Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 860 What a flattering dog!

The sudden appearance of this group of people also alarmed the set, and everyone on the set subconsciously looked over.And when they saw who the leading man was, they all showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Master Lin is here again."

"He's here to visit Chen Xiao again."

"It seems that he really cares about Chen Xiao."


Lin Shao?

That's right, the man walking in the front is what they called Lin Shaolin Peishi, a man who is very stylishly dressed.

He wears a haircut in mid-range, his fluffy and shiny hair looks like he has applied a lot of mousse, a pair of toad glasses on his thin face, a colorful floral shirt on his upper body, and a white suit on his lower body He stepped on a pair of shiny black leather shoes, and walked over arrogantly.

The three people following behind him were all his attendants, an assistant, a driver and a bodyguard. The three of them all raised their heads with expressionless faces, and followed Lin Peishi's footsteps.

"give me!"

After Lin Peishi received a large bouquet of roses from his assistant, he walked towards Chen Xiao with a smile on his face, put the flowers up to his nose, closed his eyes and took a sniff, then handed them over with a smile on his face, whispering softly Said: "Chen Xiao, I sent it to you."

"Give it to me?"

Chen Xiao glanced at Rose and said calmly: "You don't get paid for nothing, I don't want your flowers, you take them back!"

"Take it back?"

Lin Peishi's face changed slightly, but he controlled it not to attack, and continued to say with a smile: "Take it, I will definitely not take it back, this is for you. Just accept it! I know you are also very happy." I love roses!"

"That's right, Chen Xiao, this is Young Master Lin's wish, so just accept it."

At this moment, a man in a vest ran over, holding a script in his hand, and showed Lin Peishi a flattering smile.

He is Yang Qiangchao, the deputy director of the crew.

"Young Master Lin, here is a chair, sit down and talk."

What a flattering dog!

After seeing Yang Qiangchao's actions, everyone secretly despised him.You said that you are an assistant director on the set, and you are considered a high-ranking figure here. How can you be so unscrupulous?

Your integrity is all over the place.

Chen Xiao looked contemptuous.

A hint of disdain appeared on the corner of Milk Tea's mouth.

Only Lin Peishi enjoyed this kind of flattery with peace of mind. After sitting on the chair slowly, he raised his legs, looked at Yang Qiangchao and said with a smile: "Director Yang, the filming of your crew these two days has been going well, right?"

"Smooth, smooth!"

Yang Qiangchao quickly bent over and said, "Thanks to you, everything is going well."

"Since everything goes well, does Chen Xiao have any scenes to film today? If she says no, I will take her away." Lin Peishi said arrogantly.

"No, no, her part has already been filmed."

Yang Qiangchao turned his head and said to Chen Xiao: "Chen Xiao, pack up your things quickly and follow Young Master Lin. Let me tell you, you must accompany Young Master Lin well, so that you will have more opportunities to make TV and movies in the future."

"You can accompany me if you want, I'm not free!"

As soon as Chen Xiao said that, she stood up and wanted to go outside.


Seeing Yang Qiangchao like Chen Xiao's face darken, he turned around and blocked Chen Xiao's path, raised his arm and pointed at her nose and shouted: "Chen Xiao, what's your attitude! Let me tell you, don't be ashamed what!"

"Do you know who Young Master Lin is? Do you know Young Master Lin's status in the entertainment industry? If he speaks, you don't want to continue filming, even this TV series."

"is it?"

Almost at the same time that Yang Qiangchao's words fell to the ground, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded.As the crowd dispersed, Zhang Jing and Zhao Shanhe walked over slowly.

And the moment he saw Zhao Shanhe, Chen Ling flew over cheerfully like a lark, and said with a smile on his face, "Brother Shanhe, why are you here?"

"I'm here to visit!"

Feeling Chen Xiao's heartfelt joy, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile, "How is it? You're not tired, right? Can you still bear it? If you can't bear it, take a little rest."

"I know."

Chen Xiao pouted, smiling like a flower.

Seeing her like this, Lin Peishi couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and burst out of it.

Good job, Chen Xiao, I thought you were a pure and pure female star, but I didn't expect you to be so cheap in your bones.You put on a cold face to me, but you greet other men with a smile like this.

What do you mean!

And you, where did you come from?Dare to grab a woman from me!

Yang Qiangchao, who noticed Lin Peishi's gloomy expression, turned his eyes and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Hey, hey, hey! I said, what's the matter with you? How can you just join the crew casually? You know that this is Where is it? This is an important location for our filming, and no one else is allowed to enter! Go, go, get out!"

After speaking, he looked at Zhang Jing again: "Director Zhang, Young Master Lin is here, let him go quickly!"


Zhang Jing didn't expect Yang Qiangchao to say such words at this time, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Yang Qiangchao, don't forget, I am the director of this crew, you are just an assistant director I recruited, you don't have any power to give orders here."

