Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 854 Keeping up with the trend of the times

Steel mills and machine factories, like many other factories, are products of a particular era.

In this particular era, there are many factories like this coming out densely.And basically not every region has it, but every county has it.It seems that others have it, but you don't, so you are not a complete county.

However, with the development of the times and the progress of the market economy, so many factories have started to go downhill one by one, and they have all begun to be eliminated, and the steel factory is no exception.

For example, Nanjue Iron and Steel Works was eliminated later.

Even Handong Steel Works is facing bankruptcy.

Only Dongzhou Iron and Steel Works has been strong until the end, which is not counted. The various products of Dongzhou Iron and Steel have rushed to the forefront of the times with an extremely superior posture, leading the trend.

Now the few samples that Su Zhenshu took out are good illustrations.

The moment Zhao Shanhe saw these samples, he knew that he had found the right person, and that Su Zhenshu had done his homework seriously.

Otherwise, why are the samples he took out so targeted, each one is aimed at the same product made by Hetu.

Some are suitable for swallowing water pumps!Some are suitable for engine parts!Some are suitable for lawnmowers!

It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as Hetu signs a contract with Dongzhou Iron and Steel, it will be able to take orders without distraction, and there is no need to worry about any restrictions on materials.

"President Su, you really have a heart."

"It's better if you have the heart. If you don't have the heart, how do you do business? Director Zhao, can you come and see if these samples are suitable? If they are suitable, the price is easy to negotiate. I promise to give you the lowest price. You just need to give me a cost price. " Su Zhenshu smiled heartily.

"Ok, Ok!"

Zhao Shanhe looked at the samples carefully, and after looking at the parameters and standards of the samples, he said with a smile: "Mr. Su, these samples of yours are very good, so let's talk about the price."

"Okay, that's easy to say!"

Time ticks by.

The two sat here talking and laughing, having a good conversation.

No one would have imagined that the Canton Fair, which is about to end, could still sign such an order.

Among them, Huang Guxiang was waiting most anxiously. He had been sending people to watch Dongzhou Iron and Steel Works for news from here.

It wasn't until he saw Zhao Shanhe left that he put down the documents in his hand and prepared to go there in a hurry.

"Mr. Huang, don't go. I just received news that Zhao Shanhe has signed a contract with Dongzhou Iron and Steel Works. They have signed contracts for several types of steel products, each of which starts at ten tons. It is said that this is the first batch. If these steel materials are used well, there will be a second batch and a third batch and long-term cooperation.”


Hearing these words suddenly, Huang Guxiang slumped down on the chair, his face turned pale.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

The news also reached the ears of Jin Weichi and Liu Qipai immediately. They were talking with Yang Shoucheng at the moment, and they were talking about whether Zhao Shanhe could sign a contract with them.

After hearing the news, the two were dumbfounded.

"Leader Yang, you have to help us. Otherwise, we will return empty-handed. We can't do business for so many people in the steel factory." Jin Weichi said with a sad face.


Liu Qipai immediately beat the side drum and said, "You have to help us no matter what. Anyway, Zhao Shanhe is also from our Handong City. He has no reason to say that helping others should not help our own people."

Seeing the grievance of these two people asking for help, Yang Shoucheng shook his head helplessly.

"You just ask me to help, how can I help? You tell me, how can I help you? Is your product quality qualified? Which of you two dares to tell me that your steel is impeccable ?”


The two looked at each other, a little hesitant.

"No one dares to say it!"

Yang Shoucheng shook his head in disappointment.

"You are in business, and Zhao Shanhe is also in business. Since you are in business, it is natural to talk about product quality."

"Your steel is unqualified, that's why you were eliminated by Zhao Shanhe. But if there is any possibility, do you think Zhao Shanhe is a person who has no structure in his heart?"

"Don't say that this kind of thing is Zhao Shanhe, if it were me, I would do the same."

"I have no reason to say that I don't want good steel products, but I have to buy those bad steel products. Isn't this purely full of food and doing nothing, and asking for trouble for myself?"

When Jin Weichi and Liu Qipai heard this, they lowered their heads in shame.

"The most important thing you two should do now is to realize your shame and be brave. You should hurry up and develop suitable steel products after you go back. You must know that Zhao Shanhe's factory is getting bigger and bigger, and the amount of steel he needs will only increase in the future. The more. If you can come up with qualified steel, are you afraid that he won’t want it?”

Yang Shoucheng said that he hated iron for being weak.

Neither of the two dared to speak anymore, they could only leave in despair.

