Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 849 Is there something tricky?

Feeling Du Heng's disbelief, although Lin Xiaopeng didn't want to hit him, but thinking that he would know about it sooner or later, he spoke decisively without any hesitation.

"I just received the news that on the first day of the Canton Fair yesterday, the weeding machine made by Hetu defeated Tiannuo Machinery, and the defeat was effortless. He Xingbang didn't even have a chance to resist. And left in disgrace."

"Calculate the time, they should be back by now!"

"What? How is it possible!"

Du Heng really didn't want to believe what he heard, it was too exaggerated.Both He Xingbang and Chen Jinjun went to the Canton Fair. With their joint efforts, not only were they unable to defeat Zhao Shanhe, they didn't even have the ability to protect themselves.

This is a bit too nonsense!

"Do you know the specifics?" Du Heng came back to his senses and asked hastily.

"I know, that's how it is"

After hearing what Lin Xiaopeng said, Du Heng was completely speechless.

"Is this He Xingbang an idiot? Doesn't he know whether his weeding machine is good or not? You have a lawn mower that you can't do, but you insist on provoking Zhao Shanhe. Isn't that just asking for fun?"

"It's good now. Not only did I lose, but I also fulfilled Zhao Shanhe's great reputation. Now at the Canton Fair, if anyone mentions a weed mower, Zhao Shanhe must be the first thing that comes to mind."

"He is really an idiot who has more success than failure!"

"Mr. Du, what should we do?" Lin Xiaopeng asked.

"What should we do? Does this matter have anything to do with us? Don't worry about him!" Du Heng waved his hands distractedly, he was really afraid of Zhao Shanhe now.

He didn't want to provoke Zhao Shanhe again!


The news spread to Shanqiu Foods as soon as possible.

Knowing that Zhao Shanhe had won a good start, easily defeated Tiannuo Machinery in the first battle, took down the Angel Group of the United States, and successfully signed a contract for [-] weeding machines, Li Qiuya was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Have you heard that? Our factory manager Zhao is really busy over there. Since he said that he has signed so many orders, we can't talk about it here. Hurry up and prepare the materials for me and be ready to start work at any time." Overtime production!"


The second day of the Canton Fair.

On Zhao Shanhe's side, because everything has been arranged long ago, everything is on the right track in an orderly manner, so the promotion of each product is proceeding in an orderly manner.Every day, people would come to consult and place an order, and he also took advantage of this time to go to the Schiller Heavy Industry delegation.

It's just a pity that he didn't see August.

The statement given by Schiller Heavy Industries is that August did not stay in the hotel, and they are not sure when they will come back.Zhao Shanhe originally wanted to continue to guard, but he realized that he knew nothing about him, so he decided to come back and collect information first.

But in the afternoon of this day, at the booth, Zhao Shanhe met an unexpected person.

Tangerton of the Covenant Group!

"Tangerton, why are you here?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over in surprise, put down the documents in his hand, stood up and walked forward, beckoned Tang Jiedun to sit in the booth, and handed him a cup of tea.

Anyway, Tang Jiedun is now Zhao Shanhe's serious partner.

Without Tang Jiedun, even if I bought the Changzheng Machinery Factory, the production line would only be a decoration, and there was no way to tinker with those engine parts.

And it is also because of Tang Jiedun that Jade Bird Tempered Glass was able to open up the market in the United States. It is said that it is selling very well now, and has begun to cooperate with many car dealers in depth.

"Director Zhao, why can't I come to the Canton Fair? I'm also here for business." Tang Jie said with a smile.

"What's the matter with you? Did you come here for my tempered glass? That's just right, you've come anyway, so sign an order before leaving." Zhao Shanhe said jokingly.

"Ha ha!"

Tang Jie smiled heartily.

"Our tempered glass order has been signed long ago. Why would I come here to sign? I didn't come here for the tempered glass. I have other things to do."

"Other things? Can you talk about it?" Zhao Shanhe rolled his eyes slightly.


Tangerine hesitated.

If it were someone else, Zhao Shanhe might not have asked, after all the other party looked very embarrassed.But since it is Tangerton, there is no such worry.

Who told you that Tang Jiedun cheated Handong City at that time. Although we are now in a cooperative relationship, do you really cooperate with me sincerely?Everyone gets what they need.

"Tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help you!"

"Actually, it's not really a secret."

Tang Jie thought for a while, stared at Zhao Shanhe, and said slowly: "I'm here for Schiller Heavy Industries in Germany."

"Schiller Heavy Industries!"

Zhao Shanhe's pupils shrank slightly, and he hurriedly restrained his mind to prevent Tang Jiedun from seeing any flaws.

