Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 862 Are You Unwilling?

The person who appeared at the door was Gao Hewang.

He was holding two bottles of foreign wine in his hand, which Lin Peishi asked him to take out from his wine cellar, because Lin Peishi was going to have a banquet here tonight.It's just that I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would come here as well.

Huang Rumeng greeted him personally, so this Zhao Shanhe is really the Zhao Shanhe of Shanqiu Foods.

Thinking of this, Gao Hewang walked into the hotel with the wine in hand.

He soon saw Lin Peishi. After putting down the two bottles of foreign wine, he leaned over and said in a low voice, "Young Master Lin, I saw Zhao Shanhe just now, and he is also in the Jingcheng Hotel."

"What? Did you see clearly?" Lin Peishi asked in surprise.

"It's very clear that Chen Xiao followed him, and Huang Rumeng from Liang's Department Store received him." Gao Hewang said.

"Huang Rumeng?"

Lin Peishi narrowed his eyes, and said slowly: "So, Zhao Shanhe met Liang Junning from Liang's Department Store?"

"By the way, they should know each other. You said before that he is the factory director of Shanqiu Foods. He is the one who produces Xiangpiaopiao milk tea. It's normal to know Liang Junning."

"Yes, they are partners."

Gao Hewang nodded.

"However, this Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is selling very well, and the business of Shanqiu Foods is also doing very well."

"It's big? Heh! How big can it be? No matter how big it is, it's just a factory director of Poshanqiu Foods? Can it be compared with my Lin family? Let alone the Lin family, even mine Compared with the Eight Horse Group, he is not qualified either!"

Lin Peishi said with a sneer, proudly raising the corners of his eyebrows, with a look of contempt almost disgusted in his eyes.

"To put it simply, it's just a nouveau riche who emerged from a small place. It's just luck to sign Chen Xiao. Otherwise, with Chen Xiao's conditions, how could it be possible to ask him to be the boss." Gao Hewang immediately agreed with his observation.


Lin Peishi snorted coldly with disdain.

"Old Wang, I remember that you and Liang Junning are business partners, right?"

The one called Old Wang is a middle-aged man who is four or five years older than Lin Peishi. His head is a little bald, and his Mediterranean hairstyle looks very dazzling. Belly, when you laugh, the fat all over your body will shake.

His name is Wang Shu.

"Yes, Liang Junning and I are partners, what? Lin Shao, do you want to touch that Zhao Shanhe? If you want to, I can tell Liang Junning to leave it alone." Listening with pricked ears, he had already guessed a rough idea. Now when Lin Peishi asked, he immediately said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Lin Peishi was overjoyed and asked hastily.

"Of course."

Wang Shushu patted his chest and said confidently: "You must know that we are the supplier of Liang's Department Store. If there is no product from us, what will Liang's Department Store sell? Just for this, he must listen to me."

"So don't worry, as long as I come forward, it will be a matter of one sentence."

"if that's the case……"

Lin Peishi rolled his eyes.

"Gao Hewang, go and find out Zhao Shanhe's box, let's go around later."



Man Jianghong box.

When Zhao Shanhe walked in led by Huang Rumeng, Liang Junning smiled and stood up to greet him.

Besides him, there are several other business people here. They are all business partners with Liang Junning, and they all know who Zhao Shanhe is.

So after a short greeting, everyone sat down and chatted happily.

"Director Zhao, the auction of college students' scientific and technological achievements will be held tomorrow, are you really going to participate?" After drinking for three rounds, Liang Junning asked modestly with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe said calmly, "I'm here for the auction of scientific and technological achievements. If it weren't for this, I might not have come to the capital, so do you think I will participate?"

"But the problem is, this kind of auction is just for show. Do you really think you can get any valuable results? In my opinion, it's impossible!" Liang Junning waved his hands disapprovingly.

"Yes, what Lao Liang said is right, this kind of thing is just going through the motions."

"What valuable results can a group of students who only know how to read produce? If they can have it, what do you want those scientists and laboratories to do?"

"That's right, true knowledge comes from practice, so let's just treat it as fun."

Several people, including Liang Junning, didn't think this matter was so important or formal.In their eyes, this kind of thing is just a little fun.

But Zhao Shanhe didn't think so.

He really wanted to explain it to them, but when he thought that if he really explained it like this, this group of people might not be able to listen to it, he decisively withdrew his original idea.

"Forget about scientific and technological achievements, I am very interested in college students and want to go and have a look."

"Haha, it's okay to look at it, just don't take it too seriously."

Liang Junning raised his glass and said with a smile: "Director Zhao, I haven't congratulated you yet. I heard that you made a lot of money at the Canton Fair in Shencheng this time. All your products sold very well."

"Especially the lawn mowers, so many units were sold at once, directly earning more than 2000 million foreign exchange. This is not something that anyone can think of. You are amazing."

