Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 852 Is This Making Me Cry Poor?

"Group leader Qin, to tell you the truth, I have no such plan at present."

Facing Qin Zhongzheng's question, Zhao Shanhe chose to answer honestly. He didn't try to hide anything, nor did he want to flatter him, he just said what he thought.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Zhongzheng didn't mean to force Zhao Shanhe either, he laughed and waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about this matter, you can think about it slowly, I can give you a promise now, that is, the gate of Shencheng will always be open to you." You open up."

"Whether it's Hetu Manufacturing, Shanqiu Foods or other factories, as long as it belongs to you, Zhao Shanhe, you can move to any one you want, or you can invest and build a factory here."

"What I want is you. As long as you are willing to come, all conditions are easy to negotiate."

"Team Leader Qin, I am very grateful for your love. Since you think highly of me, I will also express my opinion here. If there is really a suitable investment project in the future, I will first consider Shencheng." Zhao Shanhe Station Standing up, he raised his wine glass and said seriously to Qin Zhongzheng.

"Okay, come on, cheers!"

Qin Zhongzheng smiled with satisfaction and stood up too.

With Zhao Shanhe's words, his goal has been achieved.

And Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to promise casually. After all, Shencheng City's status is there. Even without Qin Zhongzheng's words, he would make arrangements here sooner or later.

North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have long been on Zhao Shanhe's chessboard.

It will not fall anywhere!

The days of the Canton Fair are very exciting.

It is wonderful because every day you have to face everyone's inquiries with full fighting spirit, and you have to try your best to promote your products and win more orders.

The order here is the most practical standard to measure everything. No matter how fancy you say, it is not as convincing as a real order.Such beautiful words as weaving a network of contacts are pale in front of orders.

No matter how extensive your network is, if you don't give you an order, you still have nothing to do.

We must know that some companies that come to the conference are looking for an order. If they do not have an order, they may face bankruptcy after returning.Under such circumstances, is it useful for you to talk to him about your feelings?

After about a week like this, the number of orders on Zhao Shanhe's side has become saturated.Those who should come to sign contracts have already signed contracts, and those who did not come will not say to come again, because the Canton Fair is drawing to a close.

Time came to the last day in a blink of an eye.

"You stand on the last shift here, Xiangyang, let's go, let's go for a walk." Zhao Shanhe instructed with a smile.

"it is good!"

The two began to walk along the booth.

"What do we want to see?" Li Xiangyang couldn't help asking curiously.



Li Xiangyang was a little dazed, aren't we here to sell things?Why is it now a purchase?

"Yes, it's just to buy things. Don't our factories need raw materials? They also need them. Since we need them, why don't we go around and sign a batch of orders if there are suitable ones? Forget it." Zhao Shanhe looked around and said.

It turned out to be the case.

That being said, it is.

Although the factories of Hetu Manufacturing have fixed partners, if you place an order here, it doesn't mean that you can't find more ways out. No one would think of tying their future to a rope.

Moreover, the business of weeding machines has just started. If you can find a suitable source of steel here, it will be much more convenient than trying to find a way after you go back.

After all, their steel is purchased from Handong Iron and Steel Plant, but the problem is that the steel of this Handong Iron and Steel Plant is not satisfactory. They have to catch the alloy steel they need.

So if there is steel that is directly qualified, it will save them a lot of work.

As for whether it will offend Handong Iron and Steel Works because of this, that is a matter for the future. It cannot be said that your steel is obviously substandard, and we have to purchase from you.

Perhaps because the Canton Fair is coming to an end, the interest of each booth here is not too high, they are all dealing with it step by step, and some of those who come to consult have even begun to be a little indifferent.

For example, the No. [-] Iron and Steel Plant in Southern Province.

When the two of Zhao Shanhe walked over, the people here just glanced at them, not even a single person came forward to receive them.Everyone was still sitting there drinking tea and chatting.

"Give us a quotation for your products." Li Xiangyang asked after scanning the past.


Following his questioning, a man in overalls stood up and walked over, handed over a quotation and said: "Our quotations from the No. [-] Iron and Steel Plant in Southern Province are the most standard. Just place an order directly."

"Do you have any samples of this No. 80 No. [-] alloy steel?" Li Xiangyang asked, pointing to one of them.


The man in work clothes took a piece of alloy steel from the side and handed it over.

"This is the No. 89 alloy steel we developed. If you say you want it, I advise you to place an order quickly. But even if you place an order now, it is actually a bit late, and the delivery will have to wait three months later Already!"

"Three months later?"

