Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 796 It's a big deal and makes people laugh Chapter [-]

You are all complaining, complaining, and talking about your grievances here, but have you ever thought about it?Who should really be angry?it's me!I am the biggest victim right now.

All the inheritance you have is mine.

I have a lot to lose now.

Saburo Miyai scanned the audience fiercely, and said indifferently: "You were suddenly attacked almost at the same time. I don't think this is a simple matter. Someone should be planning to attack. Tell me, what do you think it is?" Who? Not everyone in the Eastern Province can do this? It doesn't mean that everyone wants to be an enemy of my Sakura Club."

"Who is this person?"

"I think it's Zhao Shanhe."

After a brief silence, Huang Weile was the first to express his thoughts.


Miyai Saburo directly waved his hand and categorically denied this speculation: "Zhao Shanhe has the possibility and the ability to do this, but don't forget that he has died outside Zhili City, a dead person has no chance to do this of."

"But if it wasn't for him, I really can't think of anyone else who can do this." Huang Weile said with a frown.

"Think again."

Miyai Saburo's cold eyes flicked across everyone's faces, and he said in a cold tone: "I will give you one day to investigate who is doing it to you. Listen, you only have one day to investigate. As long as It's easy to find out who it is. Otherwise, when this turmoil really has a certain impact, even I can't do anything."



April [-]th.

Nanjue County Qingniao Glass Factory meeting room.

Liu Wei'an looked helplessly at the few people sitting in front of him, and when he looked at Zhou Yongjian and Zhou Angong, his eyes were mocking.But when he looked at Zhao Xiuwu and Wang Guizhi, there was a strong helplessness in the corner of his mouth.

The idea in his heart is very simple.

Zhou Yongjian and his son came over, it was pure greed at work.

But what about you old couple?

What are you doing messing around behind them?

Don't say that Zhao Shanhe is safe and sound now, even if he really has something wrong, do you think it's appropriate for you to come?Zhao Shanhe still has his parents, his wife, and Li Qiuya. No matter how you say it, it's not your turn, right?

What's more, do you have any contribution to Qingniao Glass Factory?


Just when Liu Wei'an was thinking this way, Zhou Yongjian had already started to speak. He looked over with impatience, and said in a strong tone: "I said Director Liu, what exactly are you thinking? I just said Didn't you understand what you said? If you didn't understand, I'll tell you again. "

"This glass factory belongs to Zhao Shanhe. Since Zhao Shanhe is dead now, we should take it back."

"Who is sitting in front of you? They are Zhao Shanhe's grandparents. They have absolute power to do this. So I hope you will hand over the factory's account books now and let us take over the Jade Bird Glass Factory immediately."

Pay the account!Take over Bluebird!

After Zhou Yongjian's words came out, all the high-level personnel present, including Liu Wei'an, looked over as if they were looking at a fool, with mocking and contemptuous eyes.

How stupid to say such a thing!

"Zhou Yongjian, do you know what you're talking about?" Liu Wei'an looked over indifferently.

"of course I know."

Zhou Yongjian said arrogantly: "Am I right? Isn't this Qingniao Glass Factory owned by Zhao Shanhe? It's easy to say if Zhao Shanhe is alive, but since he is dead now, we can't let his property be lost to you for nothing. Occupied. Let me tell you, Liu Wei'an, don't think I don't know what you're up to, don't try to take advantage of our family, we can make decisions about our family's affairs."

Seeing that Zhao Xiuwu and his wife were silent, Zhou Yongjian shouted anxiously: "Mom and Dad, please say something!"


All eyes are on it.

Zhao Xiuwu coughed, looked at Liu Weian and said slowly: "I think Yongjian is right, is this director Liu? You see, you were promoted by our family, so you have to work for our family. Our family Shanhe got into a car accident and died, so you can't say that you don't recognize people from our old Zhao family, can you?"

"This glass factory belongs to our family, and I have the right to take it back. Don't want to give it to me."

"Also, I can tell you that not only this glass factory, but also other factories, as long as it is our country, one counts as one, and no one else can take it away, we will take it back."

Having said that, Zhao Xiuwu glanced at Zhou Yongjian.

"Yongjian, after the glass factory is taken back, you will be in charge."


Zhou Yongjian hurriedly responded, then looked at Liu Wei'an confidently, and said arrogantly: "Liu Wei'an, let's go through the procedure now!"


Just when Liu Wei'an was about to continue to refute speechlessly, several people appeared at the door of the conference room, and the leader was Zhao Shanhe's father Zhao Yonghao.

Liu Wei'an and other high-level executives hurriedly stood up to meet them, and greeted them with smiles on their faces.

"Director Liu, I'm here to pick you up."

After Zhao Yonghao nodded, he walked over, stood in front of Zhao Xiuwu, bent down and said, "Dad, let's go back, don't make trouble here, it will make people laugh."

"Look at the joke? Who dares to read my joke!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiuwu's face darkened, looked at Zhao Yonghao, and said bitterly, "I mean boss, what are you thinking? How can you say such a thing?"

"You dare not come here to ask for the factory. I will come forward to help you. Why do you stand up and stop it? Let me tell you, this glass factory belongs to our family, and we must come back."

"Dad, let's go back and talk if we have anything to say." Zhao Yonghao said, hurriedly waved one hand at Zhao Xiuwu, and stretched out the other to pull him away.

"go back?"

Zhao Xiuwu was furious, swung his hand on crutches vigorously, blocked Zhao Yonghao's outstretched hand, hit the ground hard with his crutches, and said with a serious face: "What's the answer? I'm going to say here, if today I'm not going anywhere until I get the glass factory back."


Seeing the old man's unrelenting attitude, Zhao Yonghao immediately became anxious.

"Yonghao, this is your fault. I said why did you turn your elbows outward? Who are we doing this for? Isn't it for you? We know that something happened to Shanhe now, and you feel uncomfortable. But you No matter how uncomfortable it is, it can't be said that Shanhe's property is taken over by outsiders like this, right?" Zhou Yongjian looked at it and said.

"shut up!"

Zhou Yongjian was fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, Zhao Yonghao became angry.

He looked over sullenly, pointed at Zhou Yongjian's nose and said, "Zhou Yongjian, this is our family's business, when will it be your turn to take care of it as an outsider!"

"Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. You just say you're acting like this, and you bring your parents out. Don't you know that they are old and can't stand the trouble?"

"Also, who told you that something happened to Shanhe?"

Is everything all right?

The moment Zhou Yongjian heard this, he hurriedly took a sneak peek, and saw Zhao Yonghao's face was so calm, he was a little nervous. Could there be something inside this matter?Is it an oolong event?

Just when he was hesitating, Liu Wei'an's big brother suddenly rang.

Everyone looked over.

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