"What do you mean? Is your covenant group going to cooperate with Schiller Heavy Industries? As far as I know, Schiller Heavy Industries has come to participate in the Canton Fair, but it put on a face that strangers should not get close to. Because of you? Is it because of you Covenant Group, Schiller Heavy Industries is so unreasonable?" Zhao Shanhe pretended to be indifferent, and asked tentatively.

"no no!"

Tang Jieton quickly waved his hand.

"We have nothing to do with Schiller Heavy Industries, and I can't say that it affects others. I am here this time, and I am actually here for August."

"I said Tang Jiedun, can you stop panting when you speak, if you want to say what you want to say, just say it, don't say what you don't want to say, it's hard to hear what you've said so far."

Zhao Shanhe took retreat as advance, deliberately put on a gesture of impatience, and shook his head displeased.

"Forget it, forget it, don't say it if it's really inconvenient for you. I still don't believe it. In my territory, it's so difficult to find out what happened to Schiller Heavy Industry."


Tang Jiedun immediately became nervous when he heard this. After he lowered his head and pondered for a while, he slowly raised his head to look at Zhao Shanhe.

"Since you have said so, let me tell you. In fact, this matter is just like what you said. If you say you can investigate it, you can find it out, so I won't bother to cover it up."

"Do you know the reason why August came to the Canton Fair this time?"

"do not know!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, he really didn't know.

"If I tell you that August didn't come here for the order, nor did he mean to find a partner, but he came this time purely to seek transformation, what do you think?"


Zhao Shanhe was really surprised.

Seeking transformation?

What does it mean?This means that August's ambition is not within the Canton Fair at all, but outside. Does he really mean that he wants to find a new field where he can make a breakthrough?

"Tell me specifically!" Zhao Shanhe asked with interest.

Fortunately, Tang Jiedun was caught, otherwise how could he hear such a secret?But how could Tangerton say it so kindly? Could it be that he was really bluffed by me?

wrong!Impossible, with Tang Jiedun's ingenuity, he would not say such a secret for no reason.

Is there something tricky here?

Zhao Shanhe, who was thinking like this in his heart, was secretly on guard.


Asked by Zhao Shanhe in this way, he made a very embarrassed expression, but he gritted his teeth when he was embarrassed, and leaned forward and whispered: "The thing is like this"

It turned out that August was really looking for transformation. The reason why he had such an idea was not that Schiller Heavy Industry was on the verge of bankruptcy, but that he was actively seeking a breakthrough and wanted to open up other fields , doing this with a proactive attitude.

If this can be done, it will be of great help to August's status.

Because Schiller Heavy Industries is different from other companies, it is a family business.The condition offered by the Schiller family is that anyone in the clan who says they can make some achievements is eligible to take over Schiller Heavy Industries.

That's what August is here for.

"So you mean, August wants to see if there are any projects worthy of his investment at the Canton Fair?" Zhao Shanhe showed a thoughtful expression.


Tang Jie nodded.

"That's what he thinks, but according to the information I got, he doesn't seem to be interested in any projects. Thinking about it, it's true. With his status, there is really no way for ordinary projects to fall into his eyes."

"Unless" said, Tang Jie Dun looked over hesitantly.

"Unless what?"

Zhao Shanhe caught the flash of smug expression on the corner of Tang Jiedun's mouth, and asked with a smile: "I said Tang Jiedun, don't play tricks with me, just tell me, do you know Ao Gu? What project does Sturt want to invest in?"

"Yes, I really heard some rumors, I think, as for the project he wants to invest in, the two of us can work together!"

Tang Jiedun's tone suddenly became serious, pointing at Zhao Shanhe and himself, he said mysteriously.

"I mean just the two of us, not the Covenant Group!"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's interesting! Judging from Tang Jiedun's tone, he wants to leave the Covenant Group aside and do it alone. The results and profits obtained by doing this are all his own!"

Could it be that what August is going to do is related to Huaxia?Is it only available in Huaxia?

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe said without squinting: "Tang Jiedun, I understand what you mean, just tell me what secret you know. If the secret you revealed is valuable, I can Consider working with you only, not Covenant."


Tang Jiedun patted his thigh happily.

"I knew that I could have a good time talking with Factory Manager Zhao. I really know this secret. Except for me, very few people know this secret."

Zhao Shanhe urged with a serious face, "Are you going to tell me?"

"I said I said it!"

After Tang Jiedun noticed Zhao Shanhe's impatience, he leaned forward slightly and whispered in Zhao Shanhe's ear: "Actually, Auguste is here, and the project he wants to invest in is"

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