Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 764 Isn't that taking advantage of others?

"mountain peak!"


Naturally, it was Zhao Shanhe and Gao Shaoyuan who knocked on the door and came in. After Gao Shaoyuan and Li Shanfeng briefly shook hands, Gao Shaoyuan introduced Zhao Shanhe and Li Shanfeng. After a while of polite greetings, several people sat down separately.

"Shanfeng, we've already said what we need to say on the phone, so let's get straight to the point now."

"Our factory manager Zhao really wants to know why you insist on selling the patent right of the valve lock plate. You must know that this is a product that is in short supply. As long as you take it out, it will make many people jealous." Gao Shaoyuan cut straight to the point and asked on behalf of Zhao Shanhe Get rid of the doubts in my heart.

"I know too."

Li Shanfeng didn't mean to hide it, and said frankly: "I understand the importance of the valve lock plate better than anyone else, and I also know that this product will definitely attract competition from many manufacturers."

"According to common sense, I should indeed use this technology step by step to make profits."

"But I need money now! I want lots and lots of money."

When he said this, Li Shanfeng's eyebrows showed a kind of nervous anxiety.

"Shanfeng, are you in any trouble? You tell me, I will help if I can!" Gao Shaoyuan said quickly.


Li Shanfeng hesitated.

"Mr. Li, I can see that you are very anxious and painful. If you believe me, you might as well tell us."

"I don't dare to say anything else. In the business circle of Eastern Province, I still have some contacts. I will definitely help you if I can help you. I don't think you want to spend so much time on your own affairs, do you?" Zhao Shanhe said gently said.

"You are right, there are many people and many paths."

Li Shanfeng gritted his teeth, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said sincerely: "Director Zhao, the thing is like this, the valve lock plate was developed by me, you don't have to doubt it, I have a whole set of evidence."

"However, it is precisely because of my research on this product that I neglected to care for my family, so that my lover didn't even know that he was suffering from an incurable disease. What I do now is to take money to see a doctor for her .”

"So I can't spend it like this, and I can't afford it. I must get enough money as soon as possible. Only in this way can she recover. I mean, do you understand?"

It turned out to be the case.

Just say it!

If it weren't for the unspeakable concealment, how could Li Shanfeng say this?It is the saddest thing for any R&D personnel to directly sell the patented product that has cost a lot of effort.

"What? You said Lu Manqing was ill? What kind of illness? Is it serious?" Gao Shaoyuan asked eagerly.


Li Shanfeng grabbed his hair with both hands, and said with a painful expression: "I have been diagnosed at the hospital, it is stomach cancer!"

"Stomach cancer? Early stage or late stage?" Gao Shaoyuan was nervous.

"Early stage."

"It's okay to say what you said in the early stage, which means that there is still a possibility of healing. Shanfeng, Shanfeng, you said that such a big thing happened, how can you carry it to the present by yourself? Anyway, you and Lu Manqing are classmates and friends, right? ? You actually kept it from me, which really disappoints me!" Gao Shaoyuan said extremely sadly.

"Old Gao!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, interrupted Gao Shaoyuan who was emotional, and said to Li Shanfeng: "Mr. Li, as far as I know, the current treatment of such a disease in China does not seem to be effective. Are you planning to go abroad for treatment?" ?”

"Yes, I'm thinking of going abroad for treatment, and I'm looking for a way out recently." Li Shanfeng said.

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Let me ask for you to see if I can contact a hospital or doctor in the United States. If there is a suitable one, don't delay on your side and go abroad as soon as possible. Treatment. A disease like this should be treated as soon as possible, what do you say?"

"What? Director Zhao, is what you said true? Do you have connections in the country of America?" Li Shanfeng raised his head and asked excitedly.

"I dare not say about the relationship, but I can try."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he walked to the window, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, which was for Cai Shishi.As his secretary, Cai Shishi is equipped with a mobile phone, otherwise, what if you can't find someone in an emergency like today?

"Director, Happy New Year!"

Cai Shishi quickly connected the phone.

Zhao Shanhe also said happy new year and asked directly: "Do you know any hospitals and doctors in the United States? I have a friend who suffers from stomach cancer and wants to go there to see a doctor."

"Stomach cancer?"

Cai Shishi's expression suddenly became tense.


"The wife of Li Shanfeng, Lu Manqing, who I told you about before."

"Li Shanfeng!"

Cai Shishi soon realized that as Zhao Shanhe's secretary, she was of course qualified to know about the valve lock plate. After hearing that this matter was related to Li Shanfeng's wife, Cai Shishi knew that Zhao Shanhe would definitely Forget it.That being the case, all she has to do is to do her best to complete this task.

"Yes, I'll call and ask now."

"Then as soon as possible, I will wait for your news."

"it is good."

Cai Shishi nodded, and when he was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly asked, "Director, are you in Zhongzhou City now?"

"Yes, I'm at the Hilton Hotel. After you inquire about it, come here directly. Anyway, work will start tomorrow. If you say you have nothing to do, just follow us back." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"it is good!"

After finishing the call, Zhao Shanhe walked over, and under Li Shanfeng's anxious eyes, he said gently: "Mr. Li, I've asked someone to ask about this matter, and I believe there will be news soon. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Li Shanfeng immediately stood up excitedly, stretched out his hands towards Zhao Shanhe, held them and said excitedly: "Director Zhao, you have really helped me a lot. If this is done, you will be ours!" Benefactor of the whole family."

"From now on, you can ask me to do anything, even the patent right of this valve lock plate, I can give you free use."

"Thank you, I will accept it. As for the free use of patent rights, forget it!"

Zhao Shanhe patted the back of Li Shanfeng's hand with his right hand, and said with a smile: "Now is the time when you need money the most. How can I claim your patent right for nothing? Isn't that taking advantage of others' danger?"

"Don't worry, I will only pay more and not less for the transfer fee. Even if you spend all your expenses in the US, you can contact me at any time, and I will help you solve your worries."

"Really?" Li Shanfeng's eyes widened in disbelief.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe nodded heavily, and said slowly: "Believe me, I don't have any other ideas, I just want to help you purely. I don't want people like you and Mrs. Ling to be defeated by illness like this. Our country is ruined." Waiting for Xing, it is the time when you need to stand up and make contributions, so you can't have any accidents."

"thanks, thanks."

Li Shanfeng was so excited beyond words.

"Dong dong!"

Just then someone knocked on the door suddenly.

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