bet that you will definitely lose?" ? 700 million, just a few words and I lost it like this."

"Yes, Mr. Ji is right, no matter how you look at it, Li Qiuya has no chance of winning." Fang Yuan nodded.

"So let's not rush to find Leader Yang, let's just leave it at that! Wait and see what happens, maybe in a month, Zhao Shanhe's river map production will be in trouble." Ji Mingjian is gearing up.



On the same day, Zhao Shanhe led the team back to Zhongzhou City, and they didn't say they would go back to Handong immediately after seeing Li Qiuya.

After letting everyone else go back, the two of them took gifts and set off for Dongzhou University.

The two had already contacted Zhou Lichuan and said they would come to visit.

"I haven't met Professor Zhou yet." Li Qiuya said nervously.

"Don't worry, Professor Zhou is a very kind person. And his lover, Mr. Song, is also a very talkative person. Maybe we can see Miss Zhou Xuan today, and we will introduce you to each other when the time comes." Zhao Shanhe laughed.


Li Qiuya nodded.

"However, I really didn't expect that the place where Professor Zhou was sent down was Zhaojiazhai. You said that it's fine to send Zhaojiazhai down. It's really rare that we can still maintain such a good relationship with our family."

"Yeah, it's really rare."

Zhao Shanhe knew what Li Qiuya meant.

After all, if something like this is placed on someone else, they are afraid that they will not be able to avoid it. Who would want to recall the days when they lived in the cowshed?Only Professor Zhou Lichuan can think like this, which in itself is very rare.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Shanhe and the others came to Zhou's house, just like what he said, Zhou Lichuan, Song Zhihua and Zhou Xuan were all waiting at home.After he introduced Li Qiuya to Zhou Lichuan's family, Zhou Xuan took Li Qiuya's hand aside and talked.

Feeling Zhou Xuan's cheerful and lively character, Li Qiuya couldn't help but relax slowly from her previous restraint.

"Shanhe, you made a lot of noise in the capital this time! I've read about it in the newspapers. I didn't expect you to have such a big hand. It's amazing!"

"Come and tell me, do you really want those achievements, or is it purely for the face of our universities in Eastern Province?" Zhou Lichuan curiously picked up his teacup and asked with a smile.


In front of Zhou Lichuan, Zhao Shanhe didn't say that he deliberately covered it up, and said those high-sounding truths.

"I will take down all the scientific research achievements of these universities in our eastern province. The first is that I think some of the scientific and technological achievements in them can be of value now. If this is the case, I will definitely take them down."

"I can't say that it's not what a qualified businessman should do to just watch these achievements slip away from his eyes."

"go on!"

Zhou Lichuan raised his eyebrows, nodded slowly, deeply convinced.

"The second is that I think that if we spend some money, we can make these college students in Eastern Province realize the importance of scientific research results, know that knowledge is valuable, and reading is useful, so the money I spent is valuable!"

Zhou Lichuan was slightly moved, and looked at Zhao Shanhe with a hint of approval in his eyes.

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly: "Of course, thirdly, I also want to maintain a good relationship with these universities through this method. We may be fine now, but do you dare to say that I will not need them in the future? If you say Well, the two sides can cooperate, isn't this incident a good opportunity?"

"you're right!"

Zhou Lichuan slapped his thigh suddenly, nodded in admiration, and the affirmation in his eyes deepened a bit.

"Business should be more flexible, not to mention that you can't be measured by simple business. University is indeed not a factory, but you have to know that university also has its own advantages. If you can complement each other , which is beneficial to both parties.”

"Yes, you are right. I have always thought that industry-university-research should be a systematic system." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Industry-University-Research Institute!"

Zhou Lichuan was surprised and muttered to himself.

"That's a good saying, Industry-University-Research Institute, that's right, that's how it should be! As long as you can master the system of Industry-University-Research Institute, it will definitely help your career!"

The two talked and laughed like this.

In the evening, of course, I eat dumplings at home.

After eating the dumplings, Zhao Shanhe and his wife bid farewell and left. Seeing their backs disappear from sight, Zhou Xuan suddenly said, "Mom and Dad, there is something you may not know yet."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Lichuan lowered the newspaper in his hand, pressed down his glasses, lowered his head slightly, and looked over the glasses frame.

"It's Qiu Ya, she did something at an entrepreneur's reception yesterday."

"She made a bet with someone else, and the thing is like this..."

