Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 794: The Remaining Brave Should Pursue the Poor Bandits

"Mountains and rivers."

After Li Qiuya came in, she glanced at Zhao Shanhe, then asked with a smile, "Is it over with you?"

"We're done. If you have something to say, just say it, and I'll go first. But Director Zhao, I still stick to my opinion just now. You can't do anything to Miyai Saburo casually, because it's not worth it." Gu Yangchuan stood He stood up and said in a deep voice.

"As I said just now, I know whether it's worth it or not."

Zhao Shanhe also stood up, smiled lightly, and asked Li Qiuya, "Is there any news from Xiangyang?"

"Yes." Li Qiuya glanced at Gu Yangchuan, then nodded hesitantly.

"Then say it."

Zhao Shanhe shrugged indifferently at Gu Yangchuan: "Anyway, Captain Gu is not an outsider, so it's okay to listen to it. Besides, I think this matter is related to this case, and Captain Gu should listen to it, and maybe he will be treated. The interrogation helps solve the case."

"What?" Gu Yangchuan was taken aback for a moment.

"Okay, then I'll say it."

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to be ironic, Li Qiuya said understandingly: "I just received a call from Deputy Factory Manager Li, who said that all the companies secretly controlled by the Cherry Blossom Club in Eastern Province have suffered heavy losses to some extent."

Just one sentence made Gu Yangchuan's face change in shock.

What do you mean?

The amount of information revealed in these words is astonishing.

Does this mean that all the enterprises secretly controlled by the Cherry Blossom Club in Eastern Province have been severely damaged?As for the serious injury that Li Qiuya could say, one can imagine how severe the injury would be.

Maybe some companies have lost control!

The most important thing is that this incident should have happened only two days ago. After all, it has only been five days since Zhao Shanhe was attacked.All the holding companies of the Sakura Club can be severely damaged in five days, so how powerful is Zhao Shanhe now?

Is he really just the factory director of a county-level private enterprise?

When Gu Yangchuan looked at Zhao Shanhe again, his eyes had become extremely serious.

"Captain Gu, you heard it too. I didn't do the same thing to Miyai Saburo and did something shameful. This is a legitimate and legal business competition relationship."

"And about this matter, I can assure you that I did not take action. After all, for the past five days, I have been in our province's one-person hospital to recuperate, and you can testify to me."

Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Director Zhao, this is a commercial transaction between you and Saburo Miyai. It has nothing to do with my duties. I will not forcefully interfere. What I want to say is that you should always remind yourself to stay calm and restrained, and not to do anything. Illegal and criminal matters are fine. As for me, I will leave for the Eastern Province tomorrow and personally capture Lin Chaotai." Gu Yangchuan took a deep breath and said.

"Then I wish Captain Gu every success!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile and stretched out his right hand.

"I will, and I will give you an explanation."

After Gu Yangchuan finished speaking, he briefly shook hands with Zhao Shanhe, turned around and walked out of the ward.

After he left, Li Qiuya asked a little puzzled: "Why did you say these things in front of him? Are you not afraid of what he will think?"

"Think too much? What can he think too much? Let's talk about these things. You can't hide it. Since you can't hide it, you might as well make a bigger picture and tell him directly. Let him know that it may be used against Lin Chaotai. Interrogation." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"By the way, we're doing something here, what about Captain Gu? Are you really going to wait for him to investigate the results?" Li Qiuya asked.


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips slanted, and he said calmly: "We are entrepreneurs operating legally, and we must abide by the law when we do things. Even if we know that Miyai Saburo did this matter, we have to wait for Captain Gu's side." After the results of the investigation, let the law judge him. If we say that we also openly trample on the law like him, then we are no different from him."

"you're right."

Li Qiuya nodded.

"However, if we do this, I believe it will make him more sad than killing Miyai Saburo. I didn't tell you in detail just now, but I will tell you now. The food company controlled by Miyai Saburo has completely fallen. Not to mention that their snacks have quality problems, and they have sold expired food many times. Now that they have been exposed, it is difficult to continue their business."

"Then there is the chemical plant controlled by Sakura Club, which was exposed to environmental pollution. It has been ordered to suspend business for rectification. The most important thing is that the pollution of this chemical plant actually caused the pollution of several surrounding villages. There have been cancer incidents, and now the chemical plant is hard to protect itself, and it will be a matter of time before it closes down."

"There is also Jinyang Machinery Factory in Xianhua City. Wasn't it because of the cooperation with Jiandu Mining two days ago that it was exposed that the mine pumps were unqualified? Now there are dealers..."

Following Li Qiuya's narration, the smile on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth became stronger and stronger.

He knew that Saburo Miyai had made enemies on all sides this time, and he was besieged on all sides. It might be impossible to turn around!

Didn't you, Miyai Saburo, rely on the support of the Sakura Club behind you, so you ran rampant in the Eastern Province without any hindrance?Now I want to see if you can still be as arrogant and domineering as before.A businessman like you who has no principles and only knows how to make money from China should have been kicked out a long time ago.

This can be regarded as revenge.

"Tell Xiangyang, let him continue to execute the ghost exorcism plan, and have the momentum of 'it's better to chase the poor with courage'. Don't be afraid to spend money this time. No matter how much money you spend, you will get money from the companies controlled by Sakura Club in the end." Come back." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said boldly.


After Li Qiuya finished speaking, her expression suddenly became a little gloomy.

After seeing her like this, Zhao Shanhe stepped forward and lifted the hair around her ears, held her face in his hands, stared into her eyes and asked curiously: "What? Is there anything else? Are you in Worried about the fools in our factories?"

"Don't worry about the weeds. Xiangyang has already dealt with this matter and handled it very well. I didn't expect that there are such weeds in every factory."

"After they heard the news of your car accident, they thought you had really encountered an accident, and they all started to jump up and down restlessly, and some even directly shouted that they wanted to change jobs. You can say that they quit by themselves. You still have to form cliques to take people away."

Li Qiuya was annoyed when she thought of this.

"This should be Miyai Saburo's strategy. He deliberately spread rumors in order to fan the flames and encourage those who are not firm to leave. Think about it, if many people leave, can our factory continue to work? If the factory is said to be destroyed, what will happen to those orders? The liquidated damages alone will cost us everything."

Zhao Shanhe said softly: "So let's talk about this matter, we can allow spreading rumors, which will help us kick out a group of people who are not firm. After all, there are indeed a lot of workers in our factories. There was no reason before, but now No one can fault this reason.”

"But this matter, it can't be said to be indulged without restrictions."

Li Qiuya nodded thoughtfully: "I want to give a time limit."

"The time now is pretty good. Five days is enough to identify those people, and at the same time, it can inflict serious damage on Saburo Miyai."

"You're right, but that's not what I want to talk about." Li Qiuya sighed lightly.

"What's that?"


Li Qiuya hesitated to speak.

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