"Mr. Liang has won the prize!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "It's all because of the face of the big guys, so I can sell some products. If there is no support from the big guys, I will definitely return home. If that is the case, I can't Just dumbfounded."

"Humble, you are too humble, I wanted you to tell the big guys about your experience in selling goods." Liang Junning pointed at Zhao Shanhe and said with a smile.

"Yes, tell me."

"We have also participated in the Canton Fair in Shencheng, but every time it was useless, Director Zhao, please teach us."

"More than 2000 million foreign exchange, my dear, just thinking about it makes people's heart beat!"


Zhao Shanhe, who was praised so much, didn't get carried away because of it, but smiled calmly: "Mr. Liang is joking, and you bosses are also teasing me."

"You are all old-timers in the business world. Do you still need me to teach you how to do business and sell goods? Even if I have the heart, I don't have the guts to fight in this class."


Just when someone wanted to continue persuading, Liang Junning changed the topic directly.He doesn't want to force Zhao Shanhe to do anything, after all, Zhao Shanhe is now his cornucopia.

As long as it is the product of Zhao Shanhe's family, there is no such thing as unsalable.

Do you think he can ignore Zhao Shanhe?

What's more, he also wants to talk to Zhao Shanhe about the agency of tempered glass. He thinks that tempered glass is a very promising product. Development has great benefits.

So Liang Jun would rather not want others to embarrass Zhao Shanhe.

Chen Xiao sat quietly beside Zhao Shanhe.

Only now did she really feel the power of Zhao Shanhe, because among the few people sitting in front of her, she had heard of several names, and each of them was a high-ranking big shot.

But now these great figures are sitting on an equal footing with Zhao Shanhe, calling them brothers and sisters, drinking and chatting happily, which can explain the problem very well.

Unknowingly, Zhao Shanhe was no longer the small boss who used to sell milk tea in Dongzhou University commercial street, but he transformed into a big man with high status.

The world of big shots is beyond her reach.


Just as Chen Ling was thinking about it, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and then Lin Peishi and Wang Shushu staggered in, followed by a few followers.

"Lin Peishi!"

The moment he saw Lin Peishi, Chen Ling's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but feel a little Lin Peishi come after him?Is he still not giving up?

"Lin Peishi!"

And at the same time seeing Lin Peishi, Zhao Shanhe's face also sank.

Lin Peishi, are you outrageous?Wherever I go, you follow me, do you really want to compete with me?

Do you really think this is your territory, you can do whatever you want, and I won't dare to fight back against you?

"Lin Peishi?"

Liang Junning who also saw Lin Peishi was also a little surprised.

He knew Lin Peishi, but this kind of acquaintance was limited to nodding acquaintances. It was a relationship of clinking glasses at such banquets. He never thought that Lin Peishi would come to his box holding a wine glass.

What is this for?

Of course, despite some doubts in his heart, Liang Junning didn't express it, but stood up with a smile and looked over: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Wang, are you here too?"

"Mr. Liang, Mr. Lin and I were having dinner over there. I heard that you were here too, so I thought it would not affect you, right?" Wang Shun raised his glass with a smile and said.

"No!" Liang Junning shook his head.

"It would be best if not."

Wang Shushu turned to look at Zhao Shanhe, and asked with a smirk: "This little brother looks at the face, I don't know where is the high school?"

"Could it be that?"

Seeing Wang Shu's behavior like this, Liang Junning's heart skipped a beat.

His intuition told him that Wang Shushu and Lin Peishi were here for Zhao Shanhe, because if it wasn't for this reason, they would have no reason to say that they would come to toast him.

Could it be that there was a festival between them?

After thinking of this in his heart, Liang Junning hurriedly said: "This is my partner Zhao Shanhe Director Zhao."

"Zhao Shanhe! I know you, aren't you the factory director of Shanqiu Foods? I didn't expect that a broken factory director who came out of a small place could make Mr. Liang look at him so differently. Tsk tsk, it seems You, the little factory manager, are interesting!" Wang Shushu said proudly.

The moment the words were spoken, the audience was silent.

A look of astonishment appeared on Liang Junning's face.

He didn't expect Wang Shushu to humiliate Zhao Shanhe by opening his mouth so shamelessly.

Didn't you hear my introduction just now?What I said is that Zhao Shanhe is my partner and my friend, how dare you do this?Even if you don't look at the monk's face, you still have to look at the Buddha's face, right?Don't you take me seriously in this behavior?

No, it's just that Wang Shushu didn't dare to be so unscrupulous.

Could it be that Lin Peishi instigated it?

It's just that Zhao Shanhe just came to the capital, so how could he say that he could match up with Lin Peishi?

Liang Junning was a little puzzled.

In his doubts, Zhao Shanhe spoke up.

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