Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 831 This is simply a farce!

"Media reporters, I said that Zhao Shanhe's hypocrisy is not nonsense. You have all seen his advertisement for Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, right? He sold 3000 million cups. If calculated according to this figure, he should donate [-] Ten thousand."

"But did you see him donate money?"


Lin Daoqiang waved the paper in his hand and handed it out one by one.

"I admit that Zhao Shanhe donated money at the beginning, but it was all small money, and it was for others to see. He was trying to gain fame, and he was advertising for Xiangpiaopiao milk tea. You see, this is what he donated earlier. There are only three Hope Primary Schools built with the money, and there are still three.”

"Three elementary schools, 3000 million! Hehe!"

Lin Daoqiang said with a sneer: "Does an elementary school need 1000 million? Isn't this clearly fooling consumers? He just said that because he wanted to sell his milk tea. He is a hypocrite at all!"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was in an uproar.

Su Dafeng even turned around, pointed directly at Zhao Shanhe, and asked aggressively: "Director Zhao, I want to ask, is what Mr. Lin said true? The so-called donation of your Shanqiu Food is simply A scam? You promised 3000 million yuan, but now you only donate it to three Hope Primary Schools?"

"Impossible? Are there really only three primary schools?"

"Look at how detailed the information is, it should be true."

"3000 million, if we build elementary schools, at least dozens of them can be built, right?"


All the reporters were brought up to the rhythm and began to whisper to each other.

Even if they have a good relationship with Shanqiu Food, if things are really as Lin Daoqiang said, driven by their conscience, they will not keep silent.

Because they are journalists.

A reporter must be worthy of his identity and his profession.


Faced with the flood of doubts, Cai Qian still stood at the front, and said calmly, "There is no right or wrong. I ask everyone to be calm and listen to my words."

The noise slowly disappeared.

"Just talk and fart if you have something to say! Don't whine around here!"

Lin Daoqiang seemed to be sure of winning, and urged impatiently.

"I'd like to hear what else you have to explain."

"Lin Daoqiang, it seems that you are determined to stand on the opposite side of us, and you want to turn black and white here against your conscience. Okay, since you have chosen this path, you'd better be mentally prepared, wait a minute Don't regret it."

Cai Qian sneered again and again.

"You'd better pat Lin Daoqiang's face now, remember what he looks like now, and see if he can still be so righteous in the future, and see what will happen to him if he is willing to be a gunman for others .”

After saying this, Cai Qian turned around and bowed slightly to Zhao Shanhe.

"Director, then I'll start!"


Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly, without any intention of standing up and explaining.

Li Qiuya also sat back on the chair and watched with cold eyes.

"Everyone, today was supposed to be the new product launch event of our Shanqiu Foods. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen. In fact, we already knew about Lin Daoqiang's real name report to us."

"Know it but don't take it seriously, why? Because we know that what he said are all nonsense and nonsense. Afraid of such slander."

"What I didn't expect was that he would intensify and dare to do such a wanton smear on this occasion."

Having said that, Cai Qian looked at Lin Daoqiang again.

"Okay, since you have to do this, then we will play with you, let you know how stupid your current behavior is, and let you understand how sad it is for you to be used as a gunman."

"Lin Daoqiang, I don't have any other requirements for you. I just hope that after I tell you the whole thing, if you still have a little conscience, you will tell the truth about the whole thing."

As the chief of the public relations department, Cai Qian, facing the mighty Lin Daoqiang, was neither humble nor overbearing, his words revealed a strong self-confidence, and his expression exuded an unchallenged majesty.

Lin Daoqiang hesitated to speak.

"Chief Cai, you don't need to speak so grandly. If you have evidence, you can show it. If you don't, please shut up!" Su Dafeng looked over with cold eyes.

"What we want to hear is the answer from Director Zhao Shanhe. We want to hear from him personally why the sales of 3000 million cups of milk tea and the huge donation of [-] million disappeared?"

"Su Dafeng, right?"

Cai Qian looked over and said calmly: "I know you. You are a reporter from a magazine in Zhongzhou City. What you are best at is to catch rumors, and even intentionally create something out of nothing, and then use such a gimmick to seek personal gain for you."

"I believe that the eyes of the reporters present are discerning. They can all see what happened today, and they can see that you and Lin Daoqiang are just singing together."

"The whole thing is that you're setting things up."


"Don't rush to say it, you'd better pray that this matter has nothing to do with you, otherwise, as long as we find evidence, we will sue you. At that time, not only you, but also the people behind you Don’t even think about running away from the magazine, they will all be accused.”

