Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 847 Why Does He Want To See Me?

Everyone who originally wanted to leave, after seeing this scene, subconsciously stopped. They all wanted to watch the excitement, and they all wanted to see what He Xingbang would do?Does it mean that you want to renege on your debts with a dull head and a thick skin?

If this is the case, then they can be regarded as an eye-opener.

"Look, look, this is the person you want to cooperate with? Old Xiao, you are good at everything, but this vision is really not flattering." Bao Tianhua said with a snort.


Xiao Zhongyuan wanted to defend himself, but when he reached the point of his mouth, he found that he was so weak. He could only stare at He Xingbang helplessly, and said indignantly, "He Xingbang, you are willing to accept the bet. You don't want to renege on your debt, do you?"


Not to mention, He Xingbang really wanted to renege on his debts, and wanted to just sneak away, but can he still do it now?You have already said this, if I leave again, I will never be able to raise my head again.

"Zhao Shanhe, I'm sorry."

He Xingbang gritted his teeth, squeezed out this sentence of apology, and turned his head to the side unwillingly.

What about Zhao Shanhe?

He waved his hand casually, not taking it seriously at all.

He Xingbang raised his head and looked at Zhao Shanhe's insignificant posture, which deeply hurt his self-esteem that had been completely destroyed. He roared crazily from the bottom of his heart, his face was livid, and he turned around without looking back. left here.

The people from Tiannuo Machinery also hurriedly left.

When they returned to the booth, Liang Kaihe looked at He Xingbang's annoyed expression, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. He, according to the current situation, no one should come to buy our weeding machine. What do you think we should do now?" ?”

"What do you mean?"

He Xingbang's suppressed anger burst out suddenly, and he roared loudly: "I have already made a bet with Zhao Shanhe, you don't want to say that you want to leave now, do you? I can't say that I lost the bet and lost face, right?"


Liang Kaihe was at a loss for words, he could only look at Chen Jinjun.

"Mr. Chen, please persuade Mr. He!"

"Mr. He!"

Chen Jinjun looked over and said calmly: "You, you don't need to be too serious. What Zhao Shanhe did is obviously humiliating you. Do you really want to stretch your face over and slap him? Do you want me to slap you?" Said, you really don't waste time and energy here, go back quickly, go early and have a good life."

"Go early and good morning."

He Xingbang took a deep look at Chen Jinjun, and then at the booth made by Hetu. After struggling a bit, he gritted his teeth and said, "Old Liang, get ready to go back."


Hetu Manufacturing Booth.

Huofen has already brought the contract and left happily. For him, being able to negotiate a lawn mower business with Zhao Shanhe is definitely something worth celebrating. It is able to monopolize the lawn mower business.

Is there anything more gratifying than this?

And as Huofen left, Xiao Zhongyuan walked over, and Bao Tianhua followed of course.

"President Bao."

Zhao Shanhe greeted Bao Tianhua with a smile. As for Xiao Zhongyuan, he naturally ignored him on the spot and never looked straight at him.

Sensing the estrangement that Zhao Shanhe imperceptibly showed, Xiao Zhongyuan couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He hurriedly said, "Director Zhao, let's also sign the contract now. I want to order a thousand weeding machines."

"Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, you also saw that we have signed a contract with the Angel Group, so I'm afraid we can't give you a weed mower for the time being!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


Zhao Shanhe turned down this order of [-] weed mowers!

Everyone who heard this was stunned for a moment, and they all looked over in disbelief, with surprised eyes.

An order of 1000 weeding machines, one priced at 100 meters, is a big order of [-] million meters. How could you refuse so casually?You must know that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. You can’t say that you only need an order of [-] units, right?

Xiao Zhongyuan also froze on the spot.

On the contrary, Bao Tianhua showed a relieved expression after being slightly stunned.

Xiao Zhongyuan, Xiao Zhongyuan, I told you a long time ago that Zhao Shanhe is different from the businessmen you think of. He is a very principled person in his work.You targeted others like that just now, and even forced Zhao Shanhe into trouble.Now that the person is safe and sound, you want to place an order again.

Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Does all this good stuff have to revolve around you?who do you think You Are?You deserve to hit a wall!

"Director Zhao, you can't! You have to give me an order. If I say that there is no order, I really can't make a deal. Or do you think it's okay? I can add money, as long as you can give me an order , You can set a price as you like, it doesn’t matter how much you want!” Xiao Zhongyuan said anxiously, impatiently.

He had to sign this order, otherwise, his company would really go bankrupt.

So even if he knew it would be embarrassing to do so, he couldn't care less, and had to bow his head under the eaves.

Zhao Shanhe was unmoved.

"Old bag."

Xiao Zhongyuan hurriedly looked to the side with pitiful eyes.

What's all this, I got the money after all, yet I have to look at other people's faces before handing over the money.


Bao Tianhua sighed from the bottom of his heart, and he could only bite the bullet and say to Zhao Shanhe: "Director Zhao, you see Mr. Xiao is my friend after all, can you be accommodating?"