After Zhou Xuan finished speaking, Song Zhihua said angrily on the spot: "This He Xingbang is really a villain. It's fine to speak ill of others behind his back, but he dares to force Qiuya to make such a bet. This bet is right for Qiuya. Shanhe is too unfair, old Zhou, do you think we should find a way to help Shanhe?"


Zhou Lichuan pondered for a moment, then raised his glasses, turned his eyes back to the newspaper he held up again, and said casually: "Don't worry, Shanhe didn't mention this just now, then he knew it in his heart. If he really said he did If it’s troublesome, it’s not too late for us to come forward.”

"it is good!"


Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya stayed at the hotel that night.

The next day they set off to return to Handong City. After finishing the business in front of them, Zhao Shanhe called Gao Shaoyuan and Li Xiangyang to the office, brought them two cups of tea and said with a smile: "Gao Gong, since Have you seen the 36 scientific research achievements brought back by Jingzhou University? Tell me your opinion."

"My point of view?"

What Gao Shaoyuan held in his hand was the scientific research achievement report. After he put it on the table, he said with a serious expression: "Director, there is nothing to say about these scientific research achievements. Although some of them are still immature, they have not been confirmed by the market. , but the ideas are very novel, as long as they are slightly extended, they can form a system product.”


"But what?" Zhao Shanhe still kept smiling.

"But what do you think about the bet between us and He Xingbang? Within a month, one or several scientific research achievements will be converted into products and sold, with a profit of 700 million yuan. Can it be done? ?”

Gao Shaoyuan was most worried about this.

This is what everyone, including Li Xiangyang, is most worried about.

They are not afraid of being challenged, and they are brave enough to accept any challenge, but such a challenge is a bit too tricky.This kind of thing is not easy to do even if Zhao Shanhe is there.


Gao Shaoyuan had a conjecture in his mind, but he also knew that this conjecture was too vague.

"Yes, factory manager, let us know what you think about this matter, so that we can have a solid foundation in our hearts. Otherwise, I'm worried that because of this incident, people in our factory will be panicked." Li Xiangyang Said.

"People panic?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Do you think our factory will be as easy to be shaken by people as before? No! Even if the workers have any opinions on this matter, they will insist on believing in me."

"So? Is there anything you can do?" Li Xiangyang asked.


Zhao Shanhe pretended to be mysterious and smiled, he casually took out a scientific research result from the table and handed it out.

"Look at this."


Gao Shaoyuan frowned slightly when he saw what Zhao Shanhe took out.

"Are you saying you want to win this war with this blade? The question is, is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently, pointed to the scientific and technological achievement book of the blade and said: "You guys should be very clear that this kind of blade is the blade of an agricultural rotary tiller, and as long as your quality is hard enough, there is definitely a market for this blade. After all You all understand how big this need is.”

"And if I tell you that I have already agreed with the agricultural machinery factory that as long as the quality of our blades is good, they will purchase them in large quantities. How difficult is it for you to win this war?"

"It's not difficult! It's not difficult at all!"

Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Gao Shaoyuan's eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly: "Since you have already found a market, then this matter will be much easier."

"I have read the information on this blade, and the information given in it is very detailed. The forging technique and the quality of the steel are all discussed in detail. And with our current equipment, there is no problem at all if we want to manufacture it. So as long as there is no market The question is, it is entirely possible to earn 700 million yuan in a month by relying on blades!"

"Senior engineer, are you sure?" Li Xiangyang's voice trembled with excitement.

"Sure!" Gao Shaoyuan nodded.

"That's easy to say!"

Li Xiangyang clapped his hands and laughed.

"Our Hetu manufacturing, Jiuquan manufacturing, and Long March manufacturing can completely slow down the production of other products temporarily and do our best to complete this matter. We can even cooperate with other factories to complete it. Anyway, the bet contract did not say that we cannot OEM .”

"There's no need for an OEM. Since we made this bet with him, He Xingbang, we have to make him lose his temper."

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Besides, who told you that we can only produce the scientific research achievement of blades?"

"Anything else?"

Li Xiangyang was surprised and delighted, and couldn't help shouting.

"Yes, there are other things. Lao Gao, think about it, what other scientific research results can be produced under our current conditions?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"let me see!"

Gao Shaoyuan closed his eyes slightly, and began to recall the 36 scientific research achievements in his mind. After going through them one by one, his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

"I got it!"

He shouted excitedly.

"Which one?" Li Xiangyang asked hastily.

"that is……"

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