"Is it delicious?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"good to eat."

As Li Xiangyang said, he picked up another piece and threw it into his mouth.

After eating a few slices, he became more and more addicted. He picked up the box and looked at it carefully and said, "Is this supposed to be made of potatoes?"

"Yes, it's potato chips made of potatoes. As for the principle, it's not too complicated. After Mr. Xiao develops other flavors, this vitality potato chips can be brought to the market with Xiang Piaopiao milk tea. " Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"If it's this kind of potato chips, I have no problem." Li Xiangyang chewed crunchily, without stopping, and within a short while, half a box of potato chips had already been eaten.

This thing tastes better the more you chew.

"If you don't have any objections, this matter is settled like this. I called you here because I have other things to tell you." Zhao Shanhe held a pen and paper in his hand, and put it on his knee to draw casually.

"You said."

"First, I will go to Zhili Automobile tomorrow with the car that transports the Jade Bird glass. I want to show Chen Jingwei the valve lock plate we developed."

"Would you like me to go with you?"

Li Xiangyang sat upright.

"That's not necessary, you have other things to do."

After Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, he continued, "The second thing I want to talk about is the new advertisement of Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea. I will discuss this advertisement with Zhang Jing in advance, and you will follow up on it when the time comes."

"Okay." Li Xiangyang nodded.

"Third, please contact Du Ruoqing recently, and give me a list of the ten-dollar donations made by Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea."

"Fourth, it's Yuanqi Potato Chips."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the potato chips and said: "Our Shanqiu Foods now has two production bases, the headquarters and the Nanjue County branch, but the factory area is always limited. If we really want to launch Ma Yuanqi Potato Chips , the existing scale is definitely not enough, you pay attention in the next two days, and see how to solve this problem."

"Whether it is to expand on the existing basis, or to buy new land to build a factory building, or to buy a closed factory for renovation."

"You can see how to do it. I only look at the final result. Let's study this matter after I return from the Zhili bus."

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang nodded, his expression became serious.

He knows that these are all big things, and none of them can be ignored.

Facing these things, Li Xiangyang would not say he was bored, because he knew that this was Zhao Shanhe's trust in him.

After the three talked for a while, Li Xiangyang asked suddenly: "Director, do you think Zhili Automobile will buy our valve lock plate? If they say no, we have to find other ways to sell it."

"Will do!"

Zhao Shanhe said categorically: "I believe Chen Jingwei is a man of courage, and he won't say anything stupid."

"That's the best."

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe took Chen Ju and Cai Shishi and left Zhenghe County with the convoy. Of course, they would not say that they had been following the convoy, after all, the speed of the convoy was a bit slow.With Chen Ju not stopping all the way, they finally arrived at the Zhili Automobile Factory at five o'clock in the afternoon that day, and met Chen Jingwei who had been waiting for a long time.

After the two parties met, they didn't exchange much greetings, and Chen Jingwei couldn't wait to ask about the valve lock.

"This is it!"

Zhao Shanhe took out a package wrapped in newspaper and put it on the table. After opening it, there were samples of valve locks individually wrapped in kraft paper. He picked up one and handed it over, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you Available for inspection at any time, I guarantee that the quality of these valve cleats is impeccable."

"it is good."

Chen Jingwei took it, took a look at the kraft paper, and immediately asked someone to come in and take these valve locks out for inspection. Because it was prepared a long time ago, the inspection process will not be too long.While waiting, Chen Jingwei also talked about the Covenant Group.

When he knew that Tang Jiedun had appeared here and raised the price on the ground, Zhao Shanhe's eyes flashed coldly, and he said angrily: "This covenant group is really a greedy vampire, always thinking of lying on us to suck blood. I I thought that what Tang Jiedun did in Handong City was dirty enough, but I didn't expect him to be after you."

"What do you mean?" Chen Jingwei asked puzzled.

"Mr. Chen, if I had known that this matter had something to do with the Covenant Group, I would have come here long ago. Don't you know that it is Tang Jiedun of the Covenant Group, who actually set up our family in Handong City? The one called Hongxing Machinery Factory, the thing is like this..."

Zhao Shanhe briefly described it.

"Now the engines produced by Hongxing Machinery Factory can't be sold at all. They are piled up in the warehouse, and the factory is also being dragged down and facing bankruptcy. Do you think he has bad intentions?"

"What? There is such a thing? So this Tang Jie is really not a thing."

Chen Jingwei said angrily: "If I know that he has done this, I have to carefully consider the cooperation with him. But Director Zhao, your Hongxing Machinery Factory is reckless enough to do things like this. Do you just sign a contract without investigating? Don't you feel bad about throwing away so much money at once?"

"Besides, what did they sign up for? It's the engine!"

"Is it true that the engine is a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road? Can it be produced casually? If it is really that easy, how can we be restricted until now?"

"Yeah, what you said is very reasonable. That's what I told them at the time, but they didn't listen! As the saying goes, it's hard to persuade ghosts who want to die. They insist on going their own way to the end. What can I do? Method?"

Zhao Shanhe felt quite helpless when he thought of this.

"Let's not talk about them, let's talk about your side. It really surprised me that you were able to develop the valve lock plate. I kept thinking that you can only develop toughened glass. I didn't expect it, no I thought, you gave me such a big surprise so soon." Chen Jingwei waved his hand to change the subject.

"Actually, this is also a coincidence. Although this valve lock plate is said to be manufactured by us, but, well, this patent is purchased." Zhao Shanhe explained briefly with a smile.


Chen Jingwei was very surprised, and immediately cast an extremely envious look, and couldn't help sighing: "You can still encounter such a good thing? Do you know how many people want to be like you, and can buy this kind of patent. You Guarding the valve lock plate is equivalent to guarding a treasure mountain."

"Accident, really just an accident." Zhao Shanhe didn't continue to explain.

He would not tell Chen Jingwei how he obtained this patent right. For a talent like Li Shanfeng, the fewer people who know about it, the better, so as not to be missed by anyone.

"It doesn't matter if it's unexpected or not. What I want to say is that since you can develop the valve lock plate, have you thought about developing other parts? Are you interested in making a domestically-made engine that truly belongs to us? "

Chen Jingwei's words were astonishing.

Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback on the spot.

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