Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 858 What is this called?

"Director Jin, you may as well speak up if you have something to say."

After realizing that something was wrong with Jin Changshi, Zhao Shanhe took the initiative to ask questions.

"Is such that."

Jin Changshi did not hesitate any longer, but stared at Zhao Shanhe calmly, and said seriously: "This time, there are six universities in our eastern province participating in the auction of scientific and technological achievements for college students, including Dongzhou University and Dongzhou University. Polytechnic University."

"And then?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Both Dongzhou University and Dongzhou Technological University are well-known comprehensive universities in Eastern Province. Is it normal to go to participate in such an auction?What a lot to say.

"I'll just say it straight."

Jin Changshi gritted his teeth and said: "Because this auction is held in a hurry, all our universities are unable to produce the most suitable scientific research results. But you also know that this kind of thing must be participated in. , and the judging criterion for participation is how much money you can get for your scientific and technological achievements.”


Zhao Shanhe suddenly understood.

Jin Changshi's meaning is very simple, that is, he hopes that he can take care of the universities in his province when the time comes, and give them as much care as possible, at least not to lose too badly in the auction money.

For a principled person like Jin Changshi to say such a thing, it seems that the holding of the scientific and technological achievements auction really caught them by surprise, otherwise he would not have done this.

"Director Jin, I understand what you said." Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Okay, then please leave to Director Zhao!"

Jin Changshi breathed a sigh of relief, he also knew that saying this was a little too much, but it's okay, for the honor of the school, he could only do this.

As for how to repay this favor in the future, the big deal is to help Zhao Shanhe more in the future.

Anyway, there are many scientific laboratories in the university, which can cooperate with Zhao Shanhe.

After the two chatted for about half an hour, Jin Changshi also met the person he was waiting for, and he stood up and left.

"The auction of scientific and technological achievements of college students sounds very interesting, brother-in-law, can I go then?" Seeing Jin Changshi walking out of the cafe, Xia Wu immediately rushed over and asked enthusiastically.

"Okay, as long as you can finish the business of the beverage store." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'd better concentrate on my beverage store."

The light in Xia Wu's eyes dimmed instantly, her mouth pouted, looking cute.

After returning home, Zhao Shanhe told Cai Shishi to pay attention to the situation of the auction, to see what procedures are required to participate, and to sign up first if necessary.

Cai Shishi kept it in his heart.

And Xia Wu was also arranged by Zhao Shanhe to Li Qiuya. The two sisters got together and under the premise of having a plan, they were able to do this well.

When she was about to get off work that day, Yang E suddenly came to Zhao Shanhe. After reporting on the work at hand, she suddenly said, "Director, I want to ask you about something."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked without raising his head as he continued to review the documents with a pen.

"It's just that I just received a call from Ren Qianzhong, saying that he is getting married, and all our classmates will go to his wedding banquet. He is thinking of holding a party before getting married. I hope you and Qiu Ya can attend." Yang E said.

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe put down the pen and raised his head with a surprised expression.

"Is the former important married? No, I remember he said that he was married before? Why is he married now? Could it be that he is divorced?"

"Yes, he is divorced, and now he is getting married again, so he wants to have fun." Yang E said.

It turned out to be the case.

Thinking that Ren Qianzhong had sent out invitations in this way, it would be a bit too arrogant for him not to give any face, so Zhao Shanhe said, "Okay, if that's the case, I will go with Qiu Ya to participate."

"That's great. Let's go together after work. The location is Fuchun Hotel in Handong City."


after get off work.

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya and Yang E, and Chen Ju drove to Handong City together.

The two women sitting in the back row were chirping and chatting, talking about some interesting things in school.

After all, it was already off-duty time, and the identities of the so-called factory director and general manager were no longer important.

"I always forgot to ask, who is Ren Qianzhong going to marry? Do you know him?" Li Qiuya asked.

"I don't know!" Yang E shook her head, "I asked him, but he didn't say anything, he just said that he was a woman he knew a long time ago. He said that, so I think we don't know each other, right?"

"Really? It's okay, we will see you soon."


Fuchun Hotel.

In an extremely luxurious private room, there were more than a dozen people sitting. They were all Zhao Shanhe's former classmates, including Dong Li and Shao Zhigang, who loved vanity.

A group of people were talking and laughing, and they talked about Zhao Shanhe. After all, Zhao Shanhe is already a big man far away from them, and they need to look up.

Even though you are all classmates, after you enter the society, with the change of economic status, even the best classmate relationship will quietly deteriorate.

