Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 826 This road has long been broken

"Use this 3000 million to make Zhao Shanhe rotten!"

Chen Jinjun's expression was grim.

"What you said seems to be feasible, but if I remember correctly, it seems that someone used this matter to make a fuss before, but in the end not only did not discredit Zhao Shanhe, but was used by him to make a big publicity, so I think this Let's do it, it may not be possible." After the initial excitement, Du Heng stroked his chin and said calmly.

"It used to be before, and now is now. In the past, it was only a few hundred thousand. He might not be able to see it, but now it is 3000 million! The difference is more than a few times. I dare say that anyone can do it." I won’t say it’s worth it.”

"Will you be willing?"

Chen Jinjun looked over.

Du Heng shook his head.

"Do you know?"

He Xingbang also shook his head.

"I do not know either!"

Chen Jinjun said with a sneer: "No, it's human nature. He, Zhao Shanhe, is also a man of flesh and blood. How could he say that? So this time, let's make a fuss about it, and make sure we can discredit him. "

"Also, even if he is really upright and not afraid of the shadow, don't forget that in the process of implementing this matter, there will definitely be problems of one kind or another."

"We just need to find these problems and enlarge them as much as possible to ensure that we can kill Zhao Shanhe. In this way, we can vent our hatred!"

"I have no objection! Then I will leave this matter to you." After Du Heng glanced at He Xingbang, he said to Chen Jinjun, "I believe you can do well, don't pretend to be smart like someone!"


"Okay, I'll do it!"

After Chen Jinjun glanced at He Xingbang who was about to explode, he quickly agreed.


Zhao Xiaobai Winery.

Today's winery is lively. Cars full of sorghum drove in mightily. When the sacks were unloaded one by one and stacked neatly in the warehouse, all the workers who saw them couldn't help themselves. applauded.

They had the happiest smiles on their faces.

"Let me just say, can our winery go bankrupt? Don't be ridiculous!"

"See? We have sorghum and orders."

"You said those who placed the order, will they cry when they see this?"

"Whether they will cry or not, I don't know, but the people in the Mid-Autumn Festival grain industry should cry, right?"


In this lively atmosphere, Chen Duo appeared. He scanned the audience, walked up to the roof of the car with a loudspeaker in hand, looked at the excited faces in front of him, and said loudly: "Comrades, I believe you We all know what happened to our winery during this period. I can tell you responsibly that someone is messing with us!"

"They have monopolized the sorghum! The purpose is to choke our necks, so that our winery has no raw materials to make wine! At the same time, they are desperately placing orders and chasing orders, in order to consume our sorghum as soon as possible, so that we cannot produce. In order to pay sky-high liquidated damages. They want to bankrupt our winery! They want to make everyone present displaced!"

"Do you think we can agree?"


Everyone shouted in unison.

"Yeah, we absolutely can't agree!"

Chen Duo waved his hand.

"That's why our Factory Manager Zhao spent so much time and energy thinking about the sorghum issue. He didn't hesitate to beg his grandpa to tell his grandma, and even alarmed the elders in the family. He finally solved this problem. Do you think we should thank Factory Director Zhao? "

"Director Zhao has been wronged!"

"Director Zhao is mighty!"

"Director Zhao is our best factory manager!"

Every worker shouted from the bottom of his heart.

Standing in the crowd, Li Jianguo's eyes were already moist.

"Director Zhao asked me to tell everyone, don't have any psychological burden, don't believe anyone's sweet words, don't be fooled by them, all you have to do is to produce step by step, with him, the sky of our winery will not fall!"

Chen Duo was emotional.

"Thank you, Director Zhao!"

The sentiment is exciting.

Now those who did not leave with Lin Daoqiang are really thankful in their hearts. They are glad that they stood firm at that time. Otherwise, seeing this scene now, they would regret it so much that their intestines were green.

"Go to work!"


Following Chen Duo's order, everyone receded like a tide.

"Old Li, you have nothing to say about your son-in-law. How did you pick up such a good son-in-law as Director Zhao?"

"That's right, tell us too."

"It's time for us to find a partner for our daughter. You can teach us some experience."

Several winemakers surrounded Li Jianguo, and they looked over expectantly.

Li Jianguo, who was surrounded like this, felt elated.

"Let me tell you, I didn't find my son-in-law, but my daughter. My daughter and our director Zhao are classmates. They..."

A group of people walked towards the workshop talking and laughing.

The news about Zhao Xiaobai's winery spread quickly, and those who wanted to see Zhao Shanhe's jokes all shut up now.

They never dreamed that the winery, which was already on the verge of bankruptcy, not only did not go bankrupt, but changed suddenly and became more aggressive than before.

What is going on with this Zhao Shanhe?

Can he really turn decay into magic?

County government.

