After chatting for a long time, Zhao Shanhe finally finished the idea and development direction of this hardware factory.

Of course, he also added some material in it. I believe these ideas should be useful to Du Jingming.

"Director Zhao, is what you said true? Will these things happen in the future?"

A solemn expression appeared on Du Jingming's face.

"Major Du, you should know the most about what I'm talking about. Don't talk about other places, just talk about the state-owned enterprises in our county. Do you think they can really survive like this, or can they grow stronger?"

"It's impossible." Zhao Shanhe said firmly.

"It is important to understand that the market is the most fair touchstone. With the tide of reform, it is clear who is suitable and who should be eliminated. If our state-owned enterprises do not think about progress, do not think about reform, and stop moving forward, sooner or later they will will be discarded by the market.”

After a short pause, Zhao Shanhe continued to say meaningfully: "So you'd better pay attention to the issue of reemployment of laid-off workers I just mentioned. You should pay attention to it in advance so that you won't be helpless when the time comes."

"Okay, I know about it."

After Du Jingming secretly remembered this, he smiled and said, "I will apply for you in the county for the preferential policies you want. If there are no accidents, this is not a big deal."

"But there is a premise that your hardware factory can create profits and help our county solve the problems in economic development. Otherwise, the preferential treatment given to you will not last long."

"Okay, I understand!"

Zhao Shanhe stood up.

"Nadu County Magistrate, I will take my leave. You just let those [-] people report to me tomorrow."


This time Du Jingming personally sent Zhao Shanhe out of the office.

Those who stood in the corridor and saw this scene couldn't help being a little dazed. They all guessed in their hearts, who is this young man who can be treated like this by Du Jingming.


"Director Zhao, I suggest that you should quickly equip a pager, so that it will be convenient for you to find anything in the future, don't you think so?"

Gu Changbei said with a smile.

"Well, I'll go to match it right away, and I'll tell you the paging number when the time comes." Zhao Shanhe nodded in response.

"it is good!"

After leaving the county government, Zhao Shanhe was in a happy mood.

Twenty employment quotas are not a problem for him at all. If Hetu Manufacturing is really up and running, let alone [-], even [-] can be absorbed.

What's more, because of these [-] places, he also got the preferential policy from Hetu Manufacturing.

He doesn't expect too much discount from Du Jingming, as long as he can ensure that the rate of corporate income tax is exactly the same as that of Shanqiu Beverage, he will be satisfied.

"Let's go find Li Xiangdong now!"

Zhao Shanhe waited at the gate of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for a while, and Li Xiangdong came out from inside.


"Brother Shanhe!"

Li Xiangdong came out with a [-]-big bar, and when he saw Zhao Shanhe riding Queen Suzuki, there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

"Did Xiang Dong tell you?"

"I've said it, it's a trivial matter."

"Come on, stop riding a bicycle, come up, I will take you there!"


As Li Xiangdong said, he parked his bicycle in the courtyard, turned over and sat behind King Suzuki, and the two left the Industrial and Commercial Bureau as fast as lightning, and soon arrived at the Post Office.

"Little flower!"

Li Xiangdong is really familiar with the way, as soon as he came in, he shouted at the staff sitting inside.

The person who was called was a pretty girl in her twenties.

She should be busy settling accounts, when she suddenly heard someone calling her, she looked up and saw that it was Li Xiangdong, she stood up quickly, and said with a smile on her face, "Brother Dong, why are you here?"

"I brought someone to run the bp machine, this is Brother Shanhe!" Li Xiangdong pointed to Zhao Shanhe and said.

"Brother Shanhe!" Xiao Hua nodded politely.

"Hello there!"

Before coming here, Zhao Shanhe had already heard from Li Xiangdong that this acquaintance named Xiao Hua had a very close relationship with him.

Now it seems that it is so. If Li Xiangdong hadn't followed her, Xiao Hua's attitude would not be so friendly.

"Brother Shanhe, what kind of bp machine do you want? Look, we also have a special leather case here. If you buy a bp machine, the leather case will be given away for free!" Xiaohua said enthusiastically.

"That's it!"

Zhao Shanhe scanned the assortment of bp machines placed on the counter, and chose an exquisite one.

In fact, this is just a temporary emergency. Do you think he really wants to use this thing for a long time?


Although the bp machine is the mainstream in this era, it is not as convenient as a mobile phone after all.If you can have a mobile phone, you can make and receive calls wherever you go, how convenient it is.

But even so, not everyone can afford this kind of thing.

The most common bp machine costs two to three thousand, and even if you can afford it, you can't afford it.

Because you bought a bp machine, you have to pay for the Internet fee and service fee.

In 90, the network access fee was almost 200, and the service fee was cheaper for pure digital machines, about 600 yuan per year, and [-] yuan for Chinese display.

Later, with the fierce market competition, the network access fee gradually dropped from the initial 100 yuan to the final free fee.

Such a sum of money is not a small burden for any ordinary family.If you don't have any economic foundation, you don't even think about buying this.

Don't talk about others, just say that Li Xiangdong is not equipped with a bp machine.

After picking out the phone and leather case, Xiaohua started to do business.

"Brother Shanhe, you just said that it will take half a year, right?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said with a smile: "It's Han Xian's, let's do it for half a year first!"

"it is good!"

Xiaohua started to do it very neatly.In three or four minutes, Xiaohua finished the business. After Zhao Shanhe said goodbye to her, he took Li Xiangdong out.

"Remember my pager number? Call me if you have anything to do." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Li Xiangdong showed an envious expression.

"What? Do you want it too? Tell me if you want it, and I'll give you one!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Forget it! If I dare to take it home, my dad will scold me to death."

Li Xiangdong shook his head and refused.

Good concentration!

This is also the reason why Zhao Shanhe valued Li Xiangdong. Even if he liked it in his heart, he could stick to the bottom line of principle and would not just ask for it casually.

"It looks like it's already off work, so don't go back, let's go, call Xiangdong, let's go outside for a drink. It's been a long time since we haven't been together, so we should get together and relax."

Zhao Shanhe started the motorcycle with a smile, and he also wanted to treat Li Xiangdong to thank him.

"Okay, I'm fine here." Li Xiangdong said.

"Let's go then!"

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