"Since Mr. Bao has opened his mouth, I must give this face. Mr. Xiao, I can give you the order, but the price cannot be 1000 meters per piece!" Zhao Shanhe looked at Xiao Zhongyuan and said lightly.

"Let's make a price." Bao Tianhua said hastily with a look of gratitude flashing in his eyes.

"A weeding machine, 200 yuan!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "If you say you want it, we can sign the contract now. If you say you think it's expensive, that's okay. You can buy Tiannuo Machinery. They sell it cheaply. They"

"I want!"

Before Zhao Shanhe could finish speaking, Xiao Zhongyuan hurriedly expressed his position, then shrugged helplessly, smiled at himself, and said in a bitter tone: "Director Zhao, what happened just now was indeed because I did something wrong, and if I did something wrong, I would have to bear the consequences. You The price offered was very fair, so I took it as a lesson learned with money. One thousand and two hundred meters, I want one thousand, and I can sign the contract now!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe turned his head and looked to the side.

"Xiangyang, take him to sign the contract!"

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang smiled slightly at Xiao Zhongyuan.

"Mr. Xiao, please follow me."

Seeing this scene, none of the bystanders said that anyone felt sorry for Xiao Zhongyuan, because they all saw with their own eyes what kind of face Xiao Zhongyuan had just now.You are obviously about to sign a contract with someone, but you listen to others and question Zhao Shanhe here.

It is understandable that Zhao Shanhe has emotions!

"Director Zhao, thank you for this. Don't be as knowledgeable as Xiao Zhongyuan. He doesn't have any evil intentions, but sometimes he acts a little too recklessly!" Bao Tianhua said awkwardly.

"President Bao, this matter has nothing to do with you. I'm only going for Xiao Zhongyuan. As for other things, let's not talk about it!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

A thousand weeding machines cost 100 million yuan, and now each machine costs 200 yuan more, which is 20 yuan.Take 20 yuan to buy a lesson, this is the punishment Zhao Shanhe prepared for Xiao Zhongyuan, and he also felt that this kind of punishment should be enough for Xiao Zhongyuan to remember for a lifetime.

As for refusing to cooperate, Zhao Shanhe really didn't think about it.

He is a businessman, so naturally he wants to do business.

Moreover, when this businessman is doing business, it is impossible for people like Xiao Zhongyuan to say no to it. Does it mean that they will not do it when they meet one?Impossible, businessmen should also pay attention to the pattern.

"Director Zhao, please." Xiao Zhongyuan said to Zhao Shanhe after signing the contract and coming out.

"Don't worry, since there is a contract, we will definitely follow the rules." Zhao Shanhe said.

"That's it!"

After saying that, Xiao Zhongyuan and Bao Tianhua left.

"Director, do you think this Xiao Zhongyuan is doing a one-shot deal with us?" Li Xiangyang stepped forward and asked.

"One-shot deal?"

Zhao Shanhe retracted his gaze casually, and said in a calm tone: "Let him go, if he is willing to fight with us, he will fight with us. We don't like to buy and sell by force."

"That's right, there are a lot of weed mower manufacturers who want to cooperate with us now. If there is one more, there are not many, and if there is one less, there are many." Yang E held up a stack of contract texts and shook them proudly.

"These can all be signed!"

"Really? Then start moving!" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"it is good!"

The matter passed like this, and the booth made by Hetu also ushered in a small climax.

Some of the people who come here to consult are for the lawn mower, and some are for the water pump.And no matter which one it is, as long as you come to consult, you will more or less place an order in the end.

So Zhao Shanhe has been very busy here.

It wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that the heat slowly subsided.And at this time, someone came to call him, saying that someone from the management committee wanted to see him.

"Is it the management committee of the Canton Fair?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little dazed, he didn't expect that he would alarm the members of the management committee, and thinking that he and the management committee had nothing to do with each other, he felt that this matter was a bit strange.But the management committee sent someone to invite you, you can't just say no, can you?

So he agreed straightforwardly and said that it would be over in a while.

Those who come will leave.

"Leader Du, what do you think the management committee wants me to do?" Zhao Shanhe found Du Jingming, the team leader of Zhenghe County, and explained what happened just now.

"The management committee is looking for you?"

Du Jingming was also a little puzzled, he said in a daze: "I don't know, but since it is the management committee, I believe it will not be a bad thing, you go and have a look before we talk about it!"

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look."


Zhao Shanhe came to the office area where the Canton Fair Management Committee is located. When he just walked in, a man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of black-rimmed glasses appeared in front of him.

"Director Zhao, we've been waiting for a long time, let's go in!"

"Are you?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Cheng Ji. I am the secretary of Qin Zhongzheng, the working group leader of the Canton Fair Management Committee. Our team leader Qin wants to meet you." Cheng Ji said with a smile.

Qin Zhongzheng?

He wants to see me?

Why does he want to see me?

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