Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 754 It's against you!

"Uncle, I'm here."


The moment they heard this voice, Zhao Shanhe and the others couldn't help but put down the chopsticks in their hands.The voice was so familiar, it belonged to Zhou Angong.It's just that no one could have imagined that Zhou Angong would come here at this time.

Just when everyone was hesitating, Zhou Angong had already lifted the cotton curtain and walked in, carrying large and small bags of presents in his hand. He put the gifts on the ground as soon as he came in, and scanned the audience with a smile on his face.

"They're all here, Uncle and Concubine, Uncle and Concubine, and Aunt."

Zhou Angong called out to a circle of people.

Facing Zhou Angong's approach, none of the people present moved.They looked at Zhou Angong with contempt in their eyes, even Zhao Yonghao didn't speak up.

Your Zhou family has done such a great job, what are you doing here now?

Sensing that the atmosphere in the room was a little frozen, Zhou Angong's face was a little embarrassed, but he didn't intend to turn around and leave, but took a deep breath, and said, resisting the panic in his heart: "Uncle and concubine, my parents Let me give you some New Year's goods, come to see you by the way, and ask when you will return to Yangpo Town."

"New Year's gift?"

Zhao Yonghao didn't speak, it was Zhao Shanhe who spoke.

In this kind of situation, since Zhao Yong finally refused to speak, then the one who spoke could only be Zhao Shanhe.

After he glanced over, he said expressionlessly: "Zhou Angong, there is no need to give New Year's goods. Our family does not lack these New Year's goods. As for when we will return to Yangpo Town for the New Year, we haven't decided yet."

"Shanhe, I was thinking that if we go back, we can be together so that grandma and grandpa can be more lively." Zhou Angong smiled a little embarrassedly.


Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"Are you sure grandparents will feel the excitement there? Which of these two times did you go without making trouble, and which time did you go without causing trouble? So I see, let's forget it together, it's better to go separately."

"Mountains and rivers..."

Zhou Angong wanted to speak, but Zhao Shanhe raised his hand to interrupt.

"We are preparing for dinner. If you say there is nothing to do, go first."


Zhou Angong glanced around, and when he found no one to keep him, he smiled bitterly.

"Then I'll go back first, Uncle and Concubine, Uncle and Concubine, and Auntie, take your time."

Said Zhou Angong turned around and left.

"An Gong, wait!"

At this moment, Lin Chunyan stood up, took out a few gift boxes from the back room, and said with a smile, "An Gong, take these back to your parents."

"Young lady, no need." Zhou Angong quickly waved his hands and declined.

"Take it!"

Lin Chunyan forcibly pushed her past and said, "Angong, go back and tell your parents that you can go to Yangpo Town whenever you want, and don't worry about us."

"it is good!"

Zhou Angong was carrying the gift box, and found that Lin Chunyan had no intention of keeping him, so he could only leave embarrassingly.It wasn't until after walking far away that I couldn't help but sigh.


He really regretted it so much that his intestines were green, not to mention that Zhao Shanhe and the others didn't have anyone to keep him, even if someone did, he would have no face to stay.

Back then, when Zhao Shanhe indirectly helped him through his aunt, he chose to betray because of his obsession.At any time, no one will give the slightest mercy to the betrayer.

"The relationship can only be eased slowly."

Looking at the gift box in his hand, Zhou Angong left helplessly.

With Zhou Angong's departure, the atmosphere in the room fell into a state of silence, and the first person to speak to break the silence was not Zhao Yongrui, but Zhao Yongjun.

"I heard that my eldest sister's family is having a hard time. Although the house is saved, they still owe a whole body of debts. Zhou Angong also divorced Huang Yingying, and now he is also a homeless person. If things continue like this, I am afraid that life will not be as good today." It will be very sad. Do you think we will just watch like this?"

Zhao Yongjun looked at Zhao Yonghao, and said with a heavy heart: "Then it's our eldest sister!"


Zhao Yongrui quit when she heard this, she looked over and said with contempt in her eyes: "Third brother, I disagree with what you said, she is our eldest sister, but has she really done what an elder sister should do? Apart from thinking about the whole Zhou family, she doesn't have brothers and sisters like our natal family in her eyes."

"Don't talk about things far away, let's talk about things near. If it weren't for her, would Zhou Angong have betrayed Shanhe? If she had said she would stand up to the end, would Zhou Angong dare to betray without hesitation?"

"Betrayed Shanhe, betrayed me, and you still say she is our eldest sister. Is there anyone like her as an eldest sister?"

Zhao Yongrui took a sip of the Jianlibao jar in front of her, put it down angrily, and said, "As for the difficult life now, let me tell you, I was much more sad than her when I got divorced. Didn't I carry it all the same?" gone."

"Besides, why is she sad now? The money I gave them should at least give them a place to live? The house has been kept, and the rest is nothing more than paying off the debt."

"Could it be that they did something wrong and didn't even want to pay the price of repaying the debt?"

"I didn't mean that, I..."

Zhao Yongjun waved his hands and quickly explained: "I just feel that the elder sister is a little sad like this, and I want to see if we can help her. I have no other intentions, Shanhe, don't think too much."

"Third uncle, I understand what you said, let's have dinner!" Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and changed the subject lightly.

"Yes, eat."

Zhao Shankai raised the wine glass in front of him and said to Zhao Yonghao, "Master, I would like to offer you a glass of wine."

"it is good!"

Soon the atmosphere at the dinner table became lively again.

After lunch, Zhao Yongrui got up to say goodbye and left. She still had a lot of work to do, so it was impossible to stay here all the time.

Zhao Yongjun's family also went back, and as soon as they got home, Zhao Shankai suddenly said, "Dad, what were you thinking just now, why did you want to speak for Zhou Angong?"

"How can I speak for Zhou Angong? I'm helping your aunt, okay? What kind of words are you talking about? It's your aunt, dear aunt! She's living in such a difficult life now, don't I? Shouldn't you help me say something nice?" Zhao Yongjun's expression darkened when he heard this question.

"Help say something nice?"

Zhao Shankai didn't shrink back like before, but stood in front of him without fear, stared into Zhao Yongjun's eyes, and said calmly: "Dad, do you think our family is better now, so you start to have feelings in your heart?" Any other ideas?"

"What do you mean? Do you talk to me like this? Believe it or not, I will slap you with my mouth." Zhao Yongjun glared angrily.

"Slap me one and see, it's against you!"

Who would want to hear this, before Zhao Shankai could speak, the old mother next to him put her hands on her hips and shouted at Zhao Yongjun: "You are so talented! You dare to speak like this, why don't I know you are still so stubborn?" ?”


Zhao Yongjun's tone froze.

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