"My reason is that the time has not come."

The time has not come?

Hearing this reason, Du Jingming couldn't help being stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Leader, I think the city will consider me to take over the Red Star Machinery Factory. It should be because my Hetu Manufacturing is developing well, and my Shanqiu Food and Zhaoxiaobai Winery are also in a healthy state of development. Even Even the glass factory that was just won is now in the profitable stage, am I right?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Du Jingming didn't mean to deny this at all, and nodded frankly.

"That's what the city thinks. The city thinks your ability is good, and you also have the qualifications and background to do so. If you come to take over Red Star Machinery, I believe you can lead this factory out of the predicament."

"Yeah, if I really let me lead, I may be able to turn Red Star Machinery over, but the problem is that doing so may drag down all the factories I own now."

"Because if I want to do it, I have to use the profits of all the factories now to fill this hole, and this hole seems to me to be a bottomless pit, at least for now."

Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to hide it, and said bluntly: "Red Star Machinery Factory originally had a lot of problems, so it was already in trouble last year. If it wasn't for cooperating with me and relying on my help, they would even buy There is no funding for the production line.”

"As for now, the problem is bigger."

"But what about me? I'm not the idiot boy who rode a tricycle to buy shaved ice. If you gave me the chance then, I would definitely follow. But not now, I want to do it for the workers under me For your sake, I have no reason to say that because I want to help Hongxing Machinery, let them all be displaced, right?"

"Is that an exaggeration?" Du Jingming smiled sarcastically.

"Leader, did you say there is?" Zhao Shanhe looked over with sharp eyes.

"Okay, maybe you are right, but this matter is not as serious as you think. The city just has such an idea, and it doesn't mean that the Red Star Machinery Factory must be forced to you. The state-owned enterprises in the city I still have other ideas about the restructuring. You, at best, it’s just a consideration.”

After Du Jingming said this, Zhao Shanhe immediately took over.

"Say it earlier, if I had known the meaning in the city earlier, would I still need to explain so much here? Okay, then I can rest assured. Besides, leader, I think this matter will be left to others, for you It's also beneficial."

"It's good for me? What good?" Du Jingming asked in surprise.

"Think about it, whether it's Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, or Zhao Xiaobai Winery, aren't these all the achievements of our Zhenghe County? It's an excellent company created during your reign."

"If all these companies are suddenly in trouble due to the drag of Hongxing Machinery, think about it, what will you have to face then?" Zhao Shanhe said pointedly.

Du Jingming couldn't help being shocked.

You are right!

The bankruptcy of several excellent companies will directly lead to the disorder of the economic system, bring about many unstable factors, and increase the number of unemployed... Just thinking about this makes Du Jingming feel a headache.

"Okay, let's leave it at that!"

Du Jingming decided to push back.

Noticing the change in Du Jingming's attitude, Zhao Shanhe slowly relaxed the tension in his heart. What he feared most was Du Jingming's seriousness.Because if this guy gets serious, he will try every means to force himself to take over.

But the problem is, now is really not the most suitable time to take over Hongxing Machinery Factory.

So many workers have to be placed.

So many devices to replace.

So much foreign debt to pay off.

The most important thing is that Zhao Shanhe doesn't think that the executives of Hongxing Machinery Factory will think about letting go, and if they say that they can't adjust, no matter how loud the slogan of restructuring is, it can only be empty talk.

Instead of being dragged down by this inferior factory, it is better to move forward steadily.

My Hetu manufacturing is no weaker than any machinery factory!

After the two talked for a while, Du Jingming suddenly changed the topic.

"I heard from Ruoqing that your ten-dollar donation organization has done very well recently. It has donated money to build many hope primary schools in many impoverished areas, right?"


Mentioning this matter, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being proud, and it was a pride that didn't need to be concealed.

"Ruoqing has done a very good job. If there is no supervision by her, I will have to work hard. Now that she is here, not only can all the donations be implemented without any loss, the most important thing is, The quality of the primary schools built is undeniable.”

"Leader, the girl you cultivated is amazing!"

As Zhao Shanhe said, he gave Du Jingming a thumbs up sincerely.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Du Jingming immediately laughed.

"No matter how well trained you are, you must have a stage where you can display your ambitions, right? You gave her this opportunity, so I should say thank you. If it wasn't for you, she might be busy doing something now."

"This is what I should do, not to mention that Ruoqing and I are still friends." Zhao Shanhe said nonchalantly.

"Friends are good, and friends should help each other."

Du Jing said pointedly: "You think so?"


The two smiled at each other.

Ten minutes later, the two got up and separated. Seeing Zhao Shanhe's back disappearing from his eyes, Du Jingming let out a long breath, then got in the car Gu Changbei drove over, and said to Gu Changbei : "Zhao Shanhe didn't agree."

"No? Why? Could it be that he doesn't want to take down the Hongxing Machinery Factory? It's a piece of fat. If he says he can eat it, it will be good for his development." Gu Changbei drove Che, asked with an incredulous expression on his face.

"You, you have to know how much appetite you have to eat. Zhao Shanhe can eat this piece of fat now, but the problem is, what if he chokes to death while eating? It's not worth it !"

Du Jingming smiled lightly.

"Actually, I'm very happy that he didn't agree, because it shows that his head is still very clear, and he didn't say that he was inflated and unconscious by the stimulation of his current grades. This kind of Zhao Shanhe is the most trustworthy."

"Then if he doesn't agree now, what should we do in the city?" Gu Changbei asked.

"be honest."

Du Jingming looked at the night scene outside the window calmly, and said slowly: "This matter is not as simple as you think. Hongxing Machinery is such a big factory after all, how could it be so simple to hand it over to Zhao Mountains and rivers?"

"Just wait, what will happen to this matter in the end? Let's stay calm and wait and see what happens!"


That night, when Zhao Shanhe returned home, he didn't even have time to put down his purse, and was wrapped around his neck by Li Qiuya. After hearing what Li Qiuya said, Zhao Shanhe froze on the spot.

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