As soon as Cai Qian raised his hand, he interrupted Su Dafeng's words unceremoniously, his words were as sharp as a knife.

"I just want the truth."

Su Dafeng was unmoved.

"You want the truth, don't you? Well, I'll give you the truth."

Cai Qian picked up a stack of papers as he spoke, and said calmly: "I don't know what happened to the so-called three primary schools in your hands, but I know very well that since you want to discredit us, but You don’t even want to do the most basic investigation work. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous that you don’t know anything, and dare to frame us here with all the lies?”

"The main advertisement of our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea said that 3000 million cups were sold! It said that the cups can go around the earth once connected! Then this is true! We never tell lies, Any false reports are strictly prohibited here. We agreed to donate [-] cents for a cup, so [-] million cups is a donation of [-] million!"


Cai Qian said and distributed all the documents in his hand.

"You can take a look now. These documents are the donation details of our Shanqiu Foods this year. It clearly records the donation time, construction time, and location of each Hope Primary School. Even every sum of money There are also detailed records of where the flowers went, take a good look, did we really just donate three primary schools?"

"Wrong! Big mistake! Absolutely wrong!"

"We have donated a total of [-] ones! And this kind of donation has not stopped, and is still going on in our plan. Even when Lin Daoqiang discredited us, a Hope Primary School was still under construction. I I really wonder, Lin Daoqiang, how dare you say that we only donated three?"

There were rustling sounds of flipping through the conference room.

"This elementary school belongs to our village. I know this. It is indeed donated by Shanqiu Food."

"There are more than three here?"

"This is simply a farce!"

"How could this be?"

Lin Daoqiang also got a piece of information, and he flicked through it desperately, his eyes widened as he looked.When he saw that every school had its location and name, he knew that he was wrong, very wrong.

He had no chance of turning over the whole thing.

"Su Dafeng, what do you say about this? Didn't you say there are only three? Have the rest of the money been deducted by them?"

Lin Daoqiang, who was somewhat insane, suddenly raised his head and asked.

One sentence made the audience erupt.


The eyes of all the reporters converged, and the cameras kept taking pictures of Su Dafeng's current appearance. Seeing his somewhat dark face, everyone knew that what Cai Qian said was right, and Su Dafeng was indeed behind this matter. What a mess.

You ask me, how do I know!

Su Dafeng wanted to cry now, he didn't expect Lin Daoqiang to question him like this, and this exposed their relationship.

He didn't expect that this matter was false from beginning to end, but it didn't make sense, the news he received was like this.It is said that Zhao Shanhe only built three primary schools in Zhenghe County.

But who would have thought that he would still be building in the field?

Now he is really speechless.

"Damn Wu Heng, is this how you do things? You didn't even investigate the basic situation clearly, so you asked me to do things for you here. How can I get out now?"

Su Dafeng's head was covered with beads of sweat.

"You said that if you donate it, then it is a donation? I don't believe it, the information you presented can be faked! You know that is 3000 million, I don't believe you are willing to donate like this?"

"Is Zhao Shanhe so generous?"

Su Dafeng retorted desperately.

"Shut up!"

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Cai Qian would suddenly become angry. He raised his arm and pointed towards him, and said indifferently, "Su Dafeng, don't judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. What you can't do, Do you think everyone can't do it? Do you think everyone can't bear the things you don't want?"

"You said that our director Zhao was reluctant, but do you know? During the flood disaster last year, our director Zhao donated money and materials one after another, with a total of more than 600 million."

"At that time, our factory was not as large as it is now, and he was able to donate it without complaint or regret. How dare you say that he is reluctant to donate the money?"


Su Dafeng hesitated.

"What are you? Do you think you are so smart? You say that our information can be faked, so please open your eyes and see clearly. There is an official seal of the notary office on the back of each of our documents, and some of them have local Official stamps, you wouldn’t say that these could be faked, would you?”

"If you still don't believe it, you can go to the local area to investigate according to our information and see if the information we gave is true or false?"

Having said this, Cai Qian's eyes became contemptuous.

"Su Dafeng, you are also an extremely stupid person. You were used as a gunman without knowing anything. The ridiculous thing is that you jumped into the hole dug for you by others and you didn't even know it. Let me see what you do now? You just Prepare to be sued by us!"

Su Dafeng's face suddenly turned ashen.

The scene was reversed instantly.

Lin Daoqiang became a street rat.

In the midst of this rage, Zhao Shanhe, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up, walked to the front, looked over with blazing eyes, and opened his mouth slowly.

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