There is no way, my product is not up to standard, and what I say is useless. I have the effort to grind my mouth here, so I might as well go back and find a way to solve the problem.

Technology is life force!

The Canton Fair ended quietly amidst some joy and some sorrow.

In the hotel room.

Li Xiangyang and the others were excitedly making the final report, and the statistics everyone produced were beautiful, and they never thought that the results of this battle would be so astonishing before they made the statistics.

The highlight is of course the weed mower.

"Fortunately, we chose the right promotional strategy. Otherwise, we would not have sold so many of our lawnmowers. I think we should thank Section Chief Guo for this."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and clapped.

The rest of the crowd also applauded, looking at Guo Kaiduan with admiration in their eyes.

How could Guo Kaiduan dare to accept this honor with peace of mind? He immediately stood up, scanned the audience and said modestly: "I think, for this matter, you really don't need to thank me. Why do you say that? Because the whole Everything is done by our factory manager, and it is a publicity strategy given by our factory manager."

"If there is no overall planning and scheduling by the factory manager, it would be impossible to do this."

"So I think this applause should go to our factory director!"


There was thunderous applause.

Zhao Shanhe raised his hand and pressed down, and said with a smile on his face: "Actually, this is all due to all of us. Without everyone's efforts, it would be impossible to say that we have the current results. People at the Canton Fair always pay two months’ salary as a bonus.”



The applause was louder, wave after wave.

"Actually, I think we should thank one more person. Without him, we would not be able to say that we have such achievements." Yang E suddenly whispered.


"He Xingbang!"

Yang E said solemnly: "Think about it, if it weren't for He Xingbang who helped us to promote and help us make stepping stones at the most critical moment, would we have achieved such great success?"

"Ha ha!"

After a brief silence in the room, there was a roar of laughter.

"We should thank He Xingbang, I think we should send him a pennant."

"If it's just a pennant, how can we show our sincerity? At the very least, we want to thank you with drums and gongs?"

"Do you want to give him a bonus?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, and after all the laughter stopped, he said calmly: "Tell me, let's talk about the final order quantity this time in detail, so that everyone knows what to do when they go back."


The next step is to start the reporting process.

Including all food products of Shanqiu Foods, the final order quantity exceeded 100 million boxes, and the transaction volume was 4000 million Huaxia coins.

The non-ferrous metal solder manufactured by Hetu is quite satisfactory this time. After all, there are many factories developing non-ferrous metal solder, and a batch of orders will be divided invisibly, and the final turnover is 800 million Huaxia coins.

The turnover of whale water pumps and mining pumps is 3000 million Huaxia coins.

The most beautiful one is the weeding machine, because there is a purchase order from the Angel Group, so the final turnover is 2000 million US dollars.

The number of orders for engine parts is not large, but there is also a turnover of 1000 million.

Zhao Xiaobai Distillery has sold a lot of sorghum wine, with a turnover of 2000 million.

The only thing that can compete with the weeding machine is the blue bird tempered glass. Even Zhao Shanhe didn't have much hope for this, but who would have thought that the final turnover would be as high as 4000 million Huaxia coins.

This is like the purchase of automobile windshields and the purchase of architectural glass becoming the mainstream.

"Architectural glass is an absolutely promising development direction. After returning this time, Lao Gao will continue to dig in this direction no matter what. I think Wang Houde and the others will also like this topic very much."

Zhao Shanhe thought to himself after hearing this number.

"Generally speaking, our visit to the Canton Fair this time has yielded a lot. But you should not be too proud. You must know that our orders are orders. Only by handing over all orders can they be converted into profits and can be given to us. The workers are paid wages. So when you go back tomorrow, what you have to do is very simple, that is, to urge me to get the factory up and running quickly."

"ensure quality!"

"You can't say that we have a lot of orders, so you can play tricks on the quality. If anyone dares to do this, don't blame me for dealing with it in accordance with the factory's rules and regulations."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience with a serious expression.


Everyone stood up and responded.

"Okay, let's go to work!"

After everyone left, Zhao Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is most afraid of is that there will be no harvest at the Canton Fair, but now it seems that he has thought too much, and his products are still very resistant.

Of course, this also explains one thing from a level, that is, if you want to adapt to the market, gain a firm foothold in the future society, and rush into 93 with a more positive attitude, you must continue to pay attention to research and development.

Only by developing new products can we closely keep up with the trend of the times.

"Dong dong."

Just as Zhao Shanhe was deep in thought, there was a knock on the door from the outside.

It's almost time, who will come?

Zhao Shanhe opened the door suspiciously.

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