Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 81 Do You Understand Copywriting Sales?

"I know a few people from the TV station in the city, but it's probably useless."

Zhao Shanhe could tell at a glance that Wu Hengdu was not impressed by his suggestion, so he changed the subject and asked, "Director Wu, do you know the copywriting?"

"What's the copywriting?" Wu Hengdu blinked, his face full of confusion.

"Copywriting is a kind of sales strategy, and it's a new type of advertisement. I think the advertisement I mentioned just now, you probably think it's the kind shown on TV, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked unhurriedly.

Wu Hengdu scratched his head, and said in a puzzled way: "Is there anything new about this advertisement, isn't it the ones shown on TV?"

"Director Zhao, let me tell you the truth. We have done advertisements before, and we did it on the provincial TV station, but so what? It's useless! It cost more than [-] yuan, and it has no effect at all."

"So the advertising sales you mentioned, I guess it's useless!" Wu Hengdu shook his head and said.

"Of course there is a drama, and it can sing a big drama!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly and confidently.

You must know that the types of liquor in later generations can be described as varied. It is difficult enough to gain a foothold in this situation, let alone be able to break out of the encirclement.

But there is a liquor company that has managed to do it. Not only has it achieved a foothold, but it has also achieved sales of hundreds of millions from scratch.

This liquor is the famous Xiaobai.

And a certain Xiaobai got his start by relying on copywriting.

It is said that Xiaobai's company has no more than a hundred employees, and what he is best at is copywriting. Someone once joked that Xiaobai is not a baijiu maker, but an advertising company.

It can be seen from this that copywriting sales are powerful.

But now Wu Hengdu doesn't believe this, which makes Zhao Shanhe a little speechless.

You don't want to use the idea I gave you. If you don't use it, the Gushun winery will only decline more and more.

If things go on like this, it is estimated that within two to three years, Gushun Winery will be completely eliminated by the market.

Yes, in my impression, it seems that Gushun Distillery did go bankrupt in 1992.

"Director Zhao, are you serious?" Wu Hengdu asked, frowning.

"Director Wu, I'm very serious, and I hope you can pay more attention to copywriting sales. You may not understand this, so let me give you a simple explanation."

"Actually, this refers to the slogan printed on the wine bottle. It is the kind of slogan that can touch people's hearts at a glance after seeing it. For example, life is very simple, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty."

Zhao Shanhe said concisely.

Wu Hengdu didn't take it seriously at first, but his expression changed after listening to it. After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he was already quite interested in this.

"Director Zhao, the copywriting sales you mentioned may really solve our winery's plight."

"Okay, then I will work in this direction. If it is possible, I will get another advertising fee from the county if I face my old face!"

Wu Hengdu said after pondering for a while.

Ask for advertising fees from the county?

Well, you are state-owned enterprises, you have the final say.

For Zhao Shanhe, he couldn't even think about such a thing. It was enough for the county not to ask him for money, but he still wanted to get wool from the county. Do you think anyone can do it?

"Then I would like to wish Factory Director Wu a victory." Zhao Shanhe said with a slight smile.

"Director Zhao, if you say that Gushun Distillery is able to tide over the difficulties this time, you will take the greatest credit! In fact, if you want me to say, don't work in the popsicle factory, come to me, and I will give you a deputy factory manager to do it. Do."

"Anyway, we are all state-owned enterprises here, isn't it much stronger than your private company? Why don't you think about it?"

Deputy director?

Hearing Wu Hengdu's words suddenly, Zhao Shanhe looked indifferent, but Li Jianguo was already very surprised.

Deputy director?Not everyone is qualified to take this position, but now Wu Hengdu opened his mouth and gave it to Zhao Shanhe.

Could it be that the copywriting sales that my son-in-law just mentioned are so powerful?

If Zhao Shanhe really becomes the deputy factory director, wouldn't I become the deputy factory director's father-in-law?

After that, in the factory, who else would dare to bully me?Anyone who sees me has to offer a cigarette with a smile, right?

"Deputy director?"

Zhao Shanhe is really not interested in this, and has no interest at all.

In this turbulent era, the so-called state-owned enterprises may be a golden job for others, but they are not attractive to him at all.

What's more, are state-owned enterprises really golden rice bowls?If I remember correctly, in the past two years, with the exposure of various problems in state-owned enterprises, many people who hold golden jobs will become laid-off workers.

So it's better to rely on your own foresight to build a giant company step by step.

"Director Wu, thank you for your kindness, I'll be the director of my beverage factory!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.


Wu Hengdu didn't say anything about it. After the two chatted for a few more words, Zhao Shanhe got up to leave. Wu Hengdu personally sent him to the stairs and watched him leave.

On the way back to Xikou Village.

"Shanhe, is the copywriting you mentioned reliable in sales?" Li Jianguo couldn't help asking.

"Of course, as long as you do it with your heart, it will definitely attract the attention of consumers." Zhao Shanhe said directly.

"It's better to be reliable, otherwise the workers in our winery will lose their jobs." Li Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Shanhe smiled noncommittally.

My suggestion is absolutely reliable, and the concept of copywriting sales will never be outdated, but whether Wu Hengdu can achieve success is another matter.

After all, if state-owned enterprises want to achieve something, some procedures alone are cumbersome enough.

What's more, as far as Gushun's current situation is concerned, it is still a winery that needs the county's appropriation and relief to be able to barely operate.

After returning to Xikou Village, Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya home. Before leaving, he said to Li Qiucheng: "Listen to me, report to the beverage factory tomorrow."

"Also, remember what I told you. You will be working after you go there. Your relationship with me must be kept secret, and don't mention it to anyone. If I find out, you use our relationship to talk about things, and be careful of me." Clean you up."

"Got it." Li Qiucheng said weakly with his head down.

"Mom and Dad, let's go!"

Zhao Shanhe bid farewell to Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo after Li Qiuya sat down firmly.

"Well, slow down on the road!"

After the two left, the couple returned home and looked at Li Qiucheng who was sitting in front of the TV after entering the house. Li Jianguo said seriously:

"Xiao Cheng, don't have any opinion on your brother-in-law. He will do this for your own good."

"When you arrive at the beverage factory, you must behave well and show yourself as soon as possible, you know?"

"Oh, I see." Li Qiucheng said without raising his head.


Li Jianguo thought of Zhao Shanhe's transformation, and then looked at Li Qiucheng's current appearance, and couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment.

Originally, it was all mud that couldn't support the wall, why did Zhao Shanhe become so capable as if he had been reborn?

I hope that my son who does not live up to expectations can also change his mind and be a good person!

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