"He Xingbang, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Li Qiuya stared at it forcefully.

"Bet? What bet?" He Xingbang frowned.

"Didn't you say that the scientific and technological achievements that Zhao Shanhe auctioned off from Jingzhou University are all useless? I will bet you on these scientific and technological achievements. I dare say that the benefits he can obtain in the end are absolutely It will exceed the bid price of 700 million."

"If he can't do it, I'll give you a bet of 700 million!"

"But if he did it, then you have lost. Not only do you have to apologize to Zhao Shanhe in front of the public, but you also have to offer an equivalent compensation of 700 million yuan. Do you dare?"

Li Qiuya stared at He Xingbang sharply, her momentum was like a rainbow.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Most of them actually don't know Li Qiuya, they only know that Li Qiuya is Zhao Shanhe's daughter-in-law and the general manager of Shanqiu Foods.Looking at her delicate appearance, I thought she was a talkative woman.

But now it seems they were wrong.

Li Qiuya is so strong.

It was just because He Xingbang was chewing Zhao Shanhe's tongue behind his back, so she chose to start the war without hesitation, and the bargaining chips that were offered were so amazing.

700 million!

In this day and age, who would bet on such numbers at every turn?are you crazy?That's not seven yuan, it's 700 million. For a company with a slightly smaller scale, the sum of all funds may not be 700 million.

"Have courage!"

Su Zhenshu couldn't help being slightly surprised, and secretly sighed.

He originally thought that Li Qiuya was a gentle and elegant woman, but who would have thought that after Zhao Shanhe was involved, she would become like this, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath.

It's really a woman who doesn't give way to a man.

Zhao Shanhe, you can have such a daughter-in-law, how can you ask for it!

He Xingbang, He Xingbang, it's up to you now, aren't you amazing?Wasn't your mouth quite eloquent just now?Now I want to see if you dare to take up the challenge!

If you don't dare, you're a coward.

An old man, on such an occasion, in front of so many people, actually loses to a woman in terms of momentum, it's simply embarrassing!When the time comes, look at the entire Zhongzhou City and see who else will cooperate with you?

What Su Zhenshu could think of, He Xingbang also thought of.

He really didn't expect that Li Qiuya would be so terrific in doing things, that he would make himself a soldier like this.In such a situation, does he have a chance to choose?No!No chance at all!

If he turned his head and left, his reputation would be completely rotten.

You talked about Zhao Shanhe behind your back, but his daughter-in-law overheard her and asked to make a bet with you, but you didn't even dare to fart, so you ran away in despair.

What more fame do you want?

If you put it in normal terms, he might admit it.But what he was facing was Li Qiuya and Zhao Shanhe, and he absolutely couldn't accept it.

Because he has been ravaged by Zhao Shanhe, and the Canton Fair is still talked about, if he escapes here again, he will lose all his little face.

"Li Qiuya, do you have to do this?" He Xingbang asked coldly.

"It's not that I insist on doing this, it's that you insist on doing this. If you said to attend your banquet honestly and keep your mouth shut, would such a thing happen? You caused trouble for yourself, you can't blame others .”

"I won't say too much now, just ask you, do you dare to fight?"

Li Qiuya raised her chin slightly, her eyes were piercing.

"What's wrong with that!"

He Xingbang looked up to the sky and laughed, and said boldly: "Li Qiuya, do you really think what I just said is nonsense? Let me tell you, everything I said is what I want to say in my heart, and Zhao Shanhe is myself working."

"700 million went to buy a batch of so-called scientific and technological achievements without any value. Isn't this stupid and what is it?"

"Who does Zhao Shanhe think he is? Is it God? All the projects he likes can be popular? Okay, don't you want to bet? I will make this bet with you! I agree with what you just said, Not only do I agree, I want to raise my bet!"

"What do you want to add?" Li Qiuya asked calmly.

"What I want to add is the weeder business! If Zhao Shanhe wins, I, Tiannuo Machinery Factory, will never do weeder business again, but if he says he loses, he will hand over the weeder business to me." Do it!" He Xingbang said proudly.

"He Xingbang, do you still want face?"

After saying this, before Li Qiuya opened his mouth, Su Zhenshu raised his arm angrily, pointed at him and said, "Your Tiannuo Machinery's weed mower business can no longer be done, and you are holding a business that can no longer be done. You want to take away the big business created by Hetu, your calculation is too shrewd! What kind of raise is this?"

"That's right, does He Xingbang really think that he is the only one who is smart?"

"I didn't expect the boss of the dignified Xingchi Group to be so shameless!"

"This is obviously cheating, because I have a guilty conscience and fear!"


When the people around heard such a raise, they all looked over with sneer.In their eyes, this so-called raise was a joke at all, it was He Xingbang who was afraid and playing a scoundrel.

Where is there such a thing?

