Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 856 The Happiest Thing

"It wasn't that Zhao Shanhe wanted to find Su Zhenshu to cooperate with him, but Su Zhenshu took the initiative to find Zhao Shanhe."

Chen Jinjun's words made He Xingbang and Du Heng slightly taken aback.

But soon both of them were relieved.

That's right, with the record set by Zhao Shanhe at the Canton Fair, unless Su Zhenshu is blind, he will definitely cooperate with Zhao Shanhe.If anyone says that he can tie Zhao Shanhe now, it is equivalent to tied a long-term meal ticket.

"So do you understand what I mean now?" Chen Jinjun glanced at the two of them and said helplessly.

Whether it is Yongxing Department Store or Du Jiachun, even including your Xingchi Group, can you really compete with such a behemoth as Dongzhou Iron and Steel Works?Stop dreaming!impossible.

Now that Zhao Shanhe is Su Zhenshu's partner, they have to weigh it carefully when they want to make some small moves. What Su Zhenshu will do is something they have to consider.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Zhao Shanhe has grown to such a level in silence." Du Heng sighed, shook his head with emotion, and then announced, "I won't trouble Zhao Shanhe anymore."

Du Heng was the first to admit defeat.


Although He Xingbang said he didn't express his opinion, his nervous expression had already betrayed him. He was helpless against Zhao Shanhe before, and now it is even more impossible to dare to do it again.

As for Chen Jinjun, he is no exception.

The three of them looked at each other, and there was a deep sadness in the air.


Handong Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Ji Mingjian is currently receiving a few very important guests in the office, and the leader is Li Qiuya, the general manager of Shanqiu Foods.After a brief opening speech, Ji Mingjian smiled and said, "Manager Li, what do you say about what I said before?"

"Mr. Ji, I told our factory director Zhao about your idea. He didn't say anything about cooperation, but he did put forward an opinion. I told you about this opinion before. I don't know if you think about it. How's it going?"

Li Qiuya didn't answer the question directly, but turned away naturally and asked calmly.


Ji Mingjian's face darkened. Of course he heard Li Qiuya's opinion, but it was hard for him to accept it.Zhao Shanhe actually wanted to take a stake in Hongxing Machinery Factory. If he was a shareholder, then who would have the final say in Hongxing Machinery Factory?

To be honest, Ji Mingjian was a little scared from the bottom of his heart.

What he is afraid of is that after Zhao Shanhe comes in, his authority will be weakened without limit. At that time, Hongxing Machinery Factory may be swallowed up by Zhao Shanhe. up.

This is something he absolutely does not allow to happen!

But now looking at Li Qiuya's intentions, if he said he would not agree to this condition, it seemed that Zhao Shanhe would not agree to cooperate, so what should he do?

For a while, the matter fell into a stalemate.

Ji Mingjian suddenly rolled his eyes and gave a dry laugh: "Manager Li, let's talk about the shareholding later, let's talk about OEM."

"Excuse me!"

Just when Ji Mingjian wanted to change the subject in troubled waters, who would have thought that Li Qiuya would not be polite, and decisively raised her hand to stop it.

Then she said indifferently: "Mr. Ji, I still say what I said before. If your Hongxing Machinery Factory agrees to take a share, we will continue to talk about it. If you say no, there will be no cooperation between us." Yes, we don't need to waste time like this anymore."

"There will be no cooperation? Manager Li, what you said is too arbitrary, right? As far as I know, your current production capacity is out of proportion to the order."

"Under such circumstances, if you say you won't cooperate with us, how can you deal with so many orders? So I said that cooperation between us is a matter of mutual benefit and win-win, what do you think?"

Ji Mingjian raised the corners of his lips, leaned back on the chair proudly, and put on an expression that he was sure of winning.

The people in Hongxing Machinery Factory also smiled like this.

They seemed to be determined by Li Qiuya and the others.

It's just a pity that seeing their appearance, Li Qiuya's expression was unmoved.

She sneered, stood up slowly, and said condescendingly under Ji Mingjian's somewhat surprised expression: "Mr. Ji, I think you seem to have made a mistake. That's right, we have a lot of orders now, but you Don’t forget, we also have Hetu, Jiuquan, and Long March.”

"These three manufacturing plants are enough to support all our orders. What's more, no matter how bad it is, we can find others to manufacture, but who stipulates that we have to find you?"

"Since you Red Star Machinery are not sincere, let's stop the negotiation between us. I still have a meeting to hold, so I won't chat with Mr. Ji here."

After speaking, Li Qiuya turned around and left. When she reached the door, she stopped suddenly.

"Mr. Ji, before I came, you promised me that you would give me a satisfactory explanation, but now I am not satisfied with the explanation. So if we meet again next time, it will be made in Hetu. Are you willing to come? Let's just talk, if you don't want to come, there is no need for us to talk anymore! That's it! Farewell!"

After speaking, Li Qiuya left without looking back.