This is the truth.

"Why do you think Zhao Shanhe is so powerful all at once?"

"I heard that he went to Shenzhen City to participate in the Canton Fair two days ago. Do you know how much turnover he won?"

"It is said that there are hundreds of millions!"

"real or fake?"

When such discussions started to sound, Dong Li's face was a little embarrassed.

She felt ashamed when she thought of what she had done against Zhao Shanhe before.

But this kind of shame is just thinking about it in her heart. When she talks about it with others, this kind of shame will become a kind of hatred.

A blatant jealousy.

So listening to these words, her tone of voice was yin and yang.

"I told you, don't be fooling around here. What is Zhao Shanhe's status now? Will he come to a small party like ours? Let me tell you, he shouldn't be invited to tonight's party at all."

"Dong Li, what you said is a bit too much. If you don't invite him, how do you know he won't come?"

"What I'm saying is, I believe that Zhao Shanhe's original intention has not changed."

"Just because Zhao Shanhe was able to donate so much money, because Yang E was able to follow Zhao Shanhe until now, and because there are some students in our class whose family members work in other factories, I won't allow you to do this Say him!"



Dong Li, who was being scolded like this, felt that her whole face could not be held back at once, and a burst of anger rushed out. Just when she was about to stand up and scold and confront her, Shao Zhigang quickly stopped her and shook his head at her.

"Tonight is Ren Qianzhong's classmate reunion before getting married, so don't make it too embarrassing."

Dong Li, who was being dragged like this, didn't say to continue to make trouble, but just gave a vicious look, and ignored these people.

Before long, Ren Qianzhong came.

Seeing that he came by himself, Dong Li curiously asked why he didn't bring the bride along.Ren Qianzhong jokingly said that the bride has something to do, so she won't come tonight.

After hearing this, everyone present couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

What do you mean by what you did before your predecessor? You are getting married, not a sneaky elopement.

Can't we all meet the good bride?

But since he said that, the rest of the people didn't have much to say.

"Have you contacted Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya? Are they coming?"

After Ren Qian sat down again, Dong Li handed over a cup filled with tea.


Mentioning this, Ren Qianzhong's mood immediately cheered up, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiuya and Yang E are already on their way here, calculating the time, it should be almost here by now. "

"is it?"

Just when Dong Ligang wanted to continue to say something, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside, and Zhao Shanhe and the others walked in one by one.

After seeing this, Ren Qianzhong and the others hurriedly stood up to greet them.

After some lively greetings, everyone sat down separately.

"Shanhe, Qiuya, I didn't expect you two to come here, I am very grateful." Ren Qianzhong couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, he clasped his fists at the two of them, and said excitedly looking at them.

You said that you could laugh and laugh when you met before, but now that Zhao Shanhe's status is getting higher and higher, he doesn't have the courage to let him do this after seeing Ren Qian again.

"Qianzhong, what you said is that we are all classmates. Since you are going to get married, can we not come? Besides, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you a lot."

"In the future, class reunions like this should be held more frequently, so that we can connect with each other more easily." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"That's right! Shan He is right, the more class reunions like this, the better."

"We're afraid you're too busy to attend."

"Look at what you said, can I have no time? Yes, there must be."

A group of people chatted and laughed casually like this. Facing such jokes, Dong Li felt very uncomfortable sitting there, as if there were needles under her buttocks, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

A few times she wanted to interject, but every time the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

"Qian Zhong, where's your new wife, why didn't you call out for the big guys to see?" Yang E said with a smile.


Ren Qianzhong touched his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "Actually, my wife has been a little busy recently, busy preparing for our wedding, so I have never had time."

"Well, I will definitely call her out some other day and let her meet you. As for today, it is purely a gathering among our classmates."

"What you said, no matter how busy you are, you should meet us. Otherwise, we will not know who is who when we walk on the road. It would be embarrassing if we met," Yang E said.

"What I'm saying is, old Ren, you really are, come on, call now and call someone over."

"Our party has just started, so it's not too late to come here now."

"Could it be that you are still thinking about the golden house, and you don't want us to see it?"


Ren Qianzhong, who was said in this way, could only make an apology, haha, and had no intention of letting go at all.How you say it is up to you, I won't call someone if I beat him to death.

It's just that Ren Qianzhong never dreamed that the door of the box opened suddenly at this moment.

His wife is here.

And the moment he saw his daughter-in-law, the audience fell silent.

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