"It's not that I want to bet, it's Li Qiuya who insists on betting, what can I do? If she doesn't want to, she can cancel the betting contract at any time, I have no objection anyway." He Xingbang said disapprovingly, raising his head.

"You!" Su Zhenshu was speechless for a moment.

"Boss Su, I'm a victim, okay? Besides, you just think the conditions I offer are too much, don't you think Li Qiuya is too much?"

"He said that the scientific and technological achievements that Zhao Shanhe won can earn 700 million yuan, so I want to ask, how long is this so-called earning enough? Is it a day, a year, or ten years? "

"I can't say wait for him for ten years, can I?"

He Xingbang fought back confidently.

"ten years?"

Li Qiuya sneered again and again.

"He Xingbang, even if you can wait ten years, I won't wait ten years. Don't worry, I can give you a deadline. From now on, within one month, I will make those scientific and technological achievements earn enough 700 million. You Do you dare to bet?"

"A month? Are you serious?"

He Xingbang's eyes lit up, and he regained his energy immediately.

"Of course, I'm very serious." Li Qiuya said seriously.

"Can you make enough money to sell those patent rights again? After all, if you sell them, no one knows who the buyer is. If you make trouble with each other, I can't do anything about you."

He Xingbang spoke hurriedly, trying to fill in the loopholes in the bet.

"Don't worry, I'm not as nasty as you think. I will beat you openly through the products I produce. How about it? Do you dare to make this bet now?" Li Qiuya asked with a half-smile.

"Dare! Why dare not?"

Now He Xingbang gained confidence, if you said anything else, I might be scared.But since you said that you want to convert those scientific and technological achievements into products to earn enough 700 million, why should I be afraid?

What value can the scientific and technological achievements of those college students have?

Not to mention how many processes will be required if you turn it into a product. Even if it is produced, it is still up to you whether you can sell it.In a situation like this, I'm pretty much guaranteed to win.

"President Su, and all the bosses, you are all witnesses, testify to me!"

He Xingbang scanned the audience and shouted loudly.

He was afraid that Li Qiuya would go back on his word.

He thought about whether this might be a trick, but soon he felt that he was thinking too much, how could this kind of thing be a trick?The facts are in front of us, not to mention Zhao Shanhe is given one month, even if he is given two or three months, it may not be possible to accomplish this matter.

Since it is a sure-win bet, why not play?

What's more, this bet was proposed by Li Qiuya herself, and it was an accidental accident. This matter must not have been planned for a long time. The right time, place and people are all on my side, so what else do I have to be afraid of?

Now I am not afraid of Li Qiuya betting, but I am afraid that she will not bet.

Besides, didn't you see Su Zhenshu's expression?Obviously very nervous, he didn't expect this to happen, did he?Since he was taking care of Li Qiuya, if he watched this kind of thing happen, there should be no way to ask Zhao Shanhe for it, right?

Hey, what I want is to catch you off guard.

Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, if it were you, maybe I would still think about it.But since it's your daughter-in-law, it's not a trap. There's nothing I dare not do!

I want to take advantage of your absence and let out a fierce breath of anger!

I just accepted the business of 700 million yuan and the lawn mower. Don’t blame me. If you want to blame, you can only blame your wife for being too impulsive, haha!

"Mr. Li, I advise you to think twice, this matter is not as simple as you think."

Su Zhenshu looked over with a solemn expression, he really never thought that this would happen, if Li Qiuya really made this bet, how would he explain to Zhao Shanhe?

One month!

Let's not talk about whether those scientific and technological achievements are valuable. Even if they are valuable, can they be turned into products for external sales within a month, and sales alone are not enough, and a profit of 700 million is required.

How is this possible?

Such a bet will definitely lose.

"President Su, I just can't get enough of my anger. He Xingbang has repeatedly made trouble with our family, and now he speaks ill of him behind his back. Do you think I can swallow this anger? No."

"Didn't he want to bet with me? All right, I'll just bet with him. I don't believe it. Within a month, Shanhe won't be able to earn 700 million yuan."

Li Qiuya shouted indignantly.

"That's not the case. The production and sales are not as simple as you think. What's more, they are still some scientific and technological achievements that have not been proven in the market. I think you should talk to Director Zhao about this. Otherwise, you It's a bit too hasty to act rashly." Su Zhenshuyu persuaded earnestly.

"Boss Su, that's not what you told me just now, you can't be so biased, can you?" He Xingbang said playfully.


Su Zhenshu glared, and just about to reprimand, who would have thought that Li Qiuya said first: "He Xingbang, don't you speak in a strange way here, isn't it just a bet? I'm afraid you won't succeed? Come on, I bet you, let's make this bet in front of everyone today, and let everyone come to be witnesses."


He Xingbang hastily agreed, he was really afraid that there would be some mishaps and accidents would happen.

"Since you insist on betting like this..."

Su Zhenshu stood between the two of them, and suddenly spoke.

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