Seeing that Li Qiuya and the others really left like this, Ji Mingjian suddenly looked a little lonely.

"Is this Li Qiuya really a textile factory worker who doesn't understand anything?"

"Why is the aura so strong?"

"This gesture clearly does not take us seriously."


Hearing the discussions of these people around him, Ji Mingjian was in a restless mood. He grabbed a cigarette and wanted to light it, but found that there was no lighter. He was so angry that he squeezed the cigarette into a ball on the spot, slapped it hard on the table, and roared at the same time: " Shut up, everyone!"

"You guys have time to gossip here, why don't you think about how to do things in the future, think about how to improve the performance of our factory, get out of here, and go to work!"

Everyone ran out of the office in a panic.


Zhao Shanhe led the team back to Zhenghe County that night.

After letting everyone go back, Zhao Shanhe also returned to his home. When he pushed open the courtyard door, walked in, and found a figure in the room busy arranging the dishes, all the hard work along the way It vanished into nothingness in an instant.

"Qiu Ya!"

"Mountains and rivers!"

Suddenly looking up and seeing Zhao Shanhe standing outside the window, Li Qiuya yelled in surprise, she wiped her hands on the apron and walked outside, just in time for Zhao Shanhe to enter the house.

The moment the two met, they embraced tightly.

"I told you that you're coming back soon, and you're going to make dinner quickly. I didn't expect you to come back. Go wash your hands and sit down to eat." Li Qiuya said softly.

Caressing Li Qiuya's soft hair, breathing in the familiar fragrance, Zhao Shanhe hugged her and said softly: "Don't worry about eating, let me hold you for a while."

"What are you doing? They are old couples. What's there to hug?"

Although she said this, Li Qiuya didn't have any intention of pushing Zhao Shanhe away. She also liked the feeling of hugging and the sense of security of being hugged tightly by Zhao Shanhe.

It's just that Li Qiuya at this time would never have dreamed that being able to hug her like this was an extravagant expectation for Zhao Shanhe.

In the previous life, she just passed away like that, which became a pain in Zhao Shanhe's heart that would never be wiped away. Every time he thought about it, he would be in so much pain that he couldn't sleep at night.

So to be able to be reborn, to be able to hug Li Qiuya like this, is already the happiest thing for Zhao Shanhe.

I don't know how long it took before the two slowly let go.

"The dishes are getting cold, hurry up and wash your hands and eat!"

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe washed his hands and face, he sat in front of the table, looked at the home-cooked dishes in front of him, took a deep breath, and showed an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Hmm! The food at home is still delicious."

"What you said is too false. You eat delicious food and drink spicy food outside all day, and any dish is better than mine." Li Qiuya said with a smile, and gave Zhao Shanhe a piece of braised pork while talking.

"who said it!"

Zhao Shanhe ate the oily braised pork and muttered, "The delicacies of mountains and seas are no match for your home-cooked meals. If I could choose, I would rather eat your meals for the rest of my life."

"What's wrong with you today? You keep saying embarrassing things."

Li Qiuya blushed a little.

Although she has changed a lot now, it is still difficult to hide the shyness in her heart when she listens to Zhao Shanhe's tender words on such a private occasion.


Zhao Shanhe likes to see Li Qiuya like this.

The two finished their meal talking and laughing, and after a simple tidying up, the two walked into the bedroom.As the saying goes, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, and when Lang has a lover and concubine, a fire erupts in an instant.


After the cloud and rain passed, Li Qiuya lay in Zhao Shanhe's arms, and said softly: "I met Ji Mingjian today, but he didn't agree to our conditions, and he clearly refused."

"Definitely rejected?"

A playful arc appeared on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth.

"Then he is really courageous enough. What he is worried about is that we will annex Red Star Machinery, but he doesn't know that it is much better to let us annex it than the current half-dead one. It's okay, If he is willing to refuse, he can refuse, we are not saying that we must invest in Red Star Machinery now."

"Actually, if we repeat the old tricks and spread the word to the outside world, we are going to buy Jinyang Machinery Factory in Xianhua City. Do you think Hongxing Machinery Factory will be in a hurry?" Li Qiuya said in a low voice.

"Jinyang Machinery Factory?"

Thinking of Yu Zhonglou, Zhao Shanhe suddenly had an idea in his heart, but this idea was not perfect, so he didn't say it out.

"Don't worry about this matter. What we have to do now is to integrate. We will wait until all the factories are integrated before talking about other things. Before that, I will not buy any more factories."

"Okay, I'll listen to you. But there is something I have to tell you. It's Xia Wu. She said that she quit her job and wants to come over these two days to see if there is anything suitable for her. You say Should I find her a job at Shanqiu Foods?"

"Xia Wu?"

Hearing that Xia Wu was coming, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"I really have one thing I want to find someone to do. Since she is coming, let her."

"What are you going to ask her to do?"

"This thing is..."

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