"Really? If you want to say that, you don't give Lin Shao face. You should know that I joined the group because of Lin Shao. Standing behind me is Lin Shao. Do you dare to confront Lin Shao? "Yang Qiangchao shouted proudly.

Lin Peishi also glanced at Zhang Jing, and said disapprovingly, "Zhang Jing, what's the matter with you? How can you help an outsider deal with me? Do you still want to hang out in the entertainment circle?"


Zhang Jing was stopped at once.

"Zhang Jing, what's going on?" Zhao Shanhe asked indifferently.

"Director Zhao, the thing is like this..."

Zhang Jing quickly explained in a low voice, and with his explanation, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the truth of the matter.

It turned out that Lin Peishi was a son of the Lin family in Beijing, and he also ran a company called Bama Group, which was engaged in foreign trade business.In the business circle of the capital, he can be considered a person of some status.

It just so happened that I needed the help of an assistant director to set up a team, so Yang Qiangchao volunteered to come to him.When he came here, he was talking about Lin Peishi's introduction, and Zhang Jing didn't think much about it after hearing about it. Based on the principle that one more thing is worse than one thing less, and Yang Qiangchao had indeed been a director before, so I agreed.

Just didn't expect it to turn out like this.

"What's the matter with Lin Peishi?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a glance.

"He has been pursuing Miss Chen Xiao recently." Zhang Jing said after taking a look at Chen Xiao.


Chen Xiao met Zhao Shanhe's gaze, nodded slowly, without looking at Lin Peishi, and said in a somewhat impatient tone: "He has come to the film crew all the time, which has seriously affected my filming process."

"That's it!"

Zhao Shanhe instantly understood the twists and turns.

It's nothing more than a rich man with a little money in his family who wants to play the game of chasing female stars.

In the past, this kind of drama should have been very simple for Lin Peishi. As long as he showed his identity, those women would obediently give in, but unfortunately he failed this time.

Chen Xiao didn't take him seriously at all.

"Let me handle it!"

Zhao Shanhe also knew something like this, since Lin Peishi was involved, there was no way to settle it with Zhang Jing's status in the entertainment circle, this kind of thing could only be done by himself.

What's more, this TV series was invested and filmed by myself. It can't be said that Millennium's first investment will end in failure, right?That's not a big joke anymore.

"Director Zhao, I'm really sorry." Zhang Jing bowed his head guiltily and apologized.

"You don't have to say sorry, we'll talk about your matter later."


Zhang Jing also knew that no matter what he said, it was a fact that he did not take good care of Chen Xiao.

You said that you have no way to prevent this kind of thing from happening, but you can tell Zhao Shanhe, you didn't say anything, this is a serious dereliction of duty.

That is to say, Zhang Jing is not from Zhao Shanhe now, otherwise the nature of this matter would be more serious.

"Lin Peishi, I don't care what you think, and I don't bother to care what your purpose is. I invested in this filming crew, so please don't come here to harass Chen Xiao again."

"If you say you can do it, let's forget about it. If you say you can't do it, draw a path and I will practice with you."

Zhao Shanhe looked over without squinting, and expressed his attitude with a sonorous and forceful tone.

"Are you giving me an ultimatum?"

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Lin Peishi did not intend to be persuaded in the slightest. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over with a haughty expression.

"Ultimatum? You can think so." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Peishi burst out laughing on the spot, almost crying with a smile.

The three people who followed Lin Peishi also looked at Zhao Shanhe dismissively. In their eyes, Zhao Shanhe was as stupid as a stupid pig at this time.

"Do you know who our young master Lin is? You dare to speak out here! And you said you want to practice with our young master Lin? Let me tell you, you'd better apologize immediately, and then let Chen Xiao accompany us. If you don't go out for a drink or two, then there may be room for relaxation in this matter, if not, you just wait to be cleaned up."

As Lin Peishi's assistant and his confidant, Gao Hewang snorted coldly and berated Zhao Shanhe unceremoniously.

"How arrogant is it to dare to say such a thing, tsk tsk, this dog leg is really good enough, and he is responsible." Cai Shishi with a ponytail glanced at him and sneered again and again.


"What am I?"

Cai Shishi was not used to Gao Hewang's bad temper, so he didn't even give him a chance to continue spouting shit, so he interrupted without hesitation, and said mockingly: "Why? Do you think that you are under the emperor's feet, so you should be superior to others? ? In your eyes, should people outside your capital be humiliated?"

"Your master is arrogant and domineering enough, and he really works from top to bottom. Even a dog like you has this virtue."

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care what family is behind you. Believe it or not, as long as I reveal today's incident, the Lin family behind you will be drowned in my spittle. If you don't believe me, let's try?"

Speaking of this, Cai Shishi turned his head and smiled at Zhang Jing: "Director Zhang, should the machines here be turned on?"

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