Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 86 Two things to say one time

In the southern suburbs of Zhenghe County, a slightly dilapidated tube building.

In the corridor on the second floor here, miscellaneous things are piled up everywhere, some are stoves, some are piles of briquettes, and some are old furniture.

Be very careful when walking, or you will bump into something.

Because it is dinner time, it is said that every household here is cooking.

There was a smell of oily smoke and vegetables in the corridor.

"I heard that love that is too ideal can never be touched, but I have to try to catch it no matter how many mountains I have traveled."

I don't know whose radio is on, and a very popular song is playing in it. Who knows the prodigal son's heart? The unique Jie-style singing makes you feel very good when you listen to it.

Gao Shaoyuan, who had returned from his resignation from Sixi Dumpling Restaurant, walked up the stairs with a dazed expression.


Accidentally, he kicked a kettle under his feet.

Fortunately, there was no water in the pot, otherwise this alone would have been enough for him.

"Xiao Gao, what are you doing here? You look dazed, can you still walk?"

A middle-aged woman who was cooking couldn't help shouting when she heard the sound.

"Oh, Aunt Niu, I'm sorry!"

Gao Shaoyuan showed an apologetic smile.

"Look at the way!"

Aunt Niu glared angrily.

Gao Shaoyuan didn't explain anything, just opened the door and walked into the house.

After the door was closed, there were whispers in the corridor.

"See? This guy was probably dumped by Fu Juan."

"Yeah, looking at it like this, you can tell that it looks like it's about to die or live."

"If I were Fu Juan, I wouldn't follow him. You say that he is so poor, who wants money but no money, no family background, whoever follows whom will be unlucky?"

"No, isn't he serving dishes in some dumpling restaurant? Why are you back now?"

"It goes without saying that it must have been opened by others."

"This kid is just a bit stubborn!"

The girls who gossiped outside didn't have any worries about what they said, they didn't care whether Gao Shaoyuan could hear it or not, they just chatted as they wanted.

Gao Shaoyuan, who was directly lying on the bed, listened to the gossip of these gossip women, and didn't have the slightest intention to get up and scold them.

If they want to talk, they can just say it, their mouths are on other people's bodies, so how can they not let people talk about it?

What's more, is there anything else to care about in this family?

Originally, it was a barren house, but now that Fu Juan left, the place is even less popular.

Gao Shaoyuan lay motionless, but what Zhao Shanhe said was what he was thinking about.

"Actually, what he said is quite right. I am not willing to live in a daze like this."

"Fu Juan is leaving, but I want to make her regret it, and let her see that I am not the incapable man she thought."

"And those guys from the Science and Technology Bureau, didn't you look down on me, deliberately made things difficult for me, and asked me to resign and leave? Well, I will live my life as a human being, and let you take a good look at whether the things I made can be sold for money! "

Thinking of this, Gao Shaoyuan's eyes gradually brightened up, which was originally decadent.

He sat up from the bed in a hurry, picked up the big tea mug on the table, and after gulping down a tank of water, he took out a notebook from the drawer.

"Zhao Shanhe, I believe you once, I hope you can do what you say!"

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe still rode Suzuki King and brought Li Qiuya to the beverage factory. He had a meeting first after arriving here.At the meeting, Li Xiangyang and the others reported on the work they were responsible for.

After the report was over, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "I would like to say two things. First, the order for the popsicles that I mentioned just now must be produced as soon as possible."

"Because it's already mid-August, and the summer is over, and our popsicles are seasonal products. If we don't sell more now, we may not be able to sell them in two months."

"Kong Jie, you are in charge of production, you have to keep an eye on this matter."

"Director, I know!"

Kong Jie nodded and said: "As long as it is an order we accept, I will hurry up and produce it. Even if it is a 24-hour shift, it must be delivered on time."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't say anything more, because the popsicle is already on the right track, as long as he can control the general direction.

"The second thing I want to say is, Xiangyang, there will be [-] people coming to report to the factory today. You will be responsible for this matter and get to know their basic situation." Zhao Shanhe continued.

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang had already heard about this when he was eating at the Sixi Dumpling Restaurant last night, so there were no surprises now.

But others don't know.

Hearing this news suddenly, Wu Jianjun and the others froze on the spot.

"Director, should our factory continue to recruit people? No need? The current number of workers is enough. If we hire one more worker, we will be paid an extra salary. Isn't that necessary?" Kong Jie asked a little puzzled. .

"Yeah, recruiting [-] people at once is a bit too much, right?" Wu Jianjun was also a little puzzled.

"Who said they are going to work here." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile while holding a teacup.

Didn't come here to work?

Wu Jianjun and the others were stunned for a moment and then woke up.

"Director, do you mean they are going to work at Hetu Manufacturing? Are we going to start production there too?" Wu Jianjun asked a little excitedly.

"What are you planning to produce over there?" Kong Jie's eyes were shining brightly.

Everyone knows that popsicles are a seasonal product. Although people will place orders in the future, the popularity like now will definitely weaken.

So Wu Jianjun and the others were actually sweating in their hearts, wondering how Zhao Shanhe would solve this problem.

Because if it is not resolved, let alone other things, the high wages of these workers in the factory alone are enough to drink a pot.

Zhao Shanhe could also guess what Wu Jianjun and the others were thinking. After seeing their eager expressions, he smiled slightly and said, "What Hetu Manufacturing will produce has not yet been determined."

Not sure.

Hearing this answer, Wu Jianjun and the others were a little disappointed.

But before they could speak, Zhao Shanhe continued: "Although what Hetu Manufacturing will produce has not yet been determined, I already have an idea of ​​what we will produce at Qiushan Beverage. Wait for me in the next two days Once the idea is finalized, I will discuss it with you.”

"We also have new products?"

Wu Jianjun and the others became excited immediately after their disappointed expressions, and their eyes were full of excitement when they looked at Zhao Shanhe.For them, what Hetu manufactures is important, but it is definitely not as important as Shanqiu Beverage.

"Then the factory manager, you should quickly confirm it." Wu Jianjun said eagerly.

"Well, I know this, that's enough, the meeting is over, you go to work!"


Several people walked out of the conference room full of energy, but when Li Qiuya was about to leave, they were stopped by Zhao Shanhe.

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