In the end, Liu Jiang had no choice but to leave for Handong City.

Although he is very clear in his heart that whether he goes or not is the same result, but after all, the words are spoken by himself, so he has to take on this mission.

And the result is naturally predictable.

Zhao Shanhe didn't come forward to meet him at all, and Guo Kaiduan was the one who connected with him from the beginning to the end.Guo Kaiduan's statement is also very simple. We have already acquired the Changzheng Machinery Factory, and we will not say that we want to acquire another company in a short time. Please go back.

After Yu Zhonglou heard the news, his stomach turned green with regret.

But that's the reality.

He can only face it.

After Zhao Shanhe acquired the machinery factory, he restored the signboard of the Changzheng Machinery Factory and named it Changzheng Manufacturing. Like Jiuquan Manufacturing, it became a branch of Hetu Manufacturing.

This is just the beginning.

This was followed by drastic reforms. All workers will be recruited through a competition system. Those who are capable will stay and those who are lazy will be fired. You say you want to make trouble?Sorry, no matter who is causing trouble, Zhao Shanhe's attitude is very firm, that is, he will not accept it.

In such reforms, Long March Manufacturing has taken on a completely new look.

A week later, Gao Shaoyuan brought the laboratory personnel in to carry out technical transformation and upgrade of the production line bought by Hongxing Machinery Factory.As for the engine parts piled up in the warehouse, those that can be used are rebuilt on the spot, and those that cannot be used are returned to the furnace.

In just half a month, Long March Manufacturing achieved a magnificent transformation in the hands of Zhao Shanhe.

All three workshops are operating at full capacity.

All workers go to work step by step.

Everyone has a happy smile on their face.

The name of Zhao Shanhe also became famous in Linxian County, where the Long March was manufactured.

This evening.

Li Xiangyang and Gao Shaoyuan accompanied Zhao Shanhe to eat at a restaurant in Linxian County. As soon as they started eating, Zhao Shanhe said, "Talk about it, who should be responsible for the production of the Long March?"

"If the Long March made it..."

Li Xiangyang put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth and said: "I think the most suitable candidate is Jiang Haichao. After all, he went out from here at the beginning, and it is best for him to take over. But the problem is, he now He is the factory manager of Jiuquan Manufacturing, and he has done a good job there, so there is no reason for him to be transferred here."

"Jiang Haichao is the most suitable, but also the most inappropriate."

Almost at the same time as Li Xiangyang's words fell to the ground, Gao Shaoyuan suddenly smiled inscrutablely.

"Old Gao, what do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback, looked up at Gao Shaoyuan in surprise, put another piece of braised eggplant into his mouth and asked with a smile.

"Factory manager, I have no other intentions. I'm just talking about the facts. Listen to what you say. If it's not right, you just go in one ear and out the other," Gao Shaoyuan said.

Zhao Shanhe put down his chopsticks and nodded: "Say it."

"Jiang Haichao is the most suitable for the same reason as Deputy Factory Manager Li said, but I think he is also the most inappropriate for the same reason. I think so. After all, he came from here and is here. The right to speak and prestige are very high.”

"A high prestige is prone to accidents."

"It doesn't matter whether the tail is too big or the soldiers are self-respecting. This is what I can think of. What's more, he is an old man here after all. He really encountered some difficult things, such as who violated the law. After breaking the factory rules and regulations, and finding him, what do you think he should do? Is it to deal with it impartially, or to engage in malpractice for personal gain? These are issues you should consider.”

Gao Shaoyuan spoke frankly.

He is a researcher and doesn't like to ponder people's hearts, but not liking it doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.He also believes that what he can think of, Zhao Shanhe must also think of.

It's just that he can speak, but Zhao Shanhe cannot.


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth slanted, and he didn't refute Gao Shaoyuan's words at all.

"Forget about Jiang Haichao, he should continue to be the director of Jiuquan Manufacturing. As for Long March Manufacturing, I have a candidate. I wonder if you have heard of him?"


"Jiang Wanli."

Zhao Shanhe slowly said a name.

"Jiang Wanli?"

Gao Shaoyuan's eyes lit up.

"I agree!"

"I have no problem with Jiang Wanli's words."

After thinking for a while, Li Xiangyang smiled and said, "I've also heard about Jiang Wanli. Although I haven't met him yet, the reviews I've heard are all good."

"Yes, strictly speaking, Jiang Wanli is a technology enthusiast. When I installed the production line and improved the equipment, he contributed and made suggestions. I thought he was a good person at that time. If you let him If you come to take over the manufacturing of Long March, I dare not say anything else, but it must be impeccable in terms of technology." Gao Shaoyuan said.

"It's rare, Lao Gao, that you praise someone like this." Zhao Shanhe smiled in surprise.

"I recommend him because I think he is really good. Besides, don't you think he is also good?" Gao Shaoyuan picked up a piece of bacon and ate it.

"Yes, I recommended him. In fact, this person was recommended by Jiang Haichao. I also focused on observing him and thought he was very good, so I discussed it with you. Since you have no objections, then this matter will be settled like this Yes. I will have a talk with him tomorrow, and then let him take over." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

"One more thing."

Zhao Shanhe raised his wine glass, drank with the two of them and said slowly: "The focus of Hetu's manufacturing is the Whale Water Pump and the derived mining pumps, while Jiuquan's manufacturing is non-ferrous metal solder and valve locks, and Long March's manufacturing is also the same. You have to have your own flagship product.”

"This flagship product is the engine parts developed on the Comet production line."

"At present, there are mainly seven types, but this is not our limit. Lao Gao, you should continue to pay close attention to research and development, and strive to complete the parts. In this way, we can assemble the engine ourselves. By then, That’s what makes it truly invincible.”


Gao Shaoyuan's eyes were burning.

The meal was enjoyable.

Just when Zhao Shanhe and the others were about to finish eating, there was a sudden commotion from the table next to them.When he first heard it, Zhao Shanhe didn't pay attention, but his brows furrowed when he heard it.

"Have you watched "Li Wei as an Official"?"

"Of course I watched it. The filming of this TV series is very interesting. I am very happy to see that Li Wei."

"You like Li Wei? It's really tasteless. If you want to like it, you should also like Chen Xiao! You can see how well Chen Xiao acts, that's my idol."

"Your idol? Stop messing around, do you know that something happened to your idol?"

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it? Haven't you heard? Let me tell you that Chen Xiao seems to have gotten into a lawsuit. It is said that the TV series she filmed offended a big shot, and that big shot would never let her go."


When such discussions sounded, Li Xiangyang and Gao Shaoyuan looked at each other.

"Director, maybe they are talking nonsense, I haven't heard about it." Li Xiangyang said in a low voice.

"Who is Chen Xiao's manager?"

Zhao Shanhe's face was livid.

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