Zhao Shanhe took the alloy steel over and over to look at it, weighed it in his hand again, shook his head slightly and said, "It's a bit late, and your quotation is a bit high, can your price be lowered?"

"How much do you want?"

"Less say dozens of tons!"

"Dozens of tons?"

When the man in work clothes heard the number, surprise flashed across his face, but he tried his best to maintain his composure and said calmly, "I thought how much it was, but it turned out to be only a few dozen tons. If it's a few dozen tons, it's really It’s not enough for the preferential price we give.”

"Then let's go somewhere else."

Zhao Shanhe smiled faintly, put down the samples, turned around and left.

He didn't pay attention to this place from the very beginning, he looked at each of them one by one, and he didn't seem to be doing anything at all.

After the two left, a person at the booth frowned suddenly and said, "Why did I feel that person looked familiar just now? Oh! I remembered, isn't that Zhao Shanhe made by Hetu? What is he doing here? ?”

"Buy steel!"

The man in work clothes picked up the No. 89 alloy steel on the table and said: "He wants to buy this alloy steel from us, but he is not satisfied with the price and delivery time, so he just left!"

"Hey, how did you let him go there? Do you know how much alloy steel he needs to manufacture Hetu? Do you know how much other steel he needs for the rest of his products?"

"Such a person is a big customer. If we can get it, it will bring a lot of benefits to our steel factory. You, this time I am really confused. No, I have to go to the factory manager quickly. Tell him to talk to Zhao Shanhe!"

As he spoke, the man quickly got up and walked out.

The man in the tooling was left holding the alloy steel sample with a dull expression on his face.

The booth of Handong Iron and Steel Works.

The iron and steel factories are all in a large hall. Zhao Shanhe and the others came here not long after they walked from the Nansheng Iron and Steel Factory, and when they first appeared, they were blocked by a man who came out.

It was a dark-skinned man in a gray half-sleeved shirt.

He is Jin Weichi, the director of Handong Iron and Steel.

"Haha, I said that you two look familiar when you look at them from afar. You really are old acquaintances. Director Zhao, Deputy Director Li, are you just hanging out and having fun? Come, sit in and have a cup of tea. .”

Jin Weichi greeted with a gentle smile.

When other people in the steel plant saw these two, they also enthusiastically came forward.Among them was Liu Qipai, the deputy factory director who was in charge of contacting Hetu Manufacturing.

We were all old acquaintances, so after a brief exchange of pleasantries, we all sat down on the chairs.

"Director Zhao, you Hetu Manufacturing has made a lot of money this time. I heard that you won a foreign exchange quota of 2000 million yuan at least this time. Is it true?" Liu Qipai said with fiery eyes asked.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, didn't mean to answer the conversation, but changed the topic and said: "We are like that, we can't compare with your steel factory. No matter how many we win, at best, it can only be a small fight. But it's different, Mr. Jin, Mr. Liu, with the two of you in charge, it should be a good harvest this time, right?"

"A lot of harvest?"

After Jin Weichi and Liu Qipai glanced at each other, they showed a wry smile at the same time.

Jin Weichi sighed softly, shook his head and said mockingly: "Director Zhao, you are not an outsider, so I will say something directly. We really did not expect that this time we will come to the Canton Fair to be so miserable."

"I'm not going to lie to you. We only got a few odd orders. The number of these orders is so small that you don't even know how miserable we are."

"Really?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true." Liu Qipai took over Jin Weichi's words and continued, "You have also seen how many steel factories there are here. Among other things, the provincial-level steel factories are better."

"No matter how we say it, we are just a city-level steel factory. No matter in terms of scale or product quality, we can't compare with others. It is not easy to win these fragmentary orders."

"But if these orders are taken back, we can't do business! There are so many people in the factory, and these orders alone can't support us."

"Is this crying poor for me?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and looked over as if nothing had happened.He wouldn't answer this question, because he had no intention of continuing to cooperate with Handong Iron and Steel Works at all.

Before, there was no way but to purchase from you.

But now I have so many choices, and finding a manufacturer that produces qualified alloy steel will save us a lot of trouble. Why should we choose you?

Jin Weichi and Liu Qipai just sang and complained in unison.

Zhao Shanhe listened quietly, without any disturbance in his heart.

Li Xiangyang didn't say anything else.

When the two of them were talking about the same thing here, Li Xiangyang smiled and said: "Director Zhao, you see we have wasted Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu here for half a day, we should go."

"Yes, we should go, we can't delay the business of Mr. Jin and Mr. Liu."

Zhao Shanhe was about to stand up after speaking.

Now Jin Weichi became impatient.

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