After listening to Gu Changbei's report, Du Jingming put down the pen in his hand with a smile, stretched his waist and said, "Some people may not be able to sit still now, they should be in a hurry."

"Leader, do you think Zhao Shanhe will accept him as soon as he sees it?" Gu Changbei asked.

"Take it when you see it?"

Du Jingming narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe is a person who refuses to take revenge?"

"He's not."

"Others have made such a big battle just to see his jokes and want to destroy his winery. How could he let it go. Just wait and see, he must be holding back some big moves. "

"Then if he does this, will it affect our county's economy?" Gu Changbei asked with some concern.

"Will not!"

Du Jingming said confidently: "Zhao Shanhe has never been a master who hurts the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred. If he was like this, he would not have laid out the plan for so many days without saying a word, just to get that shit out of him." The alliance is trapped. He must have had an idea a long time ago, let's not be impatient, just wait and see."



Mid-autumn grain industry.


Ma Siqun grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground. In the splash of countless debris, he was like a ferocious beast, shouting angrily.

"Damn He Xingbang, you actually played this trick with me, did you do that?"

Standing in front of him were several senior executives of the company. They all lowered their heads and did not speak. Only they knew what they were thinking.

They also knew why Ma Siqun was furious?

Because just now when Yang Shangfa came over to ask when the sorghum would be distributed, Ma Siqun contacted He Xingbang in front of them, who would have thought that He Xingbang would start pushing back and forth, looking for reasons to prevaricate.

After talking a lot of useless nonsense back and forth, He Xingbang finally directly said that the current capital chain is tight, so Xianhua feed doesn't want this batch of sorghum for the time being.

This made Ma Siqun crazy.

what is this?

How can you go back on what you clearly said was good?We signed the contract at the beginning, you can't say that you are cheating like this, can you?

If you don't want this batch of sorghum, what shall we do?We are in the business of grain trading, and the purpose is to sell grain. If we can’t sell it and turn over, our Mid-Autumn Festival grain business will collapse.

"We have a contract with Xianhua Feed, and we are not afraid of their repentance!" After thinking for a while, Ma Siqun thumped the table and said harshly.

"So what if there is a contract?"

After Yang Shangfa heard this, he frowned and said: "There is a time limit in the contract, and that time is for purchasing sorghum within one year. As long as Xianhua feed purchases our sorghum within one year, they will It’s not a breach of contract.”

"It's only been a few days, and you force people to buy it, and they can explain it with any reason."

"Then what should we do?" Ma Siqun was dumbfounded.

"Why don't we sell the sorghum to Zhao Shanhe!" Someone suddenly suggested.

Immediately a voice echoed: "Yes, we cannot hoard so much sorghum!"

"Sell it to Zhao Shanhe?"

Yang Shangfa glanced at the silent Ma Siqun with a livid face, and said to several executives, "Don't tell me, you haven't received that news yet."

"Which message?"

"Just an hour ago, a large amount of sorghum was sent to Zhao Xiaobai Distillery. To put it simply, sorghum is the most important thing they need now." Yang Shangfa said slowly.


"How could this be?"

"Then what should we do? If we hoard so much sorghum and can't sell it, we will be dragged down! You must know that our funds have already been used to buy sorghum, He Xingbang can't stop it! Isn't he just pretending to cheat us?" ?”

Several executives panicked for a moment.

"Old Yang, you have a good relationship with Chen Duo, can you..."


Before Ma Siqun finished speaking, he was interrupted bluntly by Yang Shangfa. He looked over calmly and said in a sonorous and forceful tone: "President Ma, what did I say before doing this? Did I tell you?" Don't do this, because Zhao Shanhe is a person who doesn't like to be manipulated, and he will show no mercy to those who betray him."

"But at that time, you were so stubborn that you insisted on cooperating with He Xingbang."

"Facts have proved that people like He Xingbang are unreliable at all. Since we are from Handong City, we should maintain a united front with our entrepreneurs in Handong City."

Hearing Yang Shangfa's words, Ma Siqun's face became more and more ugly, and his eyes also showed a kind of anger when he looked over.

I asked you to find a way, not to criticize me.

What qualifications do you have to tell me what to do!

But Yang Shangfa didn't seem to notice Ma Siqun's expression, and continued on his own: "Now that we've lost, He Xingbang tricked us, and you want to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, is it possible?"

"If you forget, I can remind you now that when we tore up the contract with Zhao Xiaobai Winery, Zhao Shanhe said that from now on, we will never have any cooperation with Mid-Autumn Grain Industry, absolutely no more Buy a grain of sorghum from Mid-Autumn Grain!"

"So the road to Zhao Shanhe has long been broken, and it won't work."

These words are resolute.

These words are sonorous and powerful.

These words ruthlessly tore away the little fig leaf left by Ma Siqun on the spot.

Then after a short silence, Ma